Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 43: Half of This Life is Yours

The starting pistol is a one-time item. If she used the item, the gun wouldn't still be in her hand.

Shen Mo's black eyes flashed with anger, and he glanced gloomily to the other side.

The person who fired the shot was Zhang Hua.

It was obviously impossible to find trouble with Zhang Hua at this time. Shen Mo clenched the knife angrily and turned to deal with the frog!

As soon as he turned around, he saw Tan Xiao running over, yelling and screaming, just brushing past him!

"Get in the shell!" Shen Mo roared at him.

"Holy crap, I can't control it!" Tan Xiao cursed, "Damn it, my legs are running on their own! What kind of magic is this! My legs are crazy! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! Ahhhh!-"

The frog's long tongue flew over like lightning, and even Shen Mo couldn't save him!

Seeing that the tongue was about to stick to Tan Xiao, he stumbled and fell into the mud!

The frog's tongue rolled up a mouthful of stinky mud.

The taste was not good. The frog smacked its mouth and wanted to stick its tongue out again, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in its body! A little man stabbed into its body with a knife and was climbing up!

The pain caused the frog to jump up, its croaking deafening!

However, the man on it was extremely agile. Rolling and struggling not only failed to get rid of him, but instead allowed him to take the opportunity to climb onto its head. The blade was firmly stuck between its two huge eyeballs.

The frog seemed to sense the danger, shaking its head and croaking, its webbed feet digging into the mud as if to burrow in!

However, Shen Mo was faster. He pulled out the knife and stabbed it hard into one of its eyeballs! Then he stabbed it several times in rapid succession, like chiseling a watermelon!

Bright red blood splattered along with transparent mucus. The frog rolled on the ground in pain, crushing a patch of snails!

Shen Mo never let it go! The knife stabbed harder and harder! That eyeball was almost pierced and smashed by him!


The frog wailed in pain, its entire head plunged into the mud, burrowing down like crazy!

Shen Mo naturally couldn't go down with it. He immediately let go, pulled out his knife and jumped out, landing on a nearby snail shell, then swiftly slid into the water and stood firm.

The frog escaped.

Tan Xiao got up and looked at Shen Mo, his eyes were no longer just admiration…but horror!

Good heavens, such a big monster could be forced to roll on the ground by him, just with a small folding fruit knife? Mama! What kind of godly master is this?!

Too scary!

After marveling for a while, Tan Xiao found that the mud under his feet was bubbling.

He came back to his senses, patted his forehead, quickly bent down and grabbed the person in the mud, pulling him up with all his might!

Cheng Weicai was covered in mud and was lifted up. He spat out black mud, his eyes tightly closed, already unconscious.

Tan Xiao carried him on his shoulders and pressed hard on his abdomen.

More mud spewed out of Cheng Laoshi's mouth.

"Old man, don't you die on me. If it weren't for you lying here and tripping me, I would definitely be dead! From now on, half of my life is yours! As long as Brother Xiao lives for a day, I won't let you die first! A drop of water shall be repaid by a gushing spring. We who wander the jianghu would rather lose our lives than leave our brothers behind!"

He said a lot of nagging words, pressing on his abdomen and then his chest, finally turning the old man over and pinching him, but he still didn't wake up.

Shen Mo said, "Put him down!"

Tan Xiao was in awe of Shen Mo and quickly did as he was told.

Shen Mo walked over and took a look, frowning and saying, "There's a bruise on his head. He probably fainted after hitting a snail shell, or he might have been pushed while running. The gunshots just now caused chaos, so it's lucky that he's still alive."

Tan Xiao nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

He didn't dare to put Cheng Weicai into a snail shell, afraid of suffocating the old man, so he dragged Cheng Weicai to the gap between the stone wall and the snail shell and placed him sitting down.

After settling him down, he suddenly came back to his senses, turned around and stared at Shen Mo, asking, "Gunshots?… You said that sound just now was gunshots?! Damn it! Who the hell fired the gun?! Come out! You have a gun but you don't shoot the frog, what the hell are you shooting at!!!"


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