The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 19: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 10

Because of the mutant beast attack, everyone slept poorly. The next day, many people looked tired and gloomy when they set off. Before departure, there was a commotion in the crowd. Someone started making trouble, but it was quickly suppressed.

Before setting off, Lin BaoBao went around the village and came back to tell them: "Last night, the mutant beast attacked. Because the reaction was not timely, more than two hundred people died, and fifty or sixty soldiers died. Just now, some people made trouble and protested to the army, scolding the army for having bad intentions. They were staying at home, but because they had to go to some safe base with these people, they encountered such a terrible thing."

Lin BaoBao's face showed a look of mockery. Needless to say, the troublemaker was directly dragged away by the soldiers. Although he was not killed, he was taught a lesson. The army came to the city to find survivors, but they did not force the survivors to follow them. The people here all volunteered to follow. Therefore, at this time, apart from deliberately making trouble to seek more benefits, the army did not need to be polite.

But it's no wonder they were so easily instigated. Because when the apocalypse came a month ago, when the zombies and mutant beasts had not yet evolved, they all stayed at home and relied on meager food to survive. Although they didn't eat well, they were safe. So they haven't seen the horror of evolved zombies and mutant beasts, naturally they don't know that the outside world has changed, and they still have a little naive and lucky mentality.

Most of these truths are understood by those who go out to find food, so for the army's approach, except for those who are still deceiving themselves and are still indignant, the reaction of others is not great.

Of course, soon, those who were still indignant, in the face of the cruel reality, finally shut up.

The convoy drove for a whole morning and stopped at noon to rest and eat - the most important thing was to solve the physiological needs, they couldn't hold it in for a whole morning.

"Really don't need me to accompany you?" Lou Dian bent down slightly and put his hand on her shoulder and asked.

This picture looks extremely warm and beautiful to outsiders. A handsome and fair man, a delicate and petite woman, a brother who bends over to match his sister's height and speaks softly, looks like a vivid landscape painting in this gray apocalypse. It's just a pity that the content is very abnormal.

Lou Ling said with a dark face: "No, I'll go with BaoBao, Huang ZhiLing and the others, you boys can solve it yourself."

Ignoring the regret in Lou Dian's eyes, Lou Ling ran over and grabbed Lin BaoBao, then went to a secluded place not far away with Huang ZhiLing to solve their physiological needs.

"Your brother is so kind to you." Huang ZhiLing's face was envious, and she whispered: "It's worth it for a man to be so kind to a woman." Speaking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad. Huang ZhiLing is actually a very discerning girl. Except for caring about Xi MuFeng, she accepts other things very quickly. She has a bit of a young lady's temper, but she knows how to restrain herself and knows what to do when. She is a very discerning person.

Lou Ling's face was still dark, thinking that although he was nice, many of his behaviors were abnormal. She was under a lot of pressure to sleep in the same bed with an abnormal person every day.

Lin BaoBao has already seen it, and now hearing this, there is no difference on her face, she just reaches out and touches Lou Ling's hair, and says: "Poor LingLing, you are actually under a lot of pressure." These days, if she hadn't seen Lou Dian's terrible desire for control over Lou Ling, she would be a pig.

As expected of a good sister, she can understand her, give me a hug.

When they came back after solving their physiological needs, many people had already returned to the convoy, but they did not enter the car, but were moving their muscles and bones outside, trying to warm up their stiff bodies. The weather was cold, and the heating was not turned on in the car to save fuel. After sitting in the car for a whole morning, the lower part of their legs were stiff and numb, which was really uncomfortable.

The break time was half an hour. Just when Lou Ling and the others took out biscuits for lunch, Lou Ling suddenly found that the person sitting beside her who was handing her a drink paused. Lou Ling didn't have any strange thoughts at first, she took the bottle of Nutri Express he took out and took a sip, until there was a scream in the distance.

"It's a zombie—" the man who discovered the zombie cried out in horror.

A group of about a few hundred zombies came towards this side. The fresh flesh and blood of tens of thousands of people here naturally attracted zombies, and those survivors who had not faced zombies much screamed subconsciously when they heard that zombies were coming, until the sound of gunshots, then calmed down.

There seemed to be a few hundred zombies in that group. This time, there were 400 people sent by the army. Fifty or sixty soldiers died last night because of the mutant beast attack. And if these 400 people were to be dispersed to protect the surrounding people and kill zombies, the force would not be enough. Fortunately, there are still some ability users among the survivors to help, so it's not so embarrassing. As for the other ordinary survivors, they were so frightened that they ran directly into the car and locked the door tightly, thinking that this would be safe.

The people on Lou Ling's side reacted very quickly, stuffed Grandpa Mo and the two children into the car, and the others guarded the car. Even Huang ZhiLing, an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken, was holding a watermelon knife in her hand and followed closely. By Xi MuFeng's side.

This group of zombies looked like they were all first-order evolved zombies. Their speed was the same as that of ordinary people, and their strength was even greater than that of ordinary people, which was horrifying. Many survivors on the periphery were not as fast as zombies, and they were scratched by zombies all at once, and even had their necks bitten off.

Lou Ling's car was at the end, so it was directly facing the zombies, which was the most serious. Everyone was so scared that their scalps went numb, but in times of crisis, they still had to fight. Xi MuFeng and Chen KaiWei threw their abilities at the zombies, Lin BaoBao condensed the water ball and smashed it at the zombies, allowing Xi MuFeng to electrocute them with lightning, Wei Xian was holding a one-meter-long steel pipe in his hand, and hit the zombies directly.

Compared to them, Lou Dian directly chopped off the heads of zombies with one knife. Lou Ling had no problem dealing with zombies alone, and even killed more zombies than Xi MuFeng and other ability users. All of them were fatal with every knife, without any fancy moves, clean and neat. Soon, most of the zombies in this belt were cleaned up by Lou Dian and Lou Ling together, which also relieved the pressure on Xi MuFeng and others.

"Brother, there are still zombies over there." Lou Ling pointed to the zombies attacking other people a hundred meters away.

Lou Dian saw that she was eager to try, and she looked like she wanted to kill all the zombies - she was full of blood, although she was a bit of a tomboy, but she was in high spirits and never afraid of difficulties, this advantage must be retained. And let her exercise more, so he took her there to help eliminate the zombies.

Xi MuFeng and the others watched in a daze as the Lou siblings were like murderers, the zombies were like watermelons under their hands, they were easily chopped up, and they seemed to have a soft spot for beheading, every zombie had their heads chopped off, and then stabbed in the head again, so they died and died again.

At this time, Lin BaoBao finally understood why Lou Ling said that she didn't need anyone's protection. Even though she was an ordinary person, her fighting power was not inferior to that of an ability user. She directly hacked and killed zombies faster than an ability user. Looking at her moves, which are very similar to Lou Dian's, it is estimated that Lou Dian taught her personally. And although Lou Dian is an ability user, he is the weakest space ability user in the early stage, but it seems that no one present can match his skills. Without relying on any abilities, he can easily walk among the zombies and kill them.

The fighting power of Lou Dian and Lou Ling overturned everyone's cognition. Ordinary people are not necessarily weak, and space ability users are not weak in the early stage. Relying on weapons alone is enough to kill zombies.

Although Xi MuFeng and others are ability users, their combat experience is not as good as the two of them, their ability levels are not high, and their lethality is really not strong.

Many people also noticed Lou Dian and Lou Ling, and immediately regarded them as saviors. Those soldiers who were eliminating zombies also noticed it, and their eyes lit up.

Because of the addition of the Lou family siblings, there were not many casualties in this zombie attack. When the soldiers came to check, they found that it was the soldiers who came to carry away the mutant beast last night. They naturally discovered the situation here, and they respected Lou Dian even more, especially knowing that he could kill so many zombies without using any abilities. , is even more important.

The army quickly sent people to count the injured and dead, put the injured in a large truck first, and sent soldiers to guard them. If there is any change, they will be shot immediately. As for those who died, they were moved to an open space and cremated. After doing all this, we set off. After this zombie attack, the atmosphere of the team was a bit heavy, and those who had been clamoring since the mutant beast incident became silent after the zombie attack today, and some even showed despair on their faces.

Along the way, they finally realized the horror of zombies and the cruelty of the last days.

For the rest of the time, the car never stopped, and if it saw zombies approaching on the road, it would often shoot them directly.

Knowing that the army would not stop, Lou Ling and Lin BaoBao discussed it, and both insisted on not drinking water in the afternoon, so as not to feel uncomfortable when the time came.

It wasn't until evening that the army finally reached the safe base.

Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Awow! Destroy the zombies!!

Lou Dian's goal: Protect my sister! Strengthen my sister! Overpower my sister! (Adhere to these three tenets and never waver)


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