The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 16: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 7

Early morning. When Lou Ling regained consciousness, she felt a bone-chilling coldness in the air. She couldn't help but snuggle up to the heat source next to her. But soon, her drowsy mind remembered something, and her body stiffened as she wanted to roll away from the source of heat.

A pair of hands tightly clasped her waist, easily stopping her from escaping.

Lou Ling opened her eyes. Because the curtains were drawn, the room was dark, and she could only vaguely see the soft outline of the person holding her. From the way he held her tightly and the hand that slowly rubbed her waist, she knew that this person was already awake.

Lou Ling pulled down the quilt covering her face, and the cold air hit her face. The coldness made her feel like winter had arrived. It was only November. Although the weather would gradually start to get colder, it wouldn't suddenly become so cold. Lou Ling shivered, and soon the man holding her pulled the quilt up.

"Get up!" Lou Ling shouted. She didn't want to stay in bed with him, especially when she thought about what he did to her last night. She was so ashamed that she wished she could stay away from him.

Lou Dian leaned over and kissed her lips, then let go of her obediently, pulled the quilt open, and got up.

"It's cold. You sit down first; I'll get you some clothes."

Lou Ling was nestled in the quilt by him. She saw that he was only naked from the waist up. He directly took the pajamas on the shelf in front of the bed and put them on. Then he went to the closet and took out her clothes: underwear, sweater, sweatpants, down jacket.

Lou Ling looked at him. Seeing that he didn't care, she raised her eyebrows, her face darkened a little. She directly hugged her clothes, jumped out of bed, and ran into the bathroom.

After the two got dressed, they opened the window directly and saw a gray sky outside. The rain had stopped at about 5 o'clock in the morning. The ground was wet, and there was water everywhere. There were no people in the city under the gray sky, making the world look decadent, full of gray despair.

Lou Ling breathed out, and the white mist rose and disappeared in the air. She stretched out her hand in mid-air and soon felt her hand go numb from the cold. It wasn't time for snow yet, but the temperature felt colder than the coldest days of winter, and it was a kind of humid cold unique to the south.

Lou Dian took out another scarf from the space and wrapped it around her neck. Then he found a knitted hat with two fur balls on both sides, brushed her shoulder-length hair to both sides, and let it fall to the sides of her ears. Her bangs were also combed back, and the hat wrapped her delicate face. The light gray fur balls on both sides added a bit of childishness and cuteness.

"Xiao Ling is so cute." He bent down and kissed her face, his voice a little hoarse.

As soon as she heard this hoarse voice, Lou Ling subconsciously wanted to curl up—Damn it, don't be in heat early in the morning!

One month after the apocalypse, the weather suddenly turned cold, and the living space of human beings was greatly affected. But the good news was that the cold weather also had some impact on the zombies. It was said that in some snowy cities in the north, some zombies were frozen into popsicles, which affected their movement and also allowed humans to win breathing space.

Just after breakfast was ready, Lin Bao Bao and the others came over.

The sudden change in the weather made them feel a little uneasy. Fortunately, they found winter clothes left by the owner in the bungalow, which could keep them warm for the time being. However, there were no children's clothes inside, so Chen Luosheng was directly tied in a large blanket and held by his uncle.

"Just in time, let's have breakfast together."

Lou Ling greeted them to come in. Today's breakfast was made by Lou Ling. She cooked thick millet porridge and steamed big steamed buns, which were intended to be eaten with pickles and salted duck eggs. In this kind of weather, drinking porridge can keep you warm. As for why she cooked breakfast today instead of Lou Dian, it was because Lou Dian was too lazy to cook for anyone other than her. If he wanted to invite friends to dinner, it was generally Lou Ling who cooked. Naturally, her craftsmanship was not as good as Lou Dian's, but it was also average.

Lou Ling asked everyone to bring the porridge up together, and asked Lin Bao Bao to rinse the bowls with water, and then greeted everyone to sit down and have breakfast.

The steaming hot millet porridge was indeed very popular in this kind of weather. They each had half a salted duck egg and a small plate of pickles. They ate until their faces, which had been blue from the cold, turned rosy. The steamed buns tasted bland, but the aroma of wheat was very strong, and it was also pleasant to eat with pickles.

Compared with their somewhat unrefined eating appearance because of the cold weather, Lou Dian was still slow and methodical. His every move seemed to be like a painting, very rhythmic and regular, making people couldn't help but feel that this person's dining etiquette was very qualified and could be used as a textbook for teaching.

After breakfast, Huang Zhilin and Wei Xian washed the dishes, and Lin Bao Bao was responsible for putting away the water.

After getting Lou Dian's silent response, Lou Ling took Lin Bao Bao upstairs to sort out some of their unworn winter clothes for Xi Mufeng, Huang Zhilin, and the others to wear, so they didn't have to wear the clothes of the owner of the bungalow next door. The owner was not tall, and wearing them on these big boys felt very strange. Although Lou Dian's clothes might be a little long, they also fit.

Soon, everyone changed into new clothes. Everyone had a down jacket. Lou Ling even found a little girl's down jacket in the utility room. She then remembered that when the children of Lou's relatives abroad came back, she bought it for the little girl. She didn't know why they forgot to take it with them when they left, so she put it in the utility room.

Therefore, the little girl's down jacket was naturally worn by Chen Luosheng.

Everyone naturally thanked the Lou siblings for their generosity in giving them clothes. Lou Ling smiled. Anyway, these clothes were not worn here, so it didn't matter if they were given to them. There was no need to be a miser. And Lou Dian completely ignored Lou Ling's behavior. He just looked at Chen Luosheng, who was wearing a little girl's clothes, and then at Lou Ling. He didn't know what he was thinking, but a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

He must be thinking about something perverted!

Lou Ling ignored him and sat down with everyone, discussing the radio broadcast she heard this morning.

"The radio said that yesterday's rain was global, and now it's snowing heavily in the north. Many roads are blocked by snow. We can only wait until the snow melts in spring before we can go north." Xi Mufeng's voice was a little heavy.

Wei Xian and Huang Zhilin, who had planned to go to the capital, were both a little heavy-hearted. Only Chen Kaiwei and Lin Bao Bao didn't take it seriously and shrugged. Chen Kaiwei only wanted to go to the safe base and raise his nephew well, not necessarily to the north. Lin Bao Bao was not in a hurry, so the two of them only had headaches because they were not used to the sudden drop in temperature.

"We can only go to the capital after the snow melts in spring." Wei Xian said, his mood was very bad. Wei Xian was a gentle-looking boy. Compared to Lou Dian, who was like a noble young master who came out of a beautiful comic, Wei Xian's gentleness was that of an otaku, and his physique was relatively weak.

"After a winter, I'm afraid the zombies will evolve again." Lin Bao Bao chewed the gum that Lou Ling gave him, and soon thought of the key point.

This topic made everyone feel heavy.

Lou Dian still didn't care much about the topics of these little boys. Seeing Lou Ling take the candy to the little boy again with a sunny smile on her face, his eyes darkened.

Lou Ling caught a glimpse of the change in his eyes from the corner of her eye, her heart trembled, and she immediately moved her buttocks to his side, held the marshmallow in her hand in front of him, and asked, "Want to eat?"

Under everyone's gaze, Lou Dian took the marshmallow, tore open the package, and threw it into his mouth.

After discussing for a while, Lou Dian suddenly said, "The army will be here tomorrow. If you have anything to pack, pack it up as soon as possible." His eyes slowly swept over the young men and women in their twenties in front of him, and then said, "It's best if you prepare a car, so you don't have to squeeze into a big truck with other people."

After he finished speaking, Xi Mufeng asked some more questions. After getting the answers, he decided not to go out today and sorted out the supplies in the bungalow next door, and thought about what to do next.

After they left, Lou Ling also dragged Lou Dian to pack up the things at home. She didn't know if they would come back in the future. Some things with commemorative significance had to be packed and taken away.

While cleaning the study, Lou Ling found a brocade box in the drawer. When she opened it, she saw a beautifully crafted men's silver necklace with a flat pendant hanging from it. Lou Ling felt very familiar. She touched the pendant, and with a click, she opened the lid of the pendant, revealing the space inside. There was only a yellowed photo. The woman in the photo looked 50% similar to Lou Dian.

This was Lou Dian's mother.

Lou Ling looked at it, closed the lid of the box carefully, and put it away. This necklace was left to him by Lou Dian's mother. He had always cherished it very much. In the past, she saw that he wished he could wear it around his neck every day, but she didn't know when he stopped wearing it.

"Brother, your necklace, put it away quickly." Lou Ling said to Lou Dian, who was sorting out the books left by Father Lou in the study.

Lou Dian instinctively looked back. When he saw the box in her hand, his face changed slightly. Before she could react, he snatched the necklace and threw it somewhere else. He pinched her chin and looked at her gloomily.

Lou Ling was so scared that she almost died. She didn't know why he looked at her with such a gloomy and painful look. Could it be that she shouldn't have touched the things his mother left him? But seeing him throw it away casually, it didn't seem to be the case.

After a long while, he bent down, took her into his arms, and said softly, "Xiao Ling, no matter what happens in the future, don't believe it."


He squeezed her waist tightly, lowered his head, and stared at her compellingly, his clean and soft voice full of ruthlessness, "Did you hear that?"

Lou Ling nodded repeatedly, only hoping that he would stop pinching her waist. His hand strength was too strong, and her waist was about to break. And at this moment, she also felt that this man had become even more blackened, so terrifying.

After getting a satisfactory answer, the male god finally smiled and kissed her lips soothingly. This attitude of carrot and stick made Lou Ling feel that this man was really fickle.

The next day at noon, the army finally arrived.


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