Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 6: The Surefire Way to Win

“Little white rabbit, white, white—what does it even mean?”

Her brain raced as her feet pounded the ground.

The first person sprinted ahead, not sparing a moment for thought as they crossed the left finish line.

The second person hesitated at the signpost, glancing at the first before looking back at the approaching rabbits. Not daring to waste time, they too chose the left.

The third person paused, hesitated for two seconds, then ran towards the right finish line…

One by one, they reached their destinations.

As time went on, the pressure intensified, leaving no room for contemplation. Some went left, others right.

“It’s the right side,” Bai Youwei whispered, clinging to Shen Mo’s back. “Little white rabbit, white, white, two ears standing upright! The answer is lane 2, the right side!”

Shen Mo picked up speed and dashed across the right finish line!

The last few people arrived soon after.

Those on the left finally came to their senses, realizing their mistake. They tried to turn back, only to find an invisible barrier separating the two lanes. They couldn't get through!

At that moment, the chasing rabbits surged into lane 1! Like a churning white tide, they brought with them a salty, pungent, and cold wind!

Screams erupted, curses flew, a desperate struggle for survival ensued!

Then came the hopeless run.

The track was a circle, and with barriers on both sides, those who missed the finish line had no choice but to keep running forward, pursued relentlessly by the crazed rabbits!

The girl with glasses sat on the ground, tears streaming down her face, unable to bear the sight of death and injury. She cried out to those still running, her voice a silent plea: "Faster… Run faster…"

But it was too late, too late…

Sprinting 200 meters was already pushing their physical limits. To run further meant slowing down, and the rabbits would show no mercy. They would catch up—biting, tearing, ripping off chunks of flesh!

Agonized screams echoed across the field, the ground painted crimson with blood.

People thrashed and rolled, their bodies stripped of skin, turning into bloody figures. Then, from the raw, red flesh, white fur sprouted like thorns!

More and more white hair, thicker and thicker! Finally, they transformed into crazed giant rabbits, eyes bloodshot!

On this sunny, breezy field, everyone felt a bone-chilling cold.

They had just witnessed their companions, transformed into rabbits right before their eyes!

In the distance, the rabbit-headed man beckoned, his voice clear as day: "Players, please return to the starting line for the second round."

The second round…

Their faces were pale as sheets.

Unable to refuse, afraid to resist, with no time to calm their terrified hearts, they shuffled back like lifeless puppets.


At this moment, they were nothing more than puppets in the hands of the rabbit-headed man, stripped of their freedom and will.

Bai Youwei clung to Shen Mo's back, her heart sinking like a stone.

There were 17 of them when they first arrived. Now, after just one round, only 9 remained…

Could she and Shen Mo really survive three rounds of this?

"Slow down a little," Bai Youwei murmured to Shen Mo. "Slow down, catch your breath."

"I still have some energy left," Shen Mo replied in a low voice. "It's the questions that are troublesome."

The difficulty was one thing, but the real killer was the time limit.

Those people earlier, driven by panic and fear, probably didn't even have time to process the question, let alone make a rational decision.

From the moment they saw the question to the moment they crossed the finish line, they had at most two to three seconds! Any longer and the rabbits would catch up! In the end, it wasn't knowledge that was being tested, but pure reflex!

Bai Youwei mumbled, "The track is 400 meters long. If we choose the wrong finish line and can't turn back, we'll have to run another 400 meters to reach the correct one. That means running 600 meters at top speed. Unless we're professional athletes, it's impossible."

Not to mention Shen Mo was carrying her. If they missed the 200-meter mark, their fate was sealed – they would become rabbits…

"Who knows what the next question will be," Shen Mo said.

Bai Youwei slowly shook her head. "It doesn't matter what the question is, what matters is the order. There's a way to win this game with absolute certainty."

Shen Mo's steps faltered. "Win with absolute certainty?"

"Yes," Bai Youwei whispered, observing the others' expressions. "And it's very likely… that someone has already figured it out."


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