Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

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Chapter 140: The Ghost's Rules

The Overseer's finger lightly tapped the air, and a long table draped in a white lace tablecloth appeared in the courtyard.

Its finger tapped the table again, and ten black cards were dealt out as if summoned.

Bai Youwei received card number 3.

Shen Mo received number 4.

Wu Lili and Zhang Qi received numbers 7 and 10, respectively.

The numbers on the cards only served as the speaking order and held no other significance.

No one knew what words were on anyone else's card.

Bai Youwei looked at her card and found it blank, without any words.

She wondered if it was for secrecy, and the words would only be revealed when the game officially started.

The Overseer began to announce the rules:

"Ten friends, you have received two different sets of words. Each person will take turns describing the words they received. After one round of descriptions, the ten players will vote for the person whose words are different from their own. The two people with the most votes will be eliminated."

Everyone held their breath, unwilling to miss a single detail.

The tall and slender Overseer stood at the head of the long table, casting a long, thin shadow. It looked at the faces before it, maintaining an elegant smile:

"There are three rules you must pay attention to.

First, during the description, you must not say any words contained in your word set.

Second, you must not use foreign languages, dialects, or codes to transmit information.

Third, the game ends when only players with the same word set remain.

Finally, the winning players will enter the wooden house to participate in the gathering."

Shen Mo frowned: "There are five spots. What happens if there are not enough players remaining when the game ends?"

"Teammates will be automatically revived," the Overseer said with a smile. "Players eliminated during the game are only temporarily eliminated. Once a teammate achieves final victory, their teammates will also qualify to participate in the gathering."

After it finished speaking, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

This rule meant that even if they were eliminated, they wouldn't necessarily lose.

The Overseer's blue eyes swept across everyone's faces. "Now, is everyone clear about the rules? If you have any questions, you can ask."

No one spoke.

Everyone was still digesting the information they had just received.

The Overseer curled its lips and said, "Then, let's officially begin—"

Everyone looked down at their cards.

Bai Youwei furrowed her brow because her card was still blank.

"Right," the Overseer suddenly spoke again. "I almost forgot. Before the game starts, I need to explain the Ghost's rules."

Everyone looked up at it in confusion.

"Two of you have no words on your cards," the Overseer smiled. "Those who receive blank cards are Ghosts. Ghosts can ally with any team, but only one of the two Ghosts can survive. The first Ghost to be eliminated cannot be revived."

Bai Youwei: "…"

"Alright, does anyone have any questions now?" the Overseer asked.

Bai Youwei wanted to curse.

If she asked a question now, wouldn't it be obvious to everyone that she was a Ghost?!

She bit her lower lip and turned to look at Shen Mo, not speaking, only looking at him with a grieving and pitiful expression.

Shen Mo raised an eyebrow slightly, seemingly understanding the meaning in her eyes: Are you the Ghost?

The game didn't allow private communication, not even secret codes, so Bai Youwei didn't say anything. She turned back, pouting unhappily.

Shen Mo understood: She's a Ghost.

He looked down at his own card, silently pondering how to get her to ally with his team.

"The game begins now—"

The Overseer smiled and looked to the right. "Number 1, please speak first."

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