Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 45: This Girl Is A Little Strange

Shen Mo's eyes turned a few shades colder.

"How did you figure it out?" he asked.

The rules never mentioned any of this.

Bai Youwei smiled faintly and looked at Shen Mo. "Actually, you've already noticed it, haven't you? The observer in this game has been deliberately avoiding the rules related to the frog."

Shen Mo didn't say anything, which was considered a tacit agreement.

"The players have one minute to prepare, and the observer counts down the time every time. There are only 20 seconds to find the golden ball. It's such a crucial part, but it doesn't count down the time. Isn't that strange?"

As Bai Youwei spoke, the corners of her pink lips curved up in a cold smile.

"There's no countdown because there's no time limit at all. The observer assumes that we'll be eaten by the frog, so it gives us a time frame of 20 seconds. In fact, the time it takes to find the golden ball will vary depending on how fast the frog appears. That's why you had the idea to kill the frog. Because as long as the frog is dead, we'll have unlimited time, and we'll find the golden ball sooner or later."

Shen Mo took a deep look at her.

He hadn't expected her to guess almost everything he was thinking.

He originally thought that she was just sharp and clever, but now… he felt that this girl was a little strange.

"Tell me about Zhang Hua," Shen Mo asked her. "What was Zhang Hua thinking?"

The smile on Bai Youwei's lips faded slightly, and she thought for a moment.

"Zhang Hua… he probably figured it out in the third round. The game settings need to be balanced. Since the frog will feel hungry, then accordingly, the frog will also feel full. What would happen if we fed it a few more bugs? Zhang Hua wanted to try."

"Just to try?" Shen Mo sneered. "It was all speculation. Didn't he think that he might fail?"

Bai Youwei looked at him seriously. "Actually, I think… his chances of success were very high."

Shen Mo raised his eyebrows, his expression unreadable, but Bai Youwei could see the displeasure in his eyes.

"Again, the game needs to be balanced," she said slowly. "Not everyone is as brave and fearless as you. The game has to leave room for others. For example, the middle-aged businessman in the last Tortoise and Hare game, he wasn't very fast, and he wasn't very smart, but he was unscrupulous enough. If he hadn't been pushed out of the finish line at the last minute, he would have passed the game…"

Shen Mo's eyes turned completely cold. "Unscrupulous… So, the game wants to tame us into that kind of people?"

Bai Youwei looked into his eyes and knew that she had angered him with her words, so she simply shut her mouth.

At this juncture, she didn't want to argue with him.

The golden ball swayed out from some corner, flew around ostentatiously, and counted the number of people.

"The current game has failed. There are eight surviving players. Now entering the fifth round of 'The Frog's Golden Ball'. Please be prepared! One minute countdown, 59, 58, 57…"

Eight surviving players.

—Bai Youwei, Shen Mo, Tan Xiao, Teacher Cheng, Brother Hui, Monkey, Zhang Hua, and a middle-aged fatty who had been hiding in his shell the whole time.

Heavy casualties.

With so few people left, how could they find the ball? Teacher Cheng was unconscious, Zhang Hua was nowhere to be seen, the fatty was too scared to do anything, and as for Bai Youwei, her legs were crippled, making her completely immobile.

The fewer people there were, the more difficult it was to find the ball. As for killing the frog…

Fighting a monster in the mud was physically draining.

Bai Youwei was right. What he needed most now was rest.

"Boss, what do we do?" Tan Xiao asked, glaring at him from afar.

Unknowingly, Shen Mo had become the backbone of these people.

Shen Mo looked down at Bai Youwei beside him, then raised his arm and said indifferently, "Rest."


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