Today, I Have Yet to Become a Doll

Chapters List

Chapter 39: 47 Seconds

The golden ball slammed hard against the walls of the cave.

Mud splashed everywhere, making it hard to see. The booming echoes made it hard to hear.

Shen Mo kept his eyes on the golden ball, moving carefully so it wouldn't hit him. He saw a big splash of water ahead and the ball didn't bounce back up. He quickly ran towards it.

"It stopped! Over here!"

Everyone scrambled out of their snail shells and ran towards Shen Mo. Without any hesitation, they all jumped into the muddy pit and started digging!

It was both scary and funny to watch!

Bai Youwei slowly climbed out of her snail shell, calmly watching everything. Knowing some of the secrets of the game made her feel calm and relaxed. She was starting to enjoy this feeling of being above life or death.

It was exciting.

It was addictive.

Especially seeing that man standing strong like a pine tree, his broad shoulders, strong back, narrow waist, and those mud-covered, straight, powerful legs…

It was a pleasing sight.

A handsome man was one thing, but the aura he gave off in a life-or-death situation was another kind of attraction. Shen Mo clearly had both.

Bai Youwei thought that she must be a bit twisted to be thinking about such things at a time like this.

Then she thought: It's the end of the world, can't a person be a little twisted?

She felt at ease again.

"You know how to beat the game, don't you?"

A voice suddenly came from beside her, quiet and cold.

Bai Youwei turned her head and saw Zhang Hua sitting by his snail shell, staring at her. His glasses reflected the light, making his gaze seem cold.

Bai Youwei thought for a moment and asked him, "Do you?"

Zhang Hua looked up slightly at the others desperately searching for the ball in the distance. His wooden expression seemed sinister.

"Our methods are different," he said.

Curious, Bai Youwei tilted her head and asked, "Oh? And what's your method?"

Also, how can you be sure it's not the same as mine?

But Zhang Hua didn't say anything more. He turned and crawled back into his snail shell, saying, "The frog is coming. Good luck."

20 seconds was really too short. The golden ball's annoying voice echoed in the cave.

"The frog is coming! Little bugs, hide quickly!"

As soon as it finished speaking, those looking for the ball quickly scattered, each searching for cover!

But this time, the frog was too fast!

Its huge body moved, throwing the fleeing people into the air. They fell with a splash, landing in the mud!

One person, still in the air, was caught by a long red tongue and pulled into the monster's mouth!

Bai Youwei was surprised.

She thought the frog would slowly crawl out like last time, then pick its target. She didn't expect it to start eating people before its body was even halfway out of the mud!

Cheng Jia shouted from a distance, "Don't move! —Get down in the mud! Stay still in the mud!!!"

Frogs have dynamic vision. As long as you don't move, they often can't tell the difference between "food" and "scenery."

Those who didn't have time to hide in their snail shells quickly lay flat, hoping to survive by playing dead. But a few people made too much noise as they fell, the ripples in the water giving away their position. They were instantly swept away by the frog's long tongue like insects.

Bai Youwei frowned slightly.

She saw Shen Mo running towards the frog, fearless. He raised his knife and stabbed it hard in the foreleg!

The frog twitched in pain!

He took the chance to pull out his knife and jump onto the frog's back. He raised the knife again and stabbed down with all his might!


A tearing sound rang out!

The frog's strong leg kicked up, mud flying everywhere. It was like a wave had risen inside the cave!

When the wave subsided, Bai Youwei saw Shen Mo hanging onto the frog. His small knife had cut a long gash in its green skin, revealing the white flesh underneath. It was like he had carved a long "1" on the frog's body.

The frog was in so much pain that it went crazy. It jumped twice, then burrowed back into the mud!

"47 seconds."

Bai Youwei heard Zhang Hua say from a distance.


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