The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 28: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 19

As soon as Lin Baobao and the others entered the door, they saw Lou Ling in the house. Lin Baobao screamed and rushed over, and the two girls hugged each other.

But soon, a hand took Lou Ling away, and Lin Baobao was also bounced away by a force. If Chen Kaiwei hadn't happened to support her, she would have fallen.

Lin Baobao didn't care, and said excitedly: "Dianxia, Lingling, you are finally back! You scared us to death. We haven't heard from you for more than 20 days. I thought something happened to you, which worried us to death…" After chattering a lot, Lin Baobao stroked her chin and looked at Lou Ling, and said, "But, why do I feel that you have gained some weight?"

Lou Ling kicked her, "Go to hell!"

Soon they were laughing and playing together again.

After the laughter, seeing that it was almost time, Grandpa Mo went to prepare dinner, and the others went to help. It was very lively, as if the air was filled with cheerful notes.

Lou Ling watched Lin Baobao effortlessly gather water into the bucket, and looked at the others, and found that their temperament had changed a bit. It is estimated that the tasks in the past twenty days were not easy, which gave them excellent training, and their expressions became much firmer, and their movements became much more flexible. Even Huang Zhiling, who is an ordinary person, looks a little pale now…

Lou Ling tilted her head to look at Huang Zhiling, who was breaking cabbage leaves. The cabbage was exchanged from the base. After they took on the task of the base, in addition to exchanging for points, they also exchanged for food. The outer leaves of the cabbage were a little wilted, and it looked like they had been collected and stored before the end of the world.

There are many fresh vegetables in Lou Dian's space, but they are all watery after they are taken out. Now there are many people and different mouths, and they haven't established the kind of life-and-death friendship between them. Lou Dian is not easy to take out to arouse suspicion, so now the vegetables they want to eat are exchanged at the base.

"Huang Zhiling, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Lou Ling asked softly.

The corner of Huang Zhiling's mouth twitched, and she said in a low voice: "Junior Lou, my period just came, maybe it was because I was blowing the cold wind all day today, so my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

Lou Ling understood immediately. She has always been a healthy baby. Except for suffering from eating cold food during her menstrual period, she has never experienced dysmenorrhea. But Huang Zhiling's pale face and cold sweat didn't look uncomfortable, but painful. Lou Ling herself has never experienced menstrual pain, but she knows that some girls are not in good health, and they will feel very uncomfortable every time their aunt comes, and she feels very sympathetic every time.

"Huang Zhiling, there are so many people here, it doesn't matter if you don't help, you should go to rest." Lou Ling took the cabbage from her hand, grabbed Lin Baobao and whispered in her ear, then helped Huang Zhiling up and walked towards the room.

Huang Zhiling really couldn't hold it anymore, so she bit her pale lips and nodded in response.

When she was lying on the bed and feeling really uncomfortable, she saw Lou Ling and Lin Baobao coming in again. Lou Ling was holding a hot water bottle, and Lin Baobao was holding a pack of sanitary napkins.

"Huang Zhiling, use this to apply to your stomach." Lou Ling handed her the hot water bottle that had been charged, "I got this from my brother. He still has it. You can use it first."

With the flat and round hot water bottle attached to her stomach, Huang Zhiling felt much better. Although it was still very painful, at this time, it was good to have this thing, how could she ask for anything else? On the contrary, Lin Baobao actually found her sanitary napkins, which surprised her a little. Because she had clarified the matter between Lou Ling and Lou Dian before, she didn't give her face. It was normal for Lin Baobao to hate her. Although everyone has been teaming up to kill zombies these days, they have already had a tacit understanding, and they share the same room at night, and no one mentioned what happened at Lou's house at that time, but the problem still exists.

Like a magic trick, Lou Dian took out a few apples. Apples can be kept for a long time, especially in this kind of weather, so no one suspected anything when they took them out. The apples were distributed to the two of them. Huang Zhiling was not in good health and couldn't eat them, so they were placed on her bedside.

While eating apples, the three girls talked about women's things.

Lin Baobao gnawed on an apple and said, "It's really hard for us women. When our aunt comes, the smell of blood will drift far away. Even if we don't tell, those supernatural beings with sensitive noses will be able to smell it. If we run out, it's simply a zombie attractor, attracting a bunch of zombies to come and bite people."

After hearing this, Lou Ling and Huang Zhiling's expressions turned a little bad, and they both thought at the same time, could it be that when their aunt came, those men could smell it? It's no wonder that when she took Huang Zhiling away just now, those boys all lowered their heads and worked obediently, and no one asked what happened.

Damn it! They are desperate for this ruthless world.

Lou Ling even remembered that when her aunt came before, she didn't need to report to Lou Dian, Lou Dian would automatically find a place to stay for a few days, and continue to use the second-order late-stage zombie crystal nucleus to hang the zombies, and wait for her When my aunt left, I continued to train her crazily.

Seeing that their faces were not good, Lin Baobao comforted: "Don't mind so much, it's not our own will, if someone thinks that our women are born to be abandoned because of this, we will beat him to death!" Said the cute baby face was ferocious.

Lou Ling said even more ferociously than her: "Cut him, let him bleed, and taste what it's like to be gnawed by zombies."

"Ha, naturally! By the way, Lingling, you played the knife really well, teach me tomorrow, my ability is water, it's a bit useless, I can only learn one more life-saving skill, if I can train to be as good as you, I don't believe that I can't protect myself, and I will be called a waste!"

Lou Ling smiled and said: "This is absolutely fine, as long as you don't complain."

Huang Zhiling was lying on the bed, listening to the ferocious discussion of these two girls, her heart suddenly felt at peace.

After dinner, the three girls brought the soft and rotten porridge specially cooked by Grandpa Mo to Huang Zhiling in the room. The porridge was cooked with chicken soup, with some shredded pork, and a few side dishes. The cabbage was cut into shreds, blanched in water, mixed with sesame oil, garlic, and some simple sauce made by Grandpa Mo. It tasted very refreshing.

Huang Zhiling looked at them with moist eyes. It was only out of helplessness that she followed Lin Baobao to Lou's house to find the Lou siblings, but she never expected that people who had never had an intersection before would eventually gather together. Although she didn't know what the future would hold, at least at this moment she took the kindness of these people to heart.

When it was time to sleep at night, Huang Zhiling suddenly said to Lin Baobao who was in the same room: "Junior Lin, I'm sorry."

The electricity had been cut off, and it was pitch black all around. After a while, Lin Baobao's calm voice sounded, "You didn't do anything wrong to me."

"You don't mind what I said at Lou's house?" Huang Zhiling was surprised, she didn't think Lin Baobao would be such a kind person, if someone robbed Xi Mufeng from her, she would definitely hate that person to death. At that time, she mocked Lin Baobao, and said it so mercilessly that Lin Baobao almost couldn't hold her head up in front of the Lou siblings, and almost ruined their relationship. Based on Lin Baobao's love-hate personality, she would definitely hate her very much.

Lin Baobao opened her eyes and looked into the darkness, and said slowly: "You were right at the time, I was the one who was wishful thinking, and even wanted to push Senior Xi to Lingling. Dianxia likes Lingling, and you like Senior Xi, but it seems that I am mean and shameless… I have fantasies about Dianxia, and I regard him as the man in my fantasy, but in fact, he is not at all. And, I understood a long time ago that it is impossible to give up the friendship between me and Lingling for a man."

Huang Zhiling felt a little uncomfortable when she heard it. She originally thought that Lin Baobao was quite annoying, she despicably pushed Xi Mufeng out and hindered Lou Ling and Lou Dian. But now hearing her free and easy words, I feel that she is open-minded, let go of feelings that do not belong to her, and never force. How many women in the world can give up love for friendship? She never thought about giving up on Xi Mufeng before, but what should she do when Xi Mufeng ignores her feelings? Continue to pester?

"Huang Zhiling, it's the end of the world now, and it's hard for women to live. If you put yourself in a humble position for the sake of love, then forget it. I won't say anything about Senior Xi's personality. I have seen your hard work these days. As an ordinary person, I admire you for being able to persevere and go out with us to kill zombies. You see, Lingling is also an ordinary person, but her ability is stronger than ours. Since Lingling can do it, I think we can do it too. If a woman has the ability to protect herself, she doesn't have to rely on a man's protection to live well in this last world, so what's so scary? To put it bluntly, can love be eaten? If you can't treat your man wholeheartedly, then forget it, our women's feelings are not so cheap!"

Huang Zhiling stopped talking, she needed to digest it.

Lin Baobao didn't say anything else, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

After Lou Ling and Lou Dian came back, they decided to rest for a few days before going out, while Xi Mufeng and the others still insisted on taking on tasks every day.

Two days later, the base suddenly gathered supernatural beings to follow the army to Fengchuan County to collect supplies on a voluntary basis, with generous rewards.

When Lou Ling heard the news, she knew that Lei Hongming must have sent someone to Fengchuan County to inquire about it, and found that there was indeed no threat from those mutant beasts, so she wanted to collect the supplies from Fengchuan County.

Xi Mufeng and the others naturally signed up. For the generous rewards, anyone with supernatural powers would go.

Lou Dian didn't go, and neither did Lou Ling. The reason why Lou Ling didn't go was because her damn aunt came, which made her want to cry but had no tears. She could only stay at the base obediently, for fear that if she ran out, she would become a zombie attractor. What frustrated her was that the noses of these evolved supernatural beings were more sensitive than dogs. As soon as she went out, everyone looked at her vaguely, with a knowing look.

Damn, supernatural beings are amazing! !

Therefore, Lou Ling could only watch Xi Mufeng, Chen Kaiwei, Wei Xian, and Lin Baobao join the army and set off to Fengchuan County to collect supplies and kill zombies by the way.

Unable to go out, Lou Ling became a martial arts coach, specializing in teaching Huang Zhiling and Mo Yingying fighting skills, and Grandpa Mo and Chen Luosheng also followed suit.

They don't raise trash!

Everyone has this self-knowledge, fortunately, no one is dissatisfied with this, but they are very active in positioning themselves. Lou Ling felt a little lucky, these people are all good in character, and everyone is together, and they didn't have any disagreements.

Two days later, the army returned. Two hundred supernatural beings went there, and one hundred and eighty came back. The casualties were not many, and the casualties of the army were even smaller, because compared with supernatural beings, they obeyed orders and were more mobile. Although there are many zombies in Fengchuan County, there are no high-level zombies or mutant beasts. Thermal weapons are enough to deal with current zombies, and they are all bombarded in groups.

In addition to collecting supplies, about a thousand survivors were brought back this time.

Xi Mufeng and the others also came back safely, bringing back the rewards given by the army, two hundred catties of rice and noodles per person, a box of instant noodles, and some fruits and vegetables.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, so we can have a good year." Wei Xian said with narrowed eyes. Two months of life in the last days had turned him from a weak otaku into a muscular man, and his weak temperament had also changed. Wei Xian used to be taciturn and not good at dealing with people, but now he seems to be more cheerful.


Chen Kaiwei hugged his nephew who was rushing towards him, a smile appeared on his simple and honest face.

After everyone entered the door, Grandpa Mo poured a cup of red date tea that had been soaked for everyone, and there were two red dates in each cup, but Lin Baobao, who was a girl, had four red dates in her cup.

"Hey, where did this red date come from?" Xi Mufeng asked in surprise.

Mo Yingying answered first: "Brother Lou took it out and asked Grandpa to make some nourishing food for Sister Ling~~"


So everyone understood in seconds, it is true that I need to replenish some blood.

Lou Ling's balls ached again.

Soon, Xi Mufeng changed the subject and said, "I would like to thank Brother Lou for being able to come back safely this time."

The others nodded in agreement after hearing this, and Lin Baobao looked at Lou Dian with that adoring gaze again, although she knew that Lou Dian was not as beautiful as she thought, but it did not prevent her from admiring him.

Xi Mufeng was right, if it hadn't been for Lou Dian's guidance, and even told them some precautions about Fengchuan County, they would probably be the same as the twenty dead supernatural beings. Even though there are no second-order zombies in Fengchuan County, those zombies are enough for them to drink a pot. It was a few of the twenty supernatural beings who were trapped in the zombie group that made them wake up.

For Lou Dian, Xi Mufeng and the others were already convinced, and they didn't feel the slightest disrespect.

After dinner, seeing that the girls were practicing martial arts in the hall again, Xi Mufeng sat down on the sofa. Opposite him was Lou Dian who was reading a book. Looking at the man in soft casual clothes, reading quietly and leisurely, Xi Mufeng almost had an illusion that it was not the end of the world, but a very ordinary classmate reunion.

Compared with Lou Ling, who can quickly get along with everyone, Lou Dian is undoubtedly difficult to get close to, and even refuses to approach people, which is why he accepts them, but because of Lou Ling. Everyone is very clear about this point, so they are sincerely grateful to Lou Ling. Whenever Lou Ling and the others were making a fuss, Lou Dian always sat quietly by the side, either staring at Lou Ling in the crowd, or reading a book quietly, rarely communicating with others.

Despite this, he is not so withdrawn that he cannot communicate, at least as long as he is not offended, he just ignores it.

"Brother Lou." Xi Mufeng spoke, seeing him turn his gaze to him, he said, "Do you still remember the men who bullied Grandpa Mo on the second day we entered the base?" When Lou Dian raised his eyebrows to look at him, Xi Mufeng told the whole story.

When the end of the world came, Chen Biao formed a team with several security guards. Besides Chen Biao, the boss also had a man named Wan Hua. He and Chen Biao were sworn brothers, and they had a good relationship before the end of the world. Chen Biao took a few brothers with him and followed Lou Dian and the others out of the base, but they never came back. Everyone guessed that they should have died outside. When Wan Hua first saw that the Lou siblings hadn't come back, he thought they had also died outside. What happened, but I didn't expect that after twenty days, the Lou siblings came back safe and sound, so there was only one conclusion, Chen Biao and the others were dead.

In this way, Wan Hua thought that it must be the Lou siblings who killed Chen Biao, and was secretly planning to seek revenge from them. Although Wan Hua also angered Xi Mufeng and the others because of this, it's a pity that Xi Mufeng and the others would team up with others when they took on missions at the base, and they were somewhat capable, so Wan Hua couldn't take revenge and could only let it go.

"Brother Lou, you should be careful. With Major General Lei and Major Lei at the base, Wan Hua wouldn't dare to do anything. If he leaves the base…"

Lou Dian nodded, and only said: "I know."

Xi Mufeng didn't know if he took it to heart, so it was hard to say anything more.

At night, Lou Ling was pushed to take a bath by Lou Dian again. There was a bathroom in their master bedroom, so Lou Dian would take water from the space every day for Lou Ling to take a bath. Of course, as for why the water is hot, Lou Dian's space also has solar generators and the like, which can heat the water, which is also very convenient.

After the two of them took a bath, Lou Ling threw herself on the bed and rolled around, nestled into the bed, and was directly pressed down by someone to kiss her, and she responded naturally.

After such a long time, Lou Ling has become so accustomed to his hugs, kisses, and physical contact that as long as he kisses, she will respond most of the time. She is so used to it that she can't help but think bitterly, if one day he really eats her up, she probably won't react too much - this man is simply in daily life, using all his patience to let her get used to it bit by bit, from attacking her heart first, to finally attacking her body directly.

After another round of tossing and turning, Lou Ling lay on the bed with a sad face, then boldly kicked him, and said, "Do you get tired of doing this every day?" Although it didn't come to an end, but This man's methods are very abnormal, making her want to cry.

The man's naked body was still pressing on her, enjoying the wonderful taste of skin-to-skin contact, and said with a smile: "Why are you tired? I'm just letting you get used to it? When you get used to it, you can…"

"Get out!"

Lou Ling grabbed the pillow beside her and threw it over, hitting the handsome face—this is just a pervert in the shell of a male god.

Naturally, Lou Dian didn't get out, he hugged her into his arms, stroked her slowly, and said, "We've rested enough, let's go out of the base tomorrow."

She never refuted his decision, and after answering, Lou Ling chose a comfortable position and fell asleep. Seeing this, Lou Dian's dark eyes were filled with a smile, he kissed her forehead, smiled and closed his eyes.


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