Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 72: Talk

Shen Mo came back soon.

Teacher Cheng and Tan Xiao followed behind him.

Bai Youwei was about to ask them about what happened upstairs when she heard a series of light footsteps coming down, thump, thump, thump…

Two male students rushed over, carrying a bag of rice and a bag of flour into the dorm room. They said, "Teacher Cheng, Brother Xiao, thank you! These are just a small token of our appreciation, please accept them! Thank you so much!"

They finished their words quickly and turned around to run back upstairs, not giving them a chance to refuse.

Bai Youwei was dumbfounded, "What's going on?"

They were just disgusted with Tan Xiao to death, and now they're calling him "Brother Xiao"?

How is she supposed to continue playing the villain with this script???

"One of their students got hurt, Teacher Cheng used a piece of mud." Shen Mo paused, then added, "The injury was sustained in the game."

Bai Youwei asked, "Was it serious?"

Tan Xiao gestured with his hand, his expression nervous, "There was a huge gash on his body, I don't know what kind of animal bit him, it's a miracle he's still alive!"

"Oh…" Bai Youwei tilted her head in thought, "Since he was able to come out of the game alive, it means they cleared the game… They have a prop? What kind?"

Tan Xiao was stunned, he hadn't thought of that.

Seeing his expression, Bai Youwei couldn't help but roll her eyes, "You guys are something else, you didn't even figure out what prop they have, yet you exposed your own prop first."

Teacher Cheng looked ashamed, "It was an emergency…"

The mud was given by Bai Youwei, they didn't tell her before using it, and they didn't get any information, it was really unreasonable.

"Forget it." Bai Youwei said lazily, "It's my fault for counting on you guys to gather information, I was too naive."

Tan Xiao: "…"

Teacher Cheng: "…"

They were speechless.

Shen Mo was used to it, he glanced at the two and spoke up for them, "It's not like we didn't find out anything, when I went up, Teacher Cheng and that Teacher Tu were having a good chat."

Bai Youwei: "That woman's surname is Tu?"

Teacher Cheng hurriedly added, "Yes, her surname is Tu, her name is Tu Dan, she's a teacher at Hangzhou High School, those kids are all her students, in their first year of high school. They also came to Yangzhou to seek refuge, but unexpectedly Yangzhou was covered in fog, everyone ran away, Teacher Tu had an injured student with her, it wasn't convenient to board the ship, so they were delayed here for a few days, recuperating and looking for medicine."

He finished in one breath, then looked at Bai Youwei.

Bai Youwei: "Oh…"

Teacher Cheng and Tan Xiao both breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Youwei: "Trying to fool a ghost?"

Teacher Cheng: "???"

The simple-minded old man was stunned and didn't react for a moment.

"A student is injured, it's not convenient to board the ship, so all the students give up seeking refuge and stay with him, is that something a teacher would do?" Bai Youwei curled her lip slightly, "A dozen students are all staying here, to say they have no ulterior motives, who would believe that."

No one in the room spoke.

Maybe they were ashamed to speak.

Bai Youwei glanced at them with disdain and said lazily, "Forget it, as long as they don't provoke me, they can have whatever ulterior motives they want."

Teacher Cheng finally reacted and said, "No, no, I think Teacher Tu is a very responsible person, she wouldn't harm her students, and she wouldn't harm us."

"Old Cheng, you can't judge a book by its cover." Tan Xiao patted Teacher Cheng's shoulder with a solemn expression, "The most important thing for us when we're wandering the world is one word! Be careful and you'll sail for ten thousand years!"

This time, Bai Youwei didn't even bother to roll her eyes.

How many words is that, please count again, okay?!

Shen Mo suddenly said, "Someone is coming."

Everyone was startled, then fell silent.

They only heard footsteps approaching, then a knock on the door, Teacher Tu's soft voice came from outside, "Mr. Shen, may I come in and have a word with you?"


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