Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

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Chapter 16: A Couple

Shen Mo touched his nose, thinking he was still too gentle. … Maybe he could try being a little more fierce next time. He left the wheelchair at the door of the cubicle and turned to go out.

While waiting for her outside the women's restroom, he heard the occasional thud and bang from inside, as if a crutch had hit something, or maybe she had bumped into something?

The daily routines that ordinary people could easily accomplish were like a battle for her. The little bit of annoyance in his heart gradually dissipated. Why bother with her? She was just a child. She had been in poor health since childhood and lacked a sense of security. It didn't matter that she used to live a luxurious life, but now she had to struggle to survive in this world. It was normal for her to throw a little tantrum. After all, she was all bark and no bite. Shen Mo stood at the door, listening carefully to the movements inside. The sound of bumping and knocking, the sound of the toilet flushing, the rustling of her dress being lifted, the scraping of the crutches on the floor, and then the door of the cubicle was slammed open! Bai Youwei came out leaning on her crutches, her small face tightly wrinkled. “Take me to wash my hands! It stinks in there!”

Shen Mo smiled, stepped forward to help her into the wheelchair, and pushed her to the sink. The sensor faucet was not working well. Bai Youwei tried several times but no water came out. She almost cursed, and then the faucet coughed up a few weak streams of water like an octogenarian. She reluctantly washed her hands twice before the gloomy look on her face eased somewhat.

“The conditions in the service area are limited, bear with it, it will be better when we get to Yangzhou.” Shen Mo said. Bai Youwei curled her lips and did not answer, thinking to herself: It may not be better when we get to Yangzhou.

Shen Mo went around behind the wheelchair and pushed her. At this time, she reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes. She had just washed her hands and had not yet dried them. Her fair skin was covered with a layer of glistening water, soft and delicate, her fingertips tinged with cherry pink. Shen Mo glanced at his hand resting on the armrest of the wheelchair, the bones distinct, the muscles deep, every curve and line revealing the power unique to men. They were both hands, but so different. Gender differences were reflected in every detail.

Bai Youwei frowned and said, “Are we still going to the supermarket? There’s no signal in this service area, and the food and water have all been emptied. I have a bad feeling about this. Why don't we just go? It will be dark soon.” It was already dusk, and she didn't want to travel at night.

Shen Mo thought for a moment and nodded. “Then we won’t go to the supermarket. If we leave now, we should be able to reach Yangzhou before dark.” Once they reached Yangzhou, they would have network signal and a place to stay, and everything would be easier to arrange.

The two returned to the parking lot. Somewhat unexpectedly, they saw a man and a woman standing by the SUV in the distance, waving to them. As they got closer, they found the couple to be in their forties, looking honest and kind.

“Are you going to Yangzhou?” The woman reminded them kindly, “We are also going to Yangzhou, but there is a section of the road ahead that is blocked, so everyone is staying here. It’s not safe for you to leave now.” “Is the traffic very bad?” Shen Mo asked.

The man answered, “It’s been blocked for at least a hundred meters. The cars are full of dolls. No one dares to go over.” “If the cars can’t get through, what about taking a detour and walking there?” Bai Youwei asked, “Has anyone tried walking to Yangzhou?”

The man and woman looked at each other, both with blank expressions, obviously not having considered this. “We have so many things in the car…” the woman said hesitantly, “Food, supplies, clothes… all in the car.” The man also said, “In case something happens in Yangzhou, we won’t be able to escape without a car.”

Cars were sometimes more than just a means of transportation; they also served as a safe haven. Unless there was a major crisis, most people would not easily abandon their vehicles. However, in Bai Youwei’s opinion, it was better to walk to Yangzhou for more than ten hours than to be trapped in the service area. Besides, the car would have to be abandoned sooner or later. Because if the world continued to fall apart, gasoline would soon become a scarce commodity.


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