Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 40: These People

Last round, the frog appeared and left in 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

This time, it was only 47 seconds.

Why was the time shorter?

Was it because the frog was injured and left early? If that was the case, it meant Shen Mo had bought them two and a half minutes of breathing time.

The tense atmosphere in the cave eased slightly after a moment of silence. The people in the mud cautiously lifted their heads, and those in the snail shells slowly crawled out. Everyone looked around—

It was quiet.

There was no frog, and no golden ball.

…Were they safe?

Tan Xiao was the first to get up, his eyes darting around. “Where’s the ball? Does it still count if we find it now?”

“The ball was buried in the mud when the frog burrowed in.” A young man next to Brother Hui chimed in.

Tan Xiao recognized him. He was tall and thin like Brother Hui, with a small head, big ears, long arms, and long legs. That’s why his nickname was Monkey.

There was also a short one nicknamed Citou.

Tan Xiao craned his neck and looked around, asking curiously, “Where’s Citou?”

Brother Hui and Monkey’s faces immediately turned ugly.

Tan Xiao also realized belatedly that he had asked a stupid question, and his expression froze.

At a time like this, if someone was missing, besides being eaten by the frog, what other reason could there be?

It wasn’t just Citou who was eaten.

A middle-aged woman cried out in grief, “I knew we shouldn’t have come out of the snail shells! Why did we have to look for the ball? What’s the difference between that and sending ourselves to our deaths… If it wasn’t for helping you find the ball, my Old Wu wouldn’t have died…”

The fat man on the other side also echoed, “The frog came out so fast, there was no time to dodge! You said it nicely, let’s work together, but isn’t it just to have a live target when you guys want to play hero?!”

These words were truly malicious.

Bai Youwei raised her eyebrows coldly, her eyes dark as she stared at these people.

These people…

When she was in danger, these cowards only knew how to pretend to be asleep! Even if they died here, they deserved it. What right did they have to blame others?!

“What’s in your brains? Shit?!” Tan Xiao jumped out like a firecracker and cursed, “I risked my life to find the ball to play hero?! Why don’t you try saying that again?!”

The fat man kept silent, and the woman sobbed softly.

Tan Xiao was furious. He pointed at them and cursed, “And you said it was to help us find the ball! So you think you can get out of here alive without finding the ball?! Let me tell you! Without the ball! None of us can escape! We’re all going to die!!!”

He saw Cheng Wei mumbling to himself in the corner again, and became even angrier. He roared, “Old man! What are you muttering about?! Do you also think that we’re the ones who got people killed?! Huh?!”

Teacher Cheng was startled and quickly waved his hand. “No, no! This… There will be sacrifices because the frog came out too suddenly. Our original plan was very stable, there was no problem. Even if we want to investigate the responsibility, it should be the frog and this game that are fully responsible. Everyone has lost loved ones, so it’s understandable that their emotions are a little agitated, understandable, understandable…”

He paused, then added in a kind voice, “I was just calculating the time. This time, the frog came out quickly and left quickly, so I wanted to calculate…”

“Then did you figure it out?” Tan Xiao asked impatiently.

Teacher Cheng shook his head ashamedly. “No… No…”

Tan Xiao frowned even more deeply. “Aren’t you a teacher?!”

Teacher Cheng said, “I teach Chinese.”

Tan Xiao was speechless.

At this moment, Shen Mo, who had been silent, spoke up. “The frog did come out very quickly this time. If it’s the same next time, our original plan won’t work.”

His voice was very calm and indifferent, as if he didn’t care about the accusations just now.

Tan Xiao scratched his head and said irritably, “This frog is acting crazy! Who knows when it’ll be fast or slow!”


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