Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 272: Searching the First Floor

Li Li found an old English book. The cover was worn, and pages were missing. Inside, it recorded many foreign folk tales.

Because they weren't fairy tales, many records were fragmented, some legends only a few sentences long.

Regarding the water monster, the book stated:

The water monster's home is deep underwater, and its home is filled with glittering treasures.

Only these two sentences.

Li Li spent more than two hours meticulously flipping through the book to the last page. Unfortunately, he didn't find any more information about the water monster.

The others also found nothing in the books they searched.

Similarly, they found no information on the Spring Bear or the Autumn Nail-Tooth Monster.

Of course, many books remained unread. Perhaps the remaining clues were hidden within those books, but they would need more time and energy to read all the books in the study.

This wasn't realistic. Without food and water, they couldn't continue to expend their resources like this.

Everyone gathered again in the attic.

Yan Qingwen said, "Summer begins at 3 PM. It's now 8 PM. If we still haven't found the treasure in three hours, summer will continue."

According to the game rules, the seasons changed every eight hours, but if the guests were still outside the door after eight hours, time would continue to stay in the corresponding season.

Li Li asked, "Have you found anything glittering?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Glittering is too broad a term," Bai Youwei said. "The mirrors in the house, the glass windows, the reflective silver forks and spoons, and even the eyes on these dolls' faces could all be considered glittering. Based on this alone, we can't pinpoint the target."

"Since it's something to be given to a guest, it must be special… Things like mirrors and glass shouldn't be it." Zhu Shu looked at everyone and hesitantly said, "How about we search again? We still have three hours, it should be enough…"

"We've searched almost eight hundred times. If we could find it, we would have found it by now." Su Man was very anxious. Although she said this, her hands kept rummaging through the clutter around her.

She pulled out a glass hourglass and muttered, "Does this count as glittering?"

Then she pulled out a small toy train, touched the metal locomotive, and asked, "Does this count?"

If anything glittering would do, then the scope was too wide.

"I still think the treasure is on the first floor." Li Li lowered his head. Because of his injury, his voice was weaker than usual. "The Spring Bear woke up, and it was really anxious about losing its two children. The bear was looking for plush cubs that looked like it. Then… the summer rain was so heavy, it was pitch black and we couldn't see where the treasure was. The emphasis on 'pitch black' can't be without reason. Every word in the nursery rhyme has a deeper meaning. We should look for the treasure in a pitch-black place."

"You mean search the first floor?" Tan Xiao stared wide-eyed. "The first floor is flooded!"

Li Li glanced at him. "If we wrap the flashlight in plastic wrap and dive into the water, it should be doable."

Tan Xiao was even more surprised: "Where would we get plastic wrap?"

"If there's no plastic wrap, we can use plastic bags instead," Yan Qingwen said. "I think Li Li's method is worth a try."

"The problem is, we don't have plastic bags either." Tan Xiao looked at them, his face full of confusion. "Almost everything we could use is on the first floor! But the first floor is flooded!"

Shen Mo thought for a moment, then stood up. "I can go down and have a look. Although I can't search for the 'treasure' in the dark, if I know the exact location and direction, it shouldn't be difficult to find things."

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