Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 9: The Final Round

The third race –


The gunshot echoed, and everyone bolted from the starting line!

Although everyone sprinted with all their might, after a few dozen meters, their speed noticeably slowed!

Shen Mo unexpectedly rushed to the front, carrying Bai Youwei on his back, running in first place.

Bai Youwei was initially surprised, but after a little thought, she understood: Shen Mo had deliberately conserved his energy in the previous two rounds.

Although this was risky, it gave them a better chance of survival in the third round.

Panicked shouts and curses came from behind.

Bai Youwei turned her head and saw the middle-aged man's face pale as parchment, sweat pouring down his face, his eyes bloodshot! He had untied the belt from his waist and was now wielding it like a whip, lashing out at the people running ahead of him like a madman!

Those unfortunate enough to be hit either stumbled or fell directly! Even the chasing rabbits were hit a few times. They seemed to possess some intelligence and avoided the middle-aged man, choosing instead to pounce on the injured!

Two more people died.

Fortunately, Shen Mo was running at the front, far away from the middle-aged man. Otherwise, in this harsh survival environment, being whipped a few times would have unimaginable consequences.

"Wait for me! Wait for me!…" the middle-aged man desperately chased after them, the belt in his hand waving constantly. By now, there was no one left around him to use as a shield, only more and more rabbits!

He was able to persevere until now, truly a burst of potential. Bai Youwei originally thought he would die at the start of the race.

"Wait for me… I don't want to die, I know the answer!" The middle-aged man was reaching his limit. He ran desperately while shouting at the top of his lungs, "Whoever saves me, I'll tell them the answer! Wait for me aaaahhh…"

Whether or not this was his last struggle before death, someone was actually moved by his words and slowed down!

The yellow-haired man took off his T-shirt and threw it backwards with force! It landed squarely on a rabbit's head!

Whether it was sweat or blood on the shirt, the rabbit group went briefly berserk, all attacking the rabbit covered by the shirt!

The middle-aged man thus escaped death once again!

At this time, a new question was displayed on the finish line sign:

"Left!" To prove his worthiness of being saved, the middle-aged man shouted eagerly, "Rabbits give birth to a litter every month! The answer is 1! Choose the left track, number 1!!!"

The answer was given, but no one dared to believe it readily.

The yellow-haired man looked at the girl with glasses first.

Having learned from the previous round, the girl with glasses had been running along the outer edge of the track, keeping her distance from everyone.

The yellow-haired man then looked at Shen Mo, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Shen Mo, carrying a disabled person on his back, was undoubtedly the best choice to test the answer at this moment.

Bai Youwei had been wary of him. Seeing him approaching, she unhesitatingly took out the folding fruit knife from her pocket and flicked it open!

The yellow-haired man couldn't help but be taken aback.

But his expression quickly returned to normal, showing no fear towards the knife in Bai Youwei's hand.

The poor, disabled girl had no deterrent effect. Shen Mo said, "Give me the knife."

Bai Youwei handed it to him and said, "I happen to know this one. Rabbits have two uteruses. The answer is track number 2, on the right!"

Her voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and everyone else could hear it, but no one dared to believe it.

Who knew if she was lying to mislead the yellow-haired man?!

"Bear with it, it'll hurt a bit." Shen Mo suddenly said.

"What?" Bai Youwei didn't understand. Just as she was puzzled, her body suddenly lifted into the air!

Shen Mo had thrown her over his shoulder, directly into the right finish line!

With a thud! Bai Youwei felt like her bones were about to shatter!

But she couldn't care less about the pain and hurriedly got up to look for Shen Mo's figure – only to be met with a large group of rabbits, surging towards Shen Mo and the yellow-haired man like a white nightmare!


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