The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 27: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 18

The next day, the weather was still unbelievably cold. Lou Ling's spirit had recovered greatly. After breakfast, she was fully armed and set off.

They returned to the county town and continued to search and fight in the county town.

This county town was called Fengchuan County. Although there were many zombies in the county town, and there was the deterrence of the zombies that had been promoted to the latter stage of the second tier, there were still survivors. They hid themselves in the deepest part of their houses to avoid the cold weather and zombies. In this regard, Lou Dian generally just watched with cold eyes. When the army collected survivors, it was based on voluntariness. Those who were willing to go to the safe base could go on the road with the army. Those who did not want to go could still stay at home. No one was forced.

Compared to Lou Dian, who had spiritual power and could easily find the hiding places of survivors, Lou Ling could not find the survivors in the county town at all. As long as no survivors ran out to call for help, Lou Ling was basically difficult to find. Even because Lou Dian always took her to avoid the places where the survivors were, Lou Ling had never seen the survivors in this county town at all, and really thought that this county town had fallen and become a country of zombies.

However, after Lou Dian killed the five zombie beasts, there was no longer a strong threat in the county town. Although there were many zombies, as long as one ran fast enough, one could still retreat unscathed.

They wandered around the county town, mainly to train themselves. Lou Dian rarely made a move, and most of the time, he focused on training Lou Ling. Lou Ling's fighting skills also began to improve. In the last days, if you had the strength, you could live a life as you pleased; if you had the strength, you could stick to your principles and bottom line; if you had the strength, you could despise all existence.

Lou Dian had always known what Lou Ling insisted on. In her previous life, under such difficult circumstances, she still insisted on the most basic moral principles of being a human being. Although she had paid a lot for it, after they all became strong, no one dared to question anything. They even lived a very comfortable life.

And in this life, hearing Lou Ling's unchanging declaration of her true heart, Lou Dian smiled faintly and had already made a decision. As long as his strength was enough to deter all directions, then what was wrong with insisting on her principles and bottom line?

Lou Dian's training for her was gradual. In addition to physical training, there were also skills in killing zombies, close combat, and various reactions of the body. Lou Ling had been a restless tomboy since she was a child, so lively and active that her mother had a headache. Later, after she became her mother's burden and entered the Lou family together, the second-year illness of Lou Dian made her work harder and went to learn martial arts such as judo and karate. Lou Dian in his youth was not her opponent at all. Therefore, she had a foundation, and the current training was going very smoothly, and her progress was also obvious.

After staying in the county town for half a month, they had almost traveled all over the county town and killed an unknown number of zombies. Lou Dian announced that they were going back to the base.

Hearing his announcement, Lou Ling still had the consciousness of fighting left in her body, and she threw a punch, which was easily resolved by him.

"We've been out for more than half a month. If we don't go back, they'll think something happened to us," Lou Dian said as he drove.

Lou Ling relaxed her tense nerves, leaned back in the passenger seat, gnawed on the raspberries, accepted his statement, and then took a raspberry to feed him. Lou Ling was no longer surprised that he could take out all kinds of fruits from his space. She ate whatever he took out.

After driving for half a day, they finally returned to the base.

As the weather became colder and colder, there were very few survivors who would risk going out in the cold weather, so there were very few people entering and leaving the base gate. Only some supernatural beings who had accepted the base's mission came out to clean up the zombies wandering near the base.

The soldiers guarding the gate of the base were very surprised to see them come back, especially when they saw that the record of their departure from the base was more than twenty days ago, they were even more surprised and asked, "You have been away from the base for more than twenty days, if it is later, everyone will think you are missing."

Then the staff member in charge of registration told them that since they left ten days ago, Xi Mufeng, Lin Baobao, and others often came to ask about their news, so these workers kept it in mind.

Lou Ling smiled and said, "We went a little further." Without further explanation, she handed over a box of instant noodles and ham sausages as food for the base.

After registering, they went for a routine check-up. This time, they didn't have to stay in the observation room for a night. After checking that there were no scars on their bodies, they could leave.

Feeling the atmosphere in the base, Lou Ling felt peaceful in her heart, and her whole body felt a little lazy. She suddenly understood why even though they had enough strength to stay outside, they still wanted to return to the base. Because outside, they had to be on guard all the time, and their bodies were in a state of excitement ready to fight at any time, without any moment of relaxation. And in the base, they could let their tired bodies and minds relax, and there was a sense of ease that "it's safe here, don't worry about zombies, you can sleep well for the time being".

The two walked slowly. On this cold day, there were not many people on the street. Most of them chose to stay indoors to avoid the cold in order to survive the first cruel winter after the end of the world.

After walking for a while, they saw a team of patrolling soldiers passing by. Lou Ling's sharp eyes noticed that behind the soldiers was Major General Lei Hongming, who was wearing a military coat, meticulous, and handsome.

Lei Hongming had a very good memory. With just a glance, he recognized them. A smile appeared on his cold and stern face, and he said, "It's you… Have you just returned from outside?" As he spoke, he looked at Lou Dian with some inquiry, and his estimation of Lou Dian's strength rose to a higher level in his heart. He felt more and more that this person could only be drawn in and not forced.

Lou Dian looked at him indifferently, and Lou Ling smiled and said, "Yes. It's a coincidence to see Major General Lei here."

Because they were not familiar with each other, they separated after a few words of greeting.

Although Lei Hongming was the son of the head of the base, he was a very orthodox soldier with a rigorous military style and even strict military requirements. It was said that he was also a supernatural being, but he was not arrogant about it. He was still self-disciplined and self-controlled. The most disgusting and awe-inspiring thing for those unruly supernatural beings in the base was not the head of the base, General Lei, but Major General Lei Hongming. They had suffered a lot from him and had to behave themselves.

However, the two women, Lou Ling and Lin Baobao, admired his fair style very much. Seeing him patrolling with soldiers in such cold weather, they couldn't help but give him a thumbs up. Even in the morally corrupt last days, there were still admirable people like him.

As soon as they took a few steps, Lou Dian suddenly called out, "General Lei."

Lei Hongming was asking his personal guard how much supplies were left for the base to survive the winter when he suddenly heard a soft and clean voice calling him. He subconsciously turned his head and saw that it was the man a few steps away from him who called him. Although he didn't know what was going on, based on his respect for the strong, Lei Hongming had a very good attitude, "What's the matter, Mr. Lou?"

"If Major General Lei is not busy, can I borrow a few words?"

Lei Hongming's eyes flickered, but he still smiled and said, "Of course."

When they left the administrative building of the base, Lei Hongming personally saw them off and said, "Mr. Lou, if what you said is true, I represent all the people in the base to thank you for your help."

Lou Dian just smiled faintly. His fair and handsome face was extremely good-looking, which made the passing women couldn't help but peek at him secretly. He said, "You don't have to. It's just a coincidence that I passed by and found it."

Who would be bored enough to "happen to pass by" a county that had fallen? Lei Hongming had learned from some survivors that Fengchuan County was a terrible place. There were several powerful zombie beasts there. After the army also lost a group of people, they did not dare to send anyone to investigate. Although it was a pity that the supplies in Fengchuan County were gone, there was nothing they could do about it. And now, Lou Dian could tell him this, then those powerful zombie beasts that occupied Fengchuan County should have been eliminated. As for the candidates… Lei Hongming was absolutely sure that it was this person.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Lei Hongming didn't say any more polite words, but only said, "In the future, in the base, if Mr. Lou and Miss Lou need anything, you can come to me directly."

Lou Dian couldn't help but glance at him and left holding Lou Ling's hand.

After leaving the administrative building, Lou Ling looked at him and said, "Hey, there are still many zombies in Fengchuan County. Can the army collect those supplies smoothly?"

Lou Dian tilted his head to look at her and said with a smile, "Except for those mutated beasts, there is no other threat in the county town. Although the number of zombies is large, the cold air makes their advancement slow. Now is the time to take advantage of their weakness. The army can deal with them and take away the supplies there as soon as possible. When spring comes and the zombies evolve, it will not be so easy."

He spoke slowly and analyzed it clearly, but Lou Ling could feel his carelessness, with a kind of indifference. Although this was the case, his kind act still made Lei Hongming grateful. He instantly felt better about him. Through Major General Lei, he had left a good impression on the person in charge of the base.

Lou Ling couldn't stop the corners of her mouth from rising. Lou Dian's actions were too unexpected. No matter what his purpose was, she still felt happy. They had enough supplies, so they didn't have to fight with others anymore.

After staying in Fengchuan County for more than half a month, killing zombies and being chased by zombies, Lou Ling had some understanding of Fengchuan County and knew the amount of supplies in Fengchuan County. They had been there for half a month, but Lou Dian only trained her. He didn't take any of the supplies. If the base could get them, this winter wouldn't be too difficult, and with the style of the Lei father and son, the survivors in the base should be able to live a better life.

Seeing her unstoppable happiness, Lou Dian knew that she had thought wrong, but he didn't explain it and let her misunderstand.

A month before the end of the world, he ran to several countries and collected almost all the supplies he needed. There were all kinds of strange and rare varieties, enough for them to eat and use for several lifetimes. Lou Dian didn't like anything else. When he collected supplies at that time, he didn't encounter any obstacles. The high-level spiritual power he brought back from seven years after the end of the world allowed him to easily control ordinary people, create illusions, and easily solve the matter of supplies. Therefore, he really didn't care about those supplies now. Whoever wanted them could have them.

The reason why he sold the base a favor was because of Lei Hongming. Even a cold-hearted and heartless person like him admired such a fair and selfless man. Although he was only a major general in a small base now, in the near future, his achievements would be higher than anyone else's, and he would become the belief in the hearts of those who were in despair.

It was undeniable that the end of the world made people despair, but it was not the end of mankind. After the end of the world, technology developed rapidly, and supernatural beings emerged in large numbers. Blue Star entered an era of both supernatural powers and technological development.

And Lei Hongming in the future, relying on his own ability, became a powerful figure in China. Lou Dian didn't mind selling him a favor and making friends with him, which would also be good for their future.

This was a long-term investment. The future was promising.

Both of them returned to the house they had been away from for more than twenty days in a good mood and climbed up to the seventh floor in one breath. Lou Ling didn't feel tired at all. It seemed that this training was quite good.

After knocking on the door, a vigilant voice soon sounded inside, "Who is it?" The door did not open.

"Grandpa Mo, open the door quickly, we are back," Lou Ling shouted inside.

Hearing this voice, the door opened quickly, revealing Grandpa Mo's excited face, and two children accompanying Grandpa Mo on the left and right, who were Mo Yingying and Chen Luosheng.

"Sister Ling~~" Mo Yingying rushed over happily and grabbed Lou Ling's hand. Chen Luosheng was no exception and pulled her from left to right.

Seeing them come back, Grandpa Mo was very happy and said repeatedly, "It's good that you are back, it's good that you are back. You have suffered these days, right? Sigh, I'll give you a good meal tonight…"

Lou Ling touched her nose. In fact, there was no need to make up for it. She ate better than the people in the base and was about to overeat. Lou Dian made all kinds of soups and water to nourish her every day. There was no shortage of meat, vegetables, and fruits. If it weren't for the high-intensity training and facing zombies every day, Lou Ling would feel that there was no difference between eating after the end of the world and before the end of the world.

While Lou Dian went back to his room to take a shower, Lou Ling sat in the living room and chatted with the Mo family, taking the opportunity to learn about what had happened these days.

In the past twenty days, Xi Mufeng and others had taken on the task of the base. They went out of the base every day and came back in the evening, while Grandpa Mo took care of the two children at home. There was a lot of food left by Lou Dian before he left, enough for them to eat for a month. Grandpa Mo was not the kind of person who relied on those people for food. Because Wei Xian's space also stored food, there was no need to worry about food for the time being, so the tasks that Xi Mufeng and the others took were mainly to train themselves, and by the way, they could earn some points from the base, which could also be exchanged for food.

The base points didn't seem to be of much use now, but they were promulgated and implemented by the central government and connected with other bases. The points they earned by doing tasks in this base could be used as long as they went to other bases established by the government, and they might even get many preferential policies in the base because of the many points in their cards.

The signal network was cut off after the end of the world, but scientists soon developed another universal network, which was now implemented in several government bases. After further research, it would be implemented nationwide. Although it was the end of the world, the government quickly took control of the situation after the initial chaos.

As they were chatting, there was a knock on the door, followed by a shout. It was Lin Baobao and the others who had returned.


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