Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 36: The Key Is

As soon as the words left her mouth, Tan Xiao let out a yelp of fear and threw himself onto a snail, holding it tightly!

The golden ball whizzed past him!

Thump! Thump! Thud!

A new round of "Dodgeball" began!

Mud splattered everywhere, loud noises reverberated through the cave. Bai Youwei curled up silently inside the snail shell, able to hear Tan Xiao's occasional yelps and curses from outside.

She couldn't hear anything from Shen Mo.

This man was really stubborn. He didn't need to push himself so hard. Wouldn't it be better to hide in the snail shell? Why did he always have to take on the responsibility of saving everyone?

Bai Youwei felt dissatisfied but knew she had no right to judge Shen Mo. If he were even a little selfish, she wouldn't be alive now.

The crashing sounds outside finally stopped.

Next came the time to search for the golden ball.

There was a countdown timer for the players' preparation time, but not for the 20 seconds of searching for the golden ball, making it easy to lose track of time. Bai Youwei started counting silently after the crashing stopped, her elbows propped against the inner wall of the snail shell as she slowly inched her way out.

"1, 2, 3, 4…"

Her legs were numb, making her movements clumsy. By the time she slid out of the snail shell, she had counted to 13, meaning there were only 7 seconds left before the frog emerged.

Bai Youwei grabbed onto the snail shell and started to climb up.

She first gripped the edge of the shell tightly, then used her arms and elbows to support her upper body, and slowly inched forward.

However, her body was wet and the snail shell was covered in mud. She would slip down after every climb. She began to miss the time when Shen Mo had effortlessly placed her on the snail.

After 20 seconds, the cave began to shake, and the snail was overturned. Bai Youwei took the opportunity to climb on top.

As her position became higher, her view also became clearer.

She saw Shen Mo and Tan Xiao digging in the mud. In the previous round, there were still a few strong young men helping, but this time it was only the two of them. Regardless of the danger and consequences, they kept digging deeper until the huge vibrations knocked them over. Only then did they retreat and find nearby snails for cover.

Shen Mo saw Bai Youwei lying on top of the snail shell, his eyes flickering slightly. He was about to warn her when the frogs emerged from the mud.

He had to keep quiet and used his eyes to caution Bai Youwei to be careful.

Bai Youwei lay quietly on the snail, looking at him for a moment before slowly shifting her gaze elsewhere.

She observed the terrain, the frogs, and the snails. There were only a few things in the cave, there had to be some kind of clue.

She saw some snail shells with a pair of feet sticking out, the person inside hiding and not moving, their mud-covered legs trembling uncontrollably. Just as she had said before, when the frogs appeared, they would flip the snails in the mud onto the ground.

Thinking about it this way, the existence of the frogs, rather than a punishment for failing the game, was more like a game reset, so that in the next round, the golden ball would also have enough snails as springboards.

So, the key was still the snails?

Bai Youwei already had a few ideas in mind, but she wasn't sure yet and might need to experiment more…

She looked again at the giant frog not far away.

It squatted lazily in the mud, its skin and flesh all soft and flabby, piled up in layers, oily green and shiny, in stark contrast to the dark gray mud.

Everyone was hiding from it, so it had no "bugs" to eat at the moment and seemed extremely bored.

Bai Youwei thought again: There shouldn't be only one way to break through the game. Just like difficult problems on an exam paper, there were always multiple solutions. If the frog couldn't eat any bugs, could the game be cleared?

…No, instead of thinking about what the frog would do, it was better to consider the Overseer's intention in setting up the game. Otherwise, the puzzle would always remain a puzzle.

Many thoughts ran through her mind, and she made various assumptions. Time passed unknowingly, and the frog, which had not eaten a single bug, began to dig into the wet mud and burrowed in.

The movement brought Bai Youwei back to her senses. She was in a daze for a moment.

Compared to her initial fear, she now seemed… to be truly immersed in the game.


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