Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 68: Little Kids

Note: Hey guys, life's been hectic and I don't have the time to keep up with human translation. Since no one else has picked it up after all these months, I'm switching to AI translation so we can at least finish the story.

It's a much better AI than some out there, but it'll still have its moments, you know? Honestly, though, I think something is better than nothing for a novel stuck on hiatus.

Hope you all understand and enjoy the rest of the story!

Teacher Liu went back to the teachers' lounge and saw the principal and other teachers crowded by the window.

Everyone was smiling and laughing, like they were watching something very funny.

Teacher Liu walked over. The teachers' lounge had a view of the playground, so they could keep an eye on the children.

On the slide, a little boy she hadn't seen before was sitting at the top, with no expression on his face. The child in front of him pushed off and slid down with a whoosh, leaving behind a trail of giggles.

But this boy seemed to be stuck. He was like a magnet, creating a lot of friction with the slide. He got stuck at the very top, then used his arms to push himself down, little by little.

He looked like a giant snail going down the slide. Suddenly, a child shouted, "Come on, little brother!"

Then a whole group of children joined in: "Come on, little brother! Come on, little brother!"

Anyone watching would think they were having a serious competition!

Even the usually serious principal was laughing so hard he could barely stand up. He kept saying, "Children should play more! We need to have more playground equipment, especially slides!"

Kang was so angry he could barely breathe. He was never going to play on this stupid slide again.

Of course, it wasn't his first time on a slide. He had a whole villa full of toys when he was a child. It wasn't just slides – the entire villa was designed by a world-famous toymaker. There was a slide that went all the way from the third floor to the bottom.

But that slide was high quality! This school slide was nothing compared to that.

Kang was so angry he wanted to smash the slide to pieces. He had made a fool of himself, and all the other children were going to laugh at him.

But when he finally reached the bottom, he saw another child climbing the ladder. This one was a short, chubby boy. But instead of pushing off and sliding down, he copied Kang and inched his way down the slide.

The other children were still cheering: "Come on! You can do it!"

Kang was surprised. Don't children make fun of each other anymore?

Yuan Yuan pulled Kang back into line for another turn.

Some of the children in line inched down the slide like him, while others pushed off and zoomed down with their arms raised.

Some children were so eager that they didn't even wait for the person in front of them to get off the slide. So you would have two children slowly sliding down together.

The whole playground was filled with laughter, like this was the most fun anyone had ever had.

As Kang waited in line, all the laughter seemed to seep into his body with every breath he took. His steps became lighter.

Teacher Liu came out of the teachers' lounge and saw Kang, who usually looked so unhappy on the slide. But this time, he climbed the ladder, pushed off with his hands, and zoomed down just like the other children.

He got up and said, "That was pretty good."

Teacher Liu was happy for him. She had been worried about Kang, who always seemed so distant. She wanted to help him, but he was very smart. If she interfered, he might just resist even more.

So, she held herself back, even though it was hard for a teacher to do nothing. Sometimes she wondered if she was just making excuses for herself.

But now, seeing Kang let go of his reservations, play with the other children, and have fun, she felt a huge sense of relief.

Kang was having fun when he saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

He panicked. Teacher Liu couldn't see him like this! He quickly ducked down, trying to hide.

Luckily, Teacher Liu didn't stay long. Once she was gone, Kang came out and continued playing.

This group of children was much better than the last one, Kang thought to himself as he made plans to play with them again tomorrow.

When Kang returned to the classroom, he saw Teacher Parrot listening to a few children talking.

Teacher Parrot was more like a counselor. He listened to the children talk about their worries and their joys. If anything seemed serious, he would tell Teacher Liu.

Teacher Parrot saw Teacher Liu as his boss. She was very serious about her work at the school.

When Kang walked in, Teacher Parrot was sitting in a circle with the children, sharing their thoughts and feelings.

This was an activity that Teacher Liu and Teacher Parrot did together. There was a pencil holder on the teacher's desk with a bunch of colorful crayons in it. If a child had something they wanted to talk about, they would take a crayon and wait their turn.

Teacher Parrot would then lead the children who had taken a crayon in a circle. There was a stool in the middle of the circle for the child who wanted to share. The other children would listen and talk with them.

Kang had always disliked children. They seemed like wild animals to him.

Of course, adults could be wild too. But adults wore clothes and knew how to lie. Children were just openly cruel.

But now, he didn't feel so negatively toward them.

He even had a new thought: maybe the reason he had only met badly-behaved children before was because he hadn't been in the right environment. Now things were different.

Kang went up to the teacher's desk and took a crayon.

Teacher Parrot, being a very professional teacher, said, "Kang, please sit down and wait your turn."

The child who was sharing was a little girl. She sat on the stool and said, "Yesterday was my birthday. My mom bought me a big blue whale toy. It's even bigger than I am!"

"It's so soft, like a marshmallow."

"I even licked it last night. But it wasn't as sweet as a marshmallow."

Everyone listened attentively. No one interrupted her.

Kang looked at the little girl, then at the other children. This is what they worry about? Their moms love them too much?

But then, the mood shifted. The little girl said, "But my grandma said my mom wasted her money. They got in a big fight."

The little girl's head drooped. "Does anyone want to buy a blue whale? It's really, really big. You can hug it while you sleep. My mom says that blue whales are the biggest animals in the world. No matter what's happening around them, they just keep swimming. When you see a blue whale, you realize how small your problems are."

The little girl was trying hard to sell her blue whale toy.

Kang was an adult, and he couldn't understand what was happening.

This little girl was only four years old. She must be scared and sad after what happened.

But instead of dwelling on her sadness, she was trying to solve the problem.

Kang suddenly understood what his father meant when he said that girls are just as smart and capable as boys.

The little girl continued her sales pitch: "It even comes with a baby blue whale!"

Kang looked up and realized that children understand more than we think, and they're adorable.

He finally understood why adults think children are cute.

And yet, here he was, a man worth billions, sitting with a crayon in his hand, frowning along with the other children, because none of them could afford to buy the blue whale.

How tragic.


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