The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 17: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 8

At noon the next day, the army finally arrived at the west side of the city.

The weather was cold, and their breath was like fog. However, when the people in the community heard the gunshots outside, they couldn't help but cheer. This was especially true for the ordinary people who didn't dare to face the zombies and the apocalypse. They had been stuck at home for a month, relying on a little food to survive. They were almost overjoyed to tears when the army appeared, saying that the government had not abandoned the people.

The government did not abandon the people, but the disaster also made it difficult for the government to protect itself. Now, they sent this team to find survivors because of the instructions from the higher-ups. It was just that there were not many people who could be deployed.

After a military truck entered the community, it stopped in a square in the middle of the community. More than 20 soldiers with guns got out of the truck and took up positions around the area. A man in a green military coat stood on the roof of the truck and spoke into a microphone, explaining the situation. He then told the survivors to pack up their belongings and gather here with their own vehicles.

From the man's words, it could be known that they entered the city to find survivors. Because there were not enough people in the army, they would not go to some dangerous places. There were only a limited number of people who could be deployed, so they could not really escort all the survivors to the safe base. Therefore, they could only lead the way. If there was any danger on the road, they would have to rely on everyone to work together.

His words were realistic and cruel, but he explained the situation from the beginning.

The people in the community originally thought that they would be absolutely safe when the army arrived. Now that they heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue. Some people remained silent, some secretly cried while covering their faces, some argued, some acted like hooligans, and some had ulterior motives… However, after the soldier fired a shot into the air, everyone quieted down.

There were many survivors in the community. In addition to the original residents of the community, there were also those who had escaped from the city, occupying those uninhabited bungalows. Although everyone was a little dissatisfied with the unexpected situation, they were still afraid of the soldiers with guns. Because the apocalypse had just begun, they quickly accepted the reality.

Soon, the military truck backed out of the community and joined the other military trucks outside. The survivors in the community also got into their cars and drove out with them. The people who lived in the community were all rich, and there were many people who could drive. Every household had a car, so there was no shortage of cars. They were just worried that there was not enough gas. Those who could not drive could ask their neighbors for a ride, but they had to pay for it with food. This required everyone to make a private agreement. If anyone dared to make trouble in public, the soldiers would come over to mediate, and the consequences would not be good.

Lin Baobao and the others also drove the car left behind by the owner of the bungalow. It was a Mercedes-Benz. It was a bit crowded with three big men, two women, and a child. Lin Baobao was also very lively and ran directly to Lou Ling's side, wanting to ride in their car. Lou Ling naturally welcomed her and gave Lin Baobao a high five, letting her sit in the back. Lou Dian ignored them and acquiesced to Lou Ling's actions. In some small matters, Lou Dian never interfered with Lou Ling's decisions, which made Lou Ling very happy.

With the armed soldiers maintaining order, no one dared to cause trouble. The convoy quickly left the community and headed out of the city.

The few military trucks drove at the front. If they saw any survivors on the road, they would tell those with cars to follow them. If they didn't have cars, they would see if there were any empty seats in the cars behind them and stuff the people in. Lou Ling's car was stuffed with an old man and an eight-year-old girl, a pair of grandparents.

When the army entered the city, they had obviously cleared the zombies in some areas, so there were not many zombies on the road out of the city. Every time those zombies that moved towards them had not yet arrived in front of them, they were shot in the head.

It was only after the car drove out of the city that they discovered that there were several military trucks outside the city. In addition to the soldiers escorting them, each truck also contained various supplies that they had collected in the city. The main purpose of the army entering the city today was to gather in the south and west of the city. They came early in the morning. In addition to taking advantage of the cold weather and the slow movement of the zombies to collect as many supplies as possible, they also took the opportunity to pick up the survivors.

When they arrived, a few more military trucks came over, each followed by many vehicles of survivors. For a time, the road was jammed with traffic. It could also be seen that the government was already trying its best to gather the survivors.

While waiting for the convoy to set off, Lou Ling stuck her head out from the passenger seat to look outside. Soon, she shrank her head back and asked, "Baobao, do you still remember how far away the safe base is from the city center according to the radio?"

Lin Baobao was using her ability to condense water and put it into a mineral water bottle. This was also considered practicing her ability. She replied, "It seems to be about 300 kilometers away. They chose a county town that is easy to defend and difficult to attack as a safe base." After the bottle was filled, she saw the little girl in the old man's arms staring at the bottle in her hand without blinking. She handed the bottle over and said, "Little sister, do you want to drink? Here you go."

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then looked down at her grandfather. Seeing the old man nod, she took it and whispered her thanks.

Although the child looked thin, she was very clean and polite. It could be seen that her grandfather had protected her very well after the apocalypse and did not let the harsh environment ruin her character.

Lin Baobao was a cheerful and enthusiastic person. She was very good at socializing and could get along with anyone. She quickly got the information about the grandparents. Their surname was Mo. The grandfather's name was Mo Yaohui, and the granddaughter's name was Mo Yingying. Before the apocalypse, the granddaughter's parents had passed away in a car accident, leaving only the little granddaughter. The old man had no choice but to live with his granddaughter. After the apocalypse, the grandparents did not turn into zombies. Because the old man was used to hoarding food at home, they were able to survive this month safely.

However, although they had food, it was not as good as before the apocalypse. The child was still hungry and thin. Because she had witnessed zombies eating people and people fighting over food, she was deeply traumatized. Just like Chen Luosheng at the beginning, Mo Yingying had been holding on to her grandfather tightly since she got into the car, not daring to leave his side, as if she was afraid that her grandfather would disappear when she was not paying attention.

Lou Ling also looked at the grandparents from the rearview mirror. Grandpa Mo looked to be in his sixties. His hair was gray, and his granddaughter was a cute little girl wearing a pink down jacket and a fur hat. Since getting into the car, the grandparents had been sitting quietly in the car, neither interrupting nor asking questions. They were also very polite when they got into the car. It had to be said that this kind of polite and sensible person was very likable.

Lou Ling habitually took out a few coffee candies from her pocket – Lou Dian had stuffed them into her pocket this morning. Recently, Lou Dian suddenly liked to stuff all kinds of candies into her pocket. As long as she finished eating them or gave them to others, there would be a few more in her pocket the next morning, making her feel like Lou Dian was treating her like a child. Lou Ling gave four candies to the little girl, one to Lin Baobao, and one to herself. She also peeled one and stuffed it into Lou Dian's mouth.

Lou Dian didn't really like sweets, but he didn't change his expression when Lou Ling handed him one. He just put it in his mouth and waited for it to slowly melt.

"Lingling, I really love you." Lin Baobao smiled happily, her mouth full of coffee candy. Before the apocalypse, she didn't like to eat hard candy, only soft candy. But now, let alone soft candy, it was already good enough to be able to eat candy. She was no longer picky.

The little girl also ate happily. She peeled a coffee candy and held it up to her grandfather. Only after her grandfather shook his head did she eat it herself.

Just as they finished eating the candy, the convoy finally started moving, but the speed was not fast.

Lou Dian was driving. He skillfully kept the car behind the convoy, keeping a distance from the car in front. This also allowed the people in the car to see the environment on both sides of the road clearly. The mountains, forests, and fields were desolate. From the withered crops soaked in the water in the fields, it could be seen that the arrival of the apocalypse made it too late for the farmers to harvest the crops in the fields. The mountains and forests in the distance were also gray, shrouded in fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

After leaving the city, if they saw a gas station, the soldiers would directly get out of the car, clear the zombies in the gas station, and then collect all the oil in the gas station. If those cars did not have oil, they could only go directly to the army to ask for it. Fortunately, the army did not refuse to give it to them, but there was a limit. Now that the apocalypse had arrived, many things had become one-time consumables. Many people were clear about the army's actions, so not many people made a fuss about it.

Because there were too many vehicles in the convoy, it was impossible to reach the safe base in one day. So in the evening, the convoy arrived at a village.

The army had passed through this road before entering the city and had already cleared the zombies in the village. On the way back, they did not have to spend much effort clearing them again.

The village was not big. There were about a thousand households, and there were more than 20,000 survivors this time. It was enough for everyone to squeeze in.

When the army stopped, the convoys in front also stopped. Some people were even very alert and went into the village to occupy the houses near the army as a place to rest. The weather was cold now, and everyone did not want to spend the night outside. Even in the car, it was not safe. It was better to have a house, and it was safer to be closer to these soldiers.

Lou Dian drove over slowly from behind and then stopped at an empty space at the entrance of the village.

Xi Mufeng and the others had already gotten out of the car to wait for them. Seeing that they were slow, and that the good houses in the village had been taken, they couldn't help but feel a little anxious. However, when they saw that Lou Dian was not in a hurry to get out of the car and then held Lou Ling's hand as they walked over, they somehow stopped feeling anxious.

"Mr. Lou, we're too late. The houses are all taken," Xi Mufeng said.

Lou Dian glanced at him and pointed at the house at the entrance of the village. "Isn't there an empty one here?"

Everyone looked at the house and couldn't help but twitch their mouths. It was at the entrance of the village, and there were only houses 500 meters away. It stood alone, looking rather pitiful. It was also the easiest target, so those survivors did not want to choose it, even though it looked as beautiful as a villa.

However, seeing that Lou Dian had already pulled Lou Ling over, and Lin Baobao and the grandparents had also followed them, Xi Mufeng and the others naturally had no objections. Although they felt that Lou Dian was not simple, they had never seen him make a move. Therefore, they could not help but hesitate about his choice.

The author has something to say:

Lou Ling's goal: To arrive at the safe base safely~~

Lou Dian's goal: To protect his sister 360 degrees without any blind spots~~


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