Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

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Chapter 15: Rest Stop

Half an hour later, Shen Mo and Bai Youwei arrived at a rest stop.

There were about twenty people gathered in the restaurant, men and women, old and young.

The staff who worked at the rest stop were nowhere to be seen.

When Shen Mo pushed the wheelchair in, everyone's eyes focused on the door. They were disappointed to see a man and a disabled girl.

Since the world had changed, people had been waiting for rescue. Whether it was a government-organized rescue force or a religious call for salvation, anything was better than the current confusion and despair.

Shen Mo glanced at the people in the restaurant, figuring that the situation at the rest stop was not optimistic either, so he pushed Bai Youwei to the supermarket next door.

The shelves in the supermarket were almost empty. They found an electrical outlet and charged the rabbit.

Although the charging setting was very basic, the charging method was quite high-tech. As long as the plush rabbit was leaning against the socket, it could be charged without a plug or contact.

He just didn't know how long it would take to fully charge.

This thing was not like ordinary electronic products that could display the percentage of battery. It all depended on the user's feeling. Bai Youwei felt it for a long time, but she couldn't feel anything.

"Describe it." Shen Mo said.

Bai Youwei asked him, "Do you have a swimming pool at home?"

Shen Mo: "Why?"

Bai Youwei: "It feels like using a thin water pipe to inject water into the swimming pool. Guess when it will be full?"

Shen Mo: "…"

Well, that was a very vivid description.

The charging took a long time. Bai Youwei was impatient to wait, so she picked up the rabbit and said she was going to the toilet.

She hated this involuntary physiological need.

The folding cane had to be hung on the side of the wheelchair, toilet paper and wet wipes were placed in the cloth pocket on the other side, and if she couldn't find a toilet seat, she had to bring her own small stool.

Shen Mo pushed Bai Youwei to the toilet and sighed with emotion, "This is the first time in my life that I've entered a women's toilet."

Bai Youwei said coldly, "It's just entering the women's toilet. I didn't ask you to take off a woman's pants."

After saying this, she thought of the past. Not only going to the toilet, but also scrubbing, bathing, and massage, all were helped by nurses and nannies. Now she had to rely on a man she didn't know at all.

She felt disgusted. She hated Shen Mo, and even more so, she hated herself.

"But taking off a woman's pants should be familiar to you, right?" Her mood worsened, and she became even more mean.

Shen Mo glanced at her lightly.

It was the first time he had taken off a woman's pants.

But it would be too naive to argue about this.

He knew very well that Bai Youwei's mood was fickle, and once she touched on a certain sensitive spot, she would become aggressive and sharp as a hedgehog.

It was really hard for her, with such a soft and cute appearance, she had to put on a fierce look, like a cat with fried fur.

Shen Mo smiled inwardly, pushed the wheelchair to find a relatively clean cubicle, and asked Bai Youwei, "Do you want to take it off sitting or standing?"

Bai Youwei tensed her face and bit her lower lip. In the end, she awkwardly took out a package from her side pocket and stuffed it into Shen Mo's hand.

"Put this on." She commanded coldly like an arrogant queen.

Shen Mo unpacked the package. Inside was a disposable toilet seat cushion. She must have brought it with her when she went out.

He bent down to lay the toilet cushion, then turned around and found that Bai Youwei had already stood up with her crutches.

She looked like she was struggling, and there were tiny beads of sweat on the tip of her nose, sparkling.

"Really don't need my help?" Shen Mo looked at her.

Bai Youwei glared at him, "Go to the door and guard. Don't let anyone in!"

Shen Mo asked, "Women can't come in either?"

She immediately looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, her voice cold and sharp--

"Yes! Women can't come in either! Anyone who comes in will affect my physiological excretion! Do you think I'm troublesome? It's too late to dislike it! Bear with it! If you hadn't insisted on taking me away, I wouldn't have to go to the toilet in this disgusting place!"

She walked into the cubicle with her crutches and slammed the door shut.

She was extremely rude and unreasonable.


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