Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 26: Being Stuck

Shen Mo was completely stuck with Tan Xiao.

In the latter half of the night, Tan Xiao insisted on keeping watch for them. He argued that it was to prevent those people from coming back. Even if they didn't hurt anyone, secretly planting gasoline or puncturing a tire would be enough to cause trouble.

Shen Mo wanted to say that with the injuries of those people, they would have to rest at least one night before they could retaliate. But he really couldn't stand Tan Xiao's talkative nature, so he let him be.

Early the next morning, everyone hit the road.

Tan Xiao had stayed up all night but was still in high spirits.

He pulled Teacher Cheng out of someone else's car and insisted that the old man ride his motorcycle.

His motorcycle was a mix of Gothic and punk styles, with tassels hanging in the front, a skull painted on the back, and metal rivets decorating the sides.

Teacher Cheng waved his hands awkwardly in refusal, but Tan Xiao wouldn't let him go.

Bai Youwei watched coldly from a distance.

She knew this silly boy was kind-hearted and wanted the old man to ride his motorcycle to protect him. But he didn't even think about whether the old man would be jolted to death on his broken motorcycle.

She glanced up inadvertently and saw a faint smile on Shen Mo's lips.

Bai Youwei frowned and asked in a bad mood, "What are you laughing at?"

Shen Mo held the steering wheel and shook his head indifferently. "Nothing."

After a while, he added, "I was just thinking… are there more good people or bad people in this world?"

If one were to say there were more good people, then last night when Bai Youwei was in trouble, more than thirty people next door were all pretending to sleep.

If one were to say there were more bad people, then a frail old man and uneducated gangsters could also stand up for justice.

Bai Youwei sneered. "How old are you, and you're still thinking about such naive questions?"

Shen Mo smiled disapprovingly and said in a peaceful tone, "Maybe soldiers are all prone to idealism."

Bai Youwei frowned, turned her head away in annoyance, and continued to watch the old and young man in the distance: the old-fashioned teacher and the eccentric young man, what a strange pair.

Are there more good people or bad people in this world?


Most are ordinary people, their good and evil determined by a single thought, not purely good, not completely bad.

"Let the old man ride in our car," Bai Youwei said.

Shen Mo glanced at her and nodded slightly. "Alright, lest there be a tragedy."

He got out of the car and invited Teacher Cheng to join them.

Although it was out of gratitude for Teacher Cheng's righteous words last night, Tan Xiao felt that he was doing it out of "brotherhood."

Tan Xiao said to Shen Mo with great enthusiasm, "Good brothers, you are really loyal! I knew I didn't misjudge you! Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on those guys. They won't have a chance to play tricks on the road!"

Shen Mo really had nothing to say to him. He nodded indifferently and took Teacher Cheng back to the car.

Teacher Cheng was a gentle old man, giving people a kind and generous feeling. His conversation revealed the elegance and humility of a scholar.

After getting into the car, he politely thanked Shen Mo and Bai Youwei and introduced himself politely, "…I am a teacher at Nanjing No. 13 Middle School. My name is Cheng Weicai. The school is closed, so I want to go to Yangzhou to see my elderly parents. They live on Jiangyang Middle Road. I don't know where you are going. If it's not on the way, just drop me off nearby…"

Shen Mo looked at the road ahead and said indifferently, "We are going to Yangtze River South Road."

"That's great!" Teacher Cheng's face lit up with joy. "Jiangyang Middle Road is not far from there. It's on the way! Oh, thank you so much!"

Bai Youwei in the back seat sneered.

She thought to herself, this officer is not only an idealist, but he also likes to do good deeds and do them in a way that makes the other party feel no psychological burden. He is really considerate.

They had no intention of going to Yangtze River South Road at all.

But now that things were so chaotic, she didn't care where they were going.


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