Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 38: Shen Mo's Arrangement

As soon as the countdown began, Tan Xiao couldn't help but curse.

Zhang Hua looked thoughtfully at Shen Mo and Tan Xiao, didn't say anything, lowered his head and bent over to crawl back into the conch.

19 people, no one died in the second round.

Now the third round is about to begin, but only Shen Mo and Tan Xiao are willing to risk their lives, and all the others are hiding in the conch without exception—

Clearly everyone knew in their hearts that if they couldn't find the golden ball, even if they weren't eaten by the frog, they would be trapped here forever.

Everyone knew that.

But no one dared to come out!

The old man with gray temples rolled out of the conch, his thin body fell into the mud, and his mouth was filled with stinky mud!

He coughed anxiously and appealed to everyone again: "Don't give up! Cough cough cough! …We have 19 people, as long as each person finds a hole, there will be 19 holes, and the probability of finding the golden ball is very high! Cough, cough cough cough! …"

Tan Xiao scolded him: "Old man, you are courting death again! Go back quickly!"

Teacher Cheng said with all his strength: "One more person means more strength! We must not be intimidated, we must not be crushed! As long as we unite, we will definitely see hope!!!"

Tan Xiao raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, and pushed Teacher Cheng into the conch irritably!

"I said what's wrong with you old man? Stop making trouble, okay? Get in here! Get in, get in, get in!…"

Cheng Wei refused, and supported the conch and said earnestly to Tan Xiao: "Xiao Tan, people are mortal, I am old, and death is not a pity, but I can't watch everyone sit still! Take advantage of the fact that we have a lot of people now and we have an advantage, we must act quickly, otherwise, when everyone is soaked here for a long time, tired, hungry, sleepy, and have no strength, it will be even more difficult to get out!"

Although the old man was old, his mind was very clear.

Tan Xiao had a headache!

He is not afraid of arguing and fighting, but he is afraid of others reasoning, especially since the other party is a teacher, and there are baskets and baskets of reasoning! He couldn't refute at all!

Teacher Cheng continued: "The environment here is humid, hot, fishy and smelly. If you stay here for a long time, something will happen! Do you know how many parasites are on snails?! Do you know how many diseases parasites can cause?! Do you know how troublesome it is for people to get parasites once?! We can't hide in the snails and wait to die!"

I don't know if it was because they were persuaded by Cheng Wei, or because they were frightened by the parasites, some people crawled out of the conch one after another, men and women, old and young, and even a few gangsters headed by Brother Hui.

One of them said: "It's not that we want to wait for death, it's that the ball flies too fast, and there are so many holes smashed out, we can't find it at all."

Explaining that you are not really greedy for life and afraid of death will make everyone's faces less embarrassed.

Shen Mo said indifferently: "I will try my best to find the final landing point of the golden ball. Everyone should look around there, and the probability will be higher. After 20 seconds, no matter whether you find it or not, everyone will hide in the conch."

This is foolproof.

Find the ball, everyone clears the level together;

If you can't find the ball, you can save your life by hiding in the conch.

As long as they wait for the frog to leave, they will still have hope in the next round of the game.

Everyone exchanged glances, and they all acquiesced in Shen Mo's arrangement.

The golden ball high above didn't seem to care about the conversations and discussions of these people below. It continued the countdown with great interest: "…5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Haha~ The game, start!"

Bai Youwei had already been put into the conch by Shen Mo.

She curled up quietly in the conch shell, her palm gently stroking the inner wall, feeling the vibrations again and again, her heart became more and more peaceful…

Just hesitating, should I tell him?


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