The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 10: The Heart of People in the Apocalypse 1

"Ling'er, Your Highness, are you in there? Open the door, we've come to save you!"

Lou Ling immediately became happy when she recognized the owner of the voice. The apocalypse had arrived, and the whole world had changed. It was fake to say that she wasn't worried about her friends at school. However, there was no signal on her phone, and the internet wasn't working either, so there was no way to contact anyone. Even if she was worried, she couldn't just abandon her family and run to find them, right? Lou Ling didn't think she was that great, to abandon her family to find her friends.

Despite this, Lou Ling still hoped that everyone was doing well. Now that she heard Lin Baobao's voice full of energy, how could she not be happy? And Lin Baobao had specially come here to find her, which also moved Lou Ling very much.

In her happiness, Lou Ling turned to look at Lou Dian. Seeing that he didn't say anything, she immediately ran to open the door.

Lou Dian slowly washed his hands and leaned against the kitchen door, watching as Lou Ling brought three men and two women in. His eyes suddenly narrowed slightly before quickly transforming into a clear, indifferent depth.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" The baby-faced girl in casual clothes ran up to Lou Dian and asked excitedly.

Lou Dian's expression was indifferent and cold, and he nodded in response.

Just then, the aroma of food wafted from the kitchen, accompanied by the sound of rumbling stomachs. The men and women present couldn't help but blush. However, their experiences in the past half a month of the apocalypse had also trained them to be thick-skinned, and they didn't feel ashamed. Nothing was more important than filling their stomachs.

Lou Ling looked at them. It seemed that the past half a month had also made these prideful young masters and ladies taste bitterness and understand the importance of food. However, compared to the survivors she had encountered on the streets, they had more confidence and vitality in them, full of youthful spirit. It seemed that they were not desperate because of the arrival of the apocalypse but instead had a kind of eagerness to try.

This feeling was very obvious, and it could be felt from how they walked into someone else's house so calmly and without any restraint. Lou Ling was very perceptive. Although she was happy about the arrival of her friends, she also took in their reactions.

"Are you steaming buns?" Lin Baobao said with a look of pleasant surprise. "We haven't had a hot meal in a long time. This is great."

Lou Ling glanced at Lou Dian again and saw that he didn't react, so she said, "You must be hungry. I'll go get you some buns."

A moment later, everyone was sitting in the living room eating buns.

Lou Ling and Lou Dian sat together, while the three men and two women opposite them were busy eating the steaming hot buns, secretly glancing at the Lou siblings opposite them.

This group of people were Lou Ling's classmates and seniors from school. The three men were Xi Mufeng, Chen Kaiwei, and Wei Xian, and the two women were Lin Baobao and Huang Zhiling. Xi Mufeng and Huang Zhiling were their seniors from the year above, while Lin Baobao, Chen Kaiwei, and Wei Xian were all Lou Ling's classmates. Usually, if the class had any activities, they would often get together to discuss them, so they could talk to each other, but that was all. They weren't familiar enough to talk about everything. Or rather, Lin Baobao was familiar with those two men, but with a certain blackened great god at home, Lou Ling couldn't get familiar with other men at all.

From Lin Baobao's narration, Lou Ling learned that on the night before the apocalypse arrived, they had gone karaokeing until 12 midnight. The school gate was already closed, so Lin Baobao took them to the apartment they rented outside to spend the night. They didn't expect that when they woke up the next day, they would find that the world had changed and there were monsters outside that ate people. They had been hiding in the apartment until they ran out of food and had to go out to find some.

"We couldn't get through on the phone and were very worried about you, so we came to find you." Lin Baobao concluded.

Seeing her frequently glancing at Lou Dian, Lou Ling was afraid that she had come to find Lou Dian instead. She and Lin Baobao had met by chance when they were freshmen in university, and because they were roommates in the same dormitory, they had been playing together ever since.

"Of course, Senior Xi also agreed." Lin Baobao said with an ambiguous look on her face.

Xi Mufeng smiled and said, "It's great that you're alright."

Lou Ling's face darkened a little. Don't say that in front of the blackened male god, she thought. Be careful he doesn't blacken further! As expected, the hand Lou Dian had placed on her waist was subtly pinching her. It didn't hurt, but it was sore and tingling, which was simply unbearable. However, she didn't dare to make a sound and let anyone know.

"Thank you for coming all this way to find me. Are you alright?" Lou Ling asked, pretending that nothing had happened.

Lin Baobao laughed and said nonchalantly, "Of course, we're fine. We have abilities."

"Abilities?" Lou Ling's eyes widened.

Her appearance looked like a kind of surprise to others. However, Lou Dian was still sitting still, with the same gentle and refined appearance, as elegant as a young nobleman. Compared to these young men and women, Lou Dian's performance was no different from before the apocalypse. It seemed that this apocalypse had no impact on them at all.

Xi Mufeng, Wei Xian, and the others all secretly sized up the Lou siblings. Seeing Lou Dian's performance, they seemed a little strange.

Lin Baobao flicked her finger, and the empty cup on the coffee table in front of her was filled with water. Then she said to Lou Ling, "On the day the apocalypse began, except for Senior Huang, the rest of us had a fever for three days and three nights. After the fever subsided, we awakened our abilities. Senior Xi awakened the lightning ability, Chen Kaiwei awakened the ice ability, and Wei Xian awakened the space ability. Senior Huang didn't awaken any ability. What about you, Ling'er? His Highness is so powerful, he must have awakened an ability, right?" Lin Baobao couldn't help but look proud. Based on strength alone, there were four ability users in their group, which was indeed very powerful and worth being proud of.

However, it was a pity that the abilities of the current ability users were too low. After using them once or twice, all their energy would be drained, so everyone was still used to physical attacks when dealing with zombies. Lou Ling had often gone out these days and had seen ability users killing zombies, so naturally, she understood the problem.

Just as Lou Ling was about to answer, Lou Dian said, "I have the space ability. Xiao Ling didn't awaken any ability." As he spoke, he took the cup on the table into his space and then released it.

Hearing this, everyone present was a little disappointed. In their eyes, the space ability could only hold some things, and the initial space was small, so its combat power wasn't strong. It was really useless. However, it was better to have a space ability than to be an ordinary person. At least it was convenient to carry things. When Chen Kaiwei and the others were forced by Lin Baobao to come here, they still had some hope in their hearts, hoping that the Lou siblings were powerful. Who knew that one had the space ability and the other was an ordinary person, which was far from their expectations.

Lin Baobao didn't expect this either. Her expression stiffened for a moment, but she quickly cheered up and said, "It's okay. His Highness has space to store things, and although Ling'er is an ordinary person, we are good sisters and will protect you."

Lou Ling smiled and said, "Thank you, but I don't need protection. I can kill zombies too."

Lin Baobao sat down next to Lou Ling and reached out to hug her, as if to comfort her. The hand Lou Dian had placed on Lou Ling's waist also left, and seeing the scene of Lou Ling being hugged and rubbed by another girl, Lou Dian's eyes became even darker and colder. Lou Ling's heart couldn't take it anymore, and she quickly crawled out of Lin Baobao's arms.

Lin Baobao made a fuss for a while before laughing and saying, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't have an ability now. I heard that you can awaken it later."

"Then I'll take your word for it."

The two of them smiled at each other.

The others watched, their expressions different. Huang Zhiling, one of the girls, pursed her lips. She also longed to awaken her ability.


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