The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 25: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 16

In the freezing cold weather, being able to take a hot bath was one of the greatest joys in life.

Lou Ling got up slowly when the water was about to turn cold. She took the bath towel from the shelf and wrapped it around herself. After drying herself, she picked up the clothes that were put aside and put them on.

Picking up a set of clean underwear, Lou Ling put them on slowly. She was already in despair towards a certain someone. With a blank face, she put on her clothes one by one, then looked at the changed clothes. Except for the down jacket which was a little dirty, the rest were just sweaty and could be washed easily.

Just as Lou Ling finished washing her clothes with the water in the bathtub, the bathroom door was directly unscrewed. Lou Ling felt that she hated strong people. They could just ignore all kinds of locks and unscrew the door directly. How could ordinary people live like this?! TAT

Lou Dian raised his eyebrows and saw that she had already washed her clothes and hung them on the rack. He smiled and said, "I thought you were doing something inside. You don't have to go through so much trouble. You must have enough clothes to wear."

Lou Ling didn't change her thrifty nature and said seriously, "We don't know what will happen in the future. We should save as much as we can. Besides, there are many people in the base who can't wear warm clothes in winter. If I throw them away after wearing them once, even God wouldn't be happy."

Lou Dian never argued with her about such trivial matters. He took the towel beside her and wiped her washed hair. Lowering his head, he sniffed. The apple-flavored shampoo made her whole body smell fragrant and soft. He couldn't help but hug her and rub her a few more times.

Lou Ling was worried that he was going to do something perverted again, so she hurried out.

After all this, it was getting dark. Lou Dian closed the window and took out a solar lamp, placing it high enough to illuminate the whole room.

"What do you want to eat?" Lou Dian asked as he checked the things in the space.

"Anything?" Lou Ling's face lit up with excitement.

Lou Dian narrowed his eyes and looked at her, making her quickly put away her excitement. She tentatively said, "I want to eat mutton hot pot."

When she saw him really take out the alcohol stove and all the hot pot ingredients from the space, she couldn't help but feel a little messy. At the same time, she couldn't suppress the doubt in her heart.

White smoke rose from the pot, and the soup boiled in the pot, blurring his face.

Lou Ling bit her chopsticks and looked at his face almost in a daze. Through a layer of white mist, his face was gentle and elegant, clean and soft, easily making people let down their guard. She was not a fool. She naturally knew all the unreasonable things about him. From the beginning of the apocalypse, he had shown his specialness without any defense. This was a kind of trust that put his life in front of her and let her decide.

He picked up a piece of mutton that had been rinsed and dipped in sauce and put it in her bowl. Lou Ling lowered her head and ate slowly, covering the complicated emotions in her eyes. Obviously, there were many opportunities to ask clearly, but she felt that it was not necessary. No matter how he changed, no matter what secrets he had, he was Lou Dian, her family. She could even help him deceive the whole world for him.

This person… made her willingly become strong and try her best to protect him.

After a while, Lou Ling let out a sigh of relief, then took the serving chopsticks to fish for meat in the pot. She also picked up a piece of radish for him. Seeing him eat it with a smile, she changed to meat again. After he continued to eat, she felt bored and lowered her head to continue eating.

Eating hot pot in winter was really a kind of enjoyment. After eating the steaming hot pot, Lou Ling directly lay on the sofa and didn't want to move. Of course, Lou Dian was the one who cleaned up after the meal. Lou Ling wanted to help, but he stuffed a plate of cherries into her hands and drove her to the side to eat. It made her feel like he was raising her to be useless, making her inseparable from him, unable to escape the net he had woven.

"Where did the cherries come from?" She asked him while eating.

"I collected them from an estate in the United States."

Lou Ling's face twitched, and she asked, "When did you… start doing this kind of thing?"

Lou Dian put the washed pots and bowls back into the space and was carefully washing his hands with a bar of soap. Hearing her words, he couldn't help but smile and said frankly, "A month before the apocalypse, I started to prepare." Then he added, "As a qualified man, even in the apocalypse, I have to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing."

Lou Ling's face twitched again, and she asked carefully, "Did you know that the apocalypse was coming? Do you have the ability to predict the future?"

Lou Dian wiped the water stains on his hands, and the smile on his face couldn't be stopped. He directly put his arms around her waist, buried his face in her neck, and smiled, "Is Xiao Ling concerned about me?"

Lou Ling patted his head, not letting him rub against her anymore, and said seriously, "Dad left you to me, naturally, he wanted me to take good care of you…" Then she was speechless. Now it was him who was taking care of her.

Lou Dian continued to rub against her neck gently, half-closing his eyes, hiding the complexity in his eyes. She did take good care of him. Although she was three years younger than him and usually carefree, she was incredibly careful when it came to him. She was more like an older sister who took care of him and his feelings.

Therefore, in this life, it was his turn to take care of her. He would spoil her more than any other woman in this apocalypse.

The final conversation naturally came to an end. Although her heart was full of doubts, Lou Ling did not get to the bottom of it.

In the middle of the night, the cold current came again. Lou Ling was directly woken up by the cold. Hearing the howling wind outside, she felt cold to the bone. Then she rolled directly to the heat source beside her, no longer caring about being taken advantage of by the man. She wrapped around him like an octopus, touching his warm skin, and then she fell asleep contentedly.

When she got up the next day, Lou Ling was surprised to find that it was freezing outside.

Yes, it was freezing, not snowing. Crystal clear icicles hung from the eaves and corners of the walls, formed by the condensation of fog at night. The ground was also covered with a thin layer of ice, which looked cold to the bone.

Lou Dian directly took out a pair of furry snow boots from the space and let her put them on. He also put on fleece socks and gloves for her.

After eating a hot breakfast, they set off again.

Not long after they left their temporary residence, they heard a scream. The air was filled with the smell of blood, attracting the zombies, whose movements were stiff because of the weather, to flock to the place where the smell of blood was coming from. Also, because they were close by, some of the attracted zombies turned and pounced on them.

Lou Dian pulled Lou Ling through the streets. It seemed that the cold weather had no effect on him, and his speed was very fast.

Across the street, Lou Ling saw six men being chased by a group of zombies. Two of them were injured and were being helped by their companions. The strong smell of blood attracted the zombies. The other two ran back, throwing their abilities to try to stop the zombies from approaching. Lou Ling quickly recognized that one of the two injured men was "Brother Biao", the one who had followed them to the county town yesterday. She couldn't help but be a little surprised. She thought that these people had already left the county town yesterday. Not everyone was as daring as Lou Dian to stay overnight in a pile of zombies.

But how did they get so badly injured early in the morning?

Naturally, no one told Lou Ling about this question. Soon, those people found them. When the injured Chen Biao saw these two, his face was distorted and ferocious, as if he wanted to eat them. At the same time, he changed his direction and ran directly towards them.

Lou Ling glared at him angrily and hurriedly pulled Lou Dian to run in the opposite direction of the zombies.

After running for a while, she heard another scream. Lou Ling looked back and found that a man had fallen into the group of zombies. That man was the one who was most seriously injured. The smell of blood on his body was too strong.

"Brother Biao--" The man screamed in disbelief, "How could you--"

Compared to this man, Chen Biao only suffered a minor injury, which did not affect his actions. He only heard him shout, "Xiang Zi, anyway, you are so badly injured, you can't run far. Why don't you buy us some time to escape? We will remember your sacrifice."

The man called "Xiang Zi" was quickly submerged by the zombies, and the rest of the zombies were still in hot pursuit.

Lou Ling's heart turned cold as she watched. She looked down on Chen Biao even more.

Chen Biao looked at the two people in front of him, suddenly grinned hideously, and casually picked up a fallen billboard on the street and threw it at Lou Ling's back.

Lou Dian pulled Lou Ling to the side. She staggered and almost fell. Lou Dian grabbed her arm, and at the same time, a billboard brushed past her, making a "bang" sound. How could Lou Ling not know what was going on? She was immediately enraged. She slashed the Tang sword in her hand forward, cutting down a doorplate that had fallen in mid-air by the side of the road.

The doorplate fell and hit the leg of a man behind her. In an instant, Chen Biao made a decision and directly abandoned the man, letting him attract the zombies. The man was horrified, angry, and unwilling. He reached out and grabbed Chen Biao's pants. Chen Biao kicked him again, making him let go.

At this moment of pulling, the zombies had already rushed over.

Screams came from behind. Lou Dian looked back again, as if he wanted to keep this bloody and naked scene in his eyes.

The abandonment and betrayal of his companions, as well as the conscience and humanity that were discarded in order to survive… made her terrified and sad at the same time. This world was no longer a peaceful world bound by law and morality, but a world where people killed people and zombies ate people.

Lou Dian pulled her forward. Seeing her stumbling, he knew that she had suffered a lot of shock and it was difficult to adapt for a while. He narrowed his eyes, and his fingers flicked slightly. An invisible space blade flew back and sank into the heart of Chen Biao, who was still trying to escape from the zombies.

Chen Biao clutched his chest in disbelief and fell straight down.

"Brother Biao!"

The remaining two men were stunned for a moment, not knowing why Chen Biao suddenly fell. However, before they had the chance to solve the mystery, without Chen Biao's ability, they could no longer stop the zombies. Before they could run far, they were caught up by the zombies and submerged.

She didn't know how long she ran. When Lou Ling stopped, she only felt a pain in her chest as if it was blocked by a lead block. However, she still observed the surroundings at the first moment and found that there were no more zombies. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around, she realized that they seemed to have arrived at a park.

Lou Dian helped her to sit on a rest chair by the side and took out a carton of milk from the space for her to drink to calm her nerves.

Lou Ling drank the milk slowly, her mind replaying the previous scene, almost forcing herself to accept and adapt, but her heart was still a little uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because after the apocalypse, while Lou Dian was training her, he was also unconsciously protecting her, so that she did not have much contact with the moral decay and darkness of human nature after the apocalypse.

"It's not hard to accept," Lou Dian said. He looked at the desolate park after the apocalypse and said softly, "In order to survive, humans can do anything, betrayal, abandonment, framing, selling out…"

"I won't betray you!" Lou Ling said angrily, "I won't abandon my companions, or even frame others. If we don't even have the basic moral bottom line of being human, what's the point of living? I'd rather die a worthy death than abandon the bottom line of being human and live like a walking corpse."

Lou Dian looked at her with gentle eyes. Because he knew that in the previous life, she did it. Even though she was just an ordinary person, in the previous life, she still insisted on her original intention and lived safely until the seventh year of the apocalypse. If it weren't for…

Lou Ling felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him. "Don't worry, I won't die easily, but I won't abandon my bottom line either. I will keep today's events in mind. When it comes to getting along with people, not to mention after the apocalypse, even in the legal society before the apocalypse, you can't completely trust others. You also need to weigh your own strength when you meddle in other people's business…"

Seeing that she was a little down, Lou Dian reached out and touched her head. The remaining color in his eyes flashed.

"It's okay, Xiao Ling can stick to her own principles of conduct. I'll take care of the rest."

Yes, he would take care of the rest. He would never let her live too hard because she kept her original intention. She could do what she liked, and he only needed to nip all dangers in the bud.

With that in mind, the smile on his face became even more gentle and soft. Under the gray sky, he was like a flawless and clean angel who came from a dark painting style. Only those eyes that flashed with madness allowed people to peek into his true nature.

Lou Ling was touched for a moment. She felt that she really didn't know what was good for her and was about to say something when his face suddenly turned cold. He said, "It's dangerous here. Let's go!"


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