Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 4: The Right Finish Line

The finish line echoed the starting line, marked by a translucent board.

Because it was translucent, no one noticed it before.

The finish line board was the same length as the track. It was unclear what material it was made of, but it was suspended high in the air. Now pointed out by the rabbit-headed man, two extremely thick black characters appeared on the board: Finish Line.

Below the words "Finish Line" were two arrows, one pointing to Lane 1 on the left and the other to Lane 2 on the right.

There are usually six or eight lanes on a track and field track, but there are only two here.

"The track is 200 meters long. Pass the correct finish line to enter the next round. The game ends after three rounds." The rabbit-headed man explained the rules.

"Will those rabbits run with us?" Shen Mo glanced at the rabbits not far away.

"Of course." The rabbit-headed man maintained his gentle tone. "Rabbits are an important part of the tortoise and hare race. Players must avoid being caught by the rabbits."

Bai Youwei pursed her lips and asked cautiously, "What happens if we get caught?"

The rabbit-headed man did not answer.

Although it didn't give an answer, somehow Bai Youwei felt like it was laughing…

The woman hiding behind her husband asked tremblingly, "Do… do they bite?"


The others slandered in their hearts: Look at those teeth, let alone biting, it wouldn't be surprising to say that they eat people!

"Okay, everyone, that's it for the rules. Please follow me to the starting line. The race is about to begin." The rabbit-headed man turned around and walked towards the starting line with his top hat in one hand.

The crowd looked at each other, hesitant.

The charred corpse was still on the ground, faintly emitting a burnt smell. The sun was shining, and the translucent finish line board in the distance reflected a brilliant light, as if beckoning and calling to everyone.

Finally, unable to resist the fear in their hearts, they dragged their heavy steps and followed the rabbit-headed man step by step.

Shen Mo looked down at Bai Youwei, "It should be faster to run with you on my back than to hold you, but if you're afraid of those rabbits, I can hold you."

The rabbits were clearly aggressive. If they attacked from behind, the back and legs would be vulnerable.

"Let's do it on your back." Bai Youwei also calmed down. "Running requires not only speed, but also balance, and the agility to avoid rabbits. It would be very troublesome for you to hold me."

The two stopped and adjusted their posture, Bai Youwei lying on Shen Mo's back.

They fell to the back of the line.

"Are you scared?" Shen Mo asked her.

"Scared." Bai Youwei answered in a muffled voice.

No one could be fearless in the face of this.

She asked Shen Mo in a low voice, "What about you, are you scared? If those rabbits run very fast…"

If they ran very fast, he would undoubtedly be burdened with her on his back.

Shen Mo carried Bai Youwei's legs and walked forward steadily, "Remember what the rabbit-headed man said just now? He said that there are three rounds in the race. If the rabbits are very fast, one round can end the race, there's no need to set three rounds."

Bai Youwei was a little surprised. She didn't expect Shen Mo to have analyzed it to this point.

She looked towards the starting line ahead.

Those giant rabbits looked hideous, but upon closer inspection, one would find that the limbs of each rabbit were uncoordinated: limping, twitching, scratching the ground and kicking their legs. There were also a few with red eyes biting their own flesh, in a state of madness. If they ran, they might not be fast.

Bai Youwei thought for a while and whispered to Shen Mo, "The rabbit-headed man has been emphasizing passing the correct finish line, so if we want to win the race, we don't need to be the first, but first we need to run faster than the rabbits, and second is to find the correct finish line."

Shen Mo said upon hearing this, "Which side is the correct finish line?"

Bai Youwei was silent.

Since there are three rounds in the race, the finish line must be different each time, maybe on the left, maybe on the right. There should be clues in this 200-meter race.

Even if there is no hint, guessing blindly has a 50% chance of being correct.

The question now is, they don't know what the consequences of running to the wrong finish line will be.


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