Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 2: A Bizarre Predicament

What was going on?!

Bai Youwei clutched the grass beneath her, her fingers sinking into the damp, cool soil. The sensation was incredibly real.

This was not an illusion, and it was definitely not a dream!

They had really been transported from the highway to this unknown place in an instant!

That voice earlier mentioned something about a game. Could this be... the reason why people were turning into dolls? Would they become dolls if they couldn't leave this place?

A shiver ran down her spine, and her silent heart began to pound. Bai Youwei gripped her numb legs, cold sweat beading on her skin.

Shen Mo stood not far from her, cautiously surveying their surroundings, his expression equally grim.

The warm sun shone down, white clouds drifted leisurely across the sky, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of grass. It was perfect weather for a picnic, yet no one dared to make a move.

"Where is this...?" The woman with long hair looked up, her face etched with terror. "Weren't we just in the car? Honey, I want to go home, let's go home, let's not go anywhere else..."

The woman's husband pushed her away, his face full of resentment. "Where's that bald guy? Didn't he say it was fine?!"

"Yeah, we only followed him because he said it was safe!"

"Damn it! I knew he was bad news! Why else would he be the first one to go? I bet he deliberately led us here!"

"That bastard..."

Everyone began to curse, seemingly forgetting their gratitude towards the bald man just moments ago.

Bai Youwei silently counted the people around her.

There were 17 of them, including her.

The bald, burly man was indeed missing. Why? They had all taken the same route, why hadn't he been brought here? Was there some other trigger for this game?

It was all so strange... They were trapped in this bizarre situation, yet why did she feel a flicker of excitement amidst the fear?

What was she hoping for?

"Everyone, listen to me..." A middle-aged man in a suit spoke up. "Blaming each other won't solve anything. We need to work together, to unite, if we want any hope of leaving this place. I took a look around, this seems to be a sports field, there's a track up ahead. Anyone willing to come with me to check it out?"

He had been driving a Mercedes, dressed like a successful businessman, his words carrying a certain authority.

Many people agreed to his proposal.

A young woman with glasses spoke timidly, "Will it be dangerous?"

A young man with blond hair retorted, "What if it is? Are we just going to sit here and wait for death?!"

The woman looked at her boyfriend, her eyes filled with grievance.

Her boyfriend, smooth-talking, immediately came to her defense. "Don't be so harsh, man. She's just worried about something happening to us. We have no idea where this is..."

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment. "It's not impossible that there's danger. Although there's nothing so far, this place is still unknown to us. How about this, the women and elderly stay here, the men will come with me to scout ahead."

Shen Mo thought for a moment, then turned to Bai Youwei. "Wait for me here, I'll go take a look."

"No!" Bai Youwei grabbed his arm tightly.

Her "no" was firm and resolute, unusually loud, drawing the attention of everyone present.

Shen Mo was the tallest among the men, his build lean and his demeanor imposing. His rolled-up sleeves revealed strong forearms, clearly indicating his indispensable strength. Without him, the "scouting party" would be significantly weakened.

The blond young man glanced at her. "Little sister, don't be difficult at a time like this. We need to figure out where we are if we want to find a way back."

"Why are we separating men and women when our lives are on the line?!" Bai Youwei's tone suddenly sharpened, as if she had become a different person. "I don't know any of you. If something happens to him, who will care about a cripple like me? You'll all run faster than rabbits!"

Bai Youwei held onto Shen Mo tightly, staring straight into his eyes. "Shen Mo, you promised me you'd get me to Yangzhou safe and sound! Are you going to abandon me now?!"

A few women hesitated, looking at their partners.

If all the men left, what would happen to them, the old, the weak, the women, and children, if something happened? While Bai Youwei would undoubtedly be in the worst situation, they wouldn't be much better off.

"Honey, I'll go with you. I'm scared to stay here..." The woman with long hair changed her mind.

"Why don't we all go together?" Someone suggested, playing the peacemaker. "There's nothing much to explore here anyway, just grass and a track, and a forest further away."

"Are we supposed to go through the forest?"

"I don't know, let's go check out that banner first. It feels strange..."

"Let's go take a look, maybe there's a clue there."

Chattering amongst themselves, the group headed towards the "Tortoise and Hare Race" banner.

Shen Mo bent down and lifted Bai Youwei into his arms, following the others.

Bai Youwei clung to his neck, her eyes red-rimmed, her voice returning to its initial soft, stubborn tone.

"Do you regret it now? Do you think I'm a burden?... It's too late for regrets now! Shen Mo, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

As if to prove her point, Bai Youwei tightened her grip on his neck, her eyes filled with defiance.

Shen Mo winced at the unexpected strength in her grip.

He realized that perhaps she lacked a sense of security because her parents had been absent from her life.

The thought softened his annoyance. He said gently, "I won't leave you."

Bai Youwei looked at him, doubt still lingering in her eyes.

Shen Mo was puzzled. Bai Youwei was clearly in a fragile state, both physically and mentally. Why hadn't Aunt Wang taken her in to care for her?

"Look, there seems to be someone under the banner!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, interrupting Shen Mo's thoughts.

As they got closer, the figure beneath the banner gradually came into focus.

It was a man dressed like a gentleman, in a white bow tie, black tailcoat, and a realistic rabbit head mask. The long rabbit ears were particularly striking, and his red eyes were fixed on them.


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