Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 34: Current Game Failed

The Frog's Golden Ball - Find the golden ball within 20 seconds, or the frog hidden in the mud will come out and eat the bugs that disturbed its sleep.

It's impossible to guess where the frog will emerge from because stepping on its soft skin feels no different from stepping on wet mud.

But something's not right.

Bai Youwei stared at the giant frog, her mind racing.

This isn't right.

This level is too difficult!

First, you have to avoid the golden ball's movement trajectory, then overcome the difficulty of walking in the mud, and you only have 20 seconds to find it!

Finally, you have to face this gigantic frog!

A game can't be impossible to win.

Even in the last brutal race, as long as you run fast enough, have enough stamina, or are knowledgeable enough to answer every question, or are ruthless enough to use others as stepping stones – any of these advantages can win the game!

But in this game, Bai Youwei saw no hope.

How many more people will the frog eat?

When will the game end?

The golden ball has appeared, who can get it under the frog's nose?

Every seemingly simple question was deadly!

At this moment, the screams in the cave gradually subsided, and not a single person could be seen at a glance. Only by careful observation could one find people huddled behind some snail shells, trembling.

No one dared to move, and even the sound of breathing disappeared into the air.

Bai Youwei couldn't move either.

She sat in the mud, so quiet that she almost blended in with her surroundings. Her clear eyes silently searched for Shen Mo. When she found him hiding with Tan Xiao in a blind spot behind the frog, her heart relaxed slightly.

Shen Mo is fine.

Just fine for now. No matter how brave he is, he can't fight this frog.

The frog had eaten everyone in front of it and was now squatting motionless in the mud. Maybe its body was too large, or maybe it was the game design, but it didn't move an inch.

The situation became a stalemate.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for a turning point.

Time passed by, as if not much time had passed, yet every second felt like a year. Finally, the frog moved—

It stretched out its two thick front paws, dug into the mud in front of it, and buried its head in.

Its hind legs kicked twice, and its entire body burrowed into the mud!

The mud churned for a few seconds, then everything returned to normal.

Bai Youwei closed her eyes and opened them again. There was no frog, no golden ball in her vision, only a dead silence and a group of terrified people.

After waiting quietly for a while, people began to emerge from behind the snail shells one by one. They wiped the mud off their faces, their expressions stiff with fear and dazed disbelief.

Shen Mo came back to Bai Youwei, looked her up and down, and asked, "Are you hurt?"

Bai Youwei shook her head gently.

Shen Mo bent down and picked her up, placed her on a nearby snail shell, then turned to look at the others, his brows furrowed with a visible sense of helplessness.

"20 seconds have passed, and the golden ball hasn't been found. I don't know what this means for the game," he whispered.

It's definitely not a pass.

But they didn't turn into dolls either, because they were still alive.

Crying began to sound in the cave.

The survivors called out the names of their loved ones: parents, spouses, classmates, friends… Some found their loved ones' bodies, their bones crushed by the golden ball; some couldn't find their loved ones at all, swallowed whole by the frog.

Just as the grief was about to break the dam, the golden ball reappeared.

"The current game has failed. There are 19 surviving players. Now entering the second round of 'The Frog's Golden Ball'. Please be prepared—"


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