The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 9: The Advent of the Apocalypse 5

It took them a few days to finally finish exploring the wholesale street and collect all the supplies they needed. However, they hadn't killed all the zombies yet.

When they escaped from that commercial street, the smell of decay in the air finally dissipated a lot. Lou Ling took a deep breath of the clean air and felt like she had come back to life. She saw a zombie pounce on her from the corner of her eye, and without hesitation, she swung the Tang sword in her hand and chopped it down. The zombie's head flew high.

If you get scratched by a zombie, you will turn into a zombie. So in the past few days, one of Lou Ling's training was to kill the zombies before they got close, which trained her speed and skills.

Returning to where they had parked the car, the two got into the car, and as soon as the car started, they left the chasing zombies far behind.

Lou Ling collapsed in the passenger seat, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and gulped down several mouthfuls, then screwed on the lid and put it away.

Lou Dian glanced at her. He didn't say anything, but seeing that she had consciously stopped wasting water, his eyes dimmed. It seemed that she was always quicker than ordinary people to realize her situation, the situation of human beings, and the importance of water resources, so she would consciously make correct judgments. This was also the reason why they were able to live safely until the seventh year of the last days. If not…

"Hey, someone is asking for help over there!" Lou Ling said suddenly.

Lou Dian looked over. It was the window of a room on the third floor of a residential house by the street. Someone was sticking out of the body and waving a red cloth. Hearing the cry for "help", Lou Dian drove the car over without looking. The current zombies were only primary, and even ordinary people could deal with them. As long as they ran fast enough, they would not be afraid of being caught up by zombies. It's just that these people who are waiting for others to save them will be saved once and then there will be a second time. It's better not to do anything, and there is no need for it.

Lou Ling didn't say anything about Lou Dian's indifferent behavior.

Although there were zombies coming and going on the street, as long as they dared to kill the zombies, they would definitely not be trapped. And they were just passing by in the car. If they stopped to help them kill the zombies, would they have to take them home next? How could there be such a beautiful thing? If people don't save themselves but rely on him to save them, it will only encourage their weakness and laziness.

On the way home, this kind of situation happened a lot. Those who were hiding at home heard the sound of the car, and they all came to the window to check. Seeing the car passing by, some would call for help, and some would just watch.

In addition to them, there were other people who drove out to collect supplies like this. Lou Ling found that most of those who dared to come out were supernatural beings. If there were people in the roadside houses, they would also ask for help from these people with magical abilities, and the result—needless to say. Among them, a car suddenly drove out at an intersection and stopped in front of their car. A big man leaned out of the car window and threw a ball of fire at the zombies on the street, but his aim was very poor.

Lou Ling was originally very interested in watching them throw their abilities. Although she didn't have abilities, it would be nice to have a feast for the eyes. But when those people arrogantly threw fireballs at their car, it was not fun.

Seeing that the fireball was about to burn the wheels, it suddenly lost its aim. I don't know how it turned. It seemed that a gust of wind blew, and the fireball turned back. With a bang, the chassis of the car caught fire, causing the car to suddenly lose control and slide forward, making a harsh braking sound.

Lou Dian's driving skills were very good, and he calmly slid the car forward, passing the car. Lou Ling could still see the sturdy men in the car being bumped around, and their eyes were full of anger. Lou Ling was startled, but the car passed them in a flash, thinking that she might not see them again in the future, so she ignored it.

Soon they returned to their home where they had been away for a few days.

When the car drove into the community, the survivors in the community heard the sound and looked up. Seeing that the car drove to the gate of Lou's house, they knew that it was Lou Ling, the fool who went out to kill zombies every day, and quickly looked away.

After returning home, Lou Ling looked at the familiar place and felt a long-lost feeling. After the end of the world, having a safe residence with excellent defensive properties is even more touching and reassuring than before the end of the world.

Lou Dian locked the door and looked at the person who was lying on the sofa, his eyes were peaceful.

The community they lived in was located in a relatively suburban area with a small population density, so there were not many zombies. Although the community was very large, because Lou Ling had cleaned it up, most of the zombies had been cleaned up.

After returning home and resting for a day, Lou Dian began to take Lou Ling out of the community to kill zombies and collect supplies by the way. But they didn't go to places like supermarkets or shopping malls that everyone went to, but to streets with a lot of zombies.

Lou Ling knew that Lou Dian's purpose was not to collect supplies, but to train her, so he often went to places with many zombies.

After going out for a few more days, Lou Dian saw that she was able to face the zombies without changing her face, so he stopped forcing her to go out to kill zombies. What made Lou Ling's hairline darken was that she was somewhat unaccustomed to it—could it be that she was a masochist?

It may be because there were zombies cleaned up by Lou Ling in the community, which became very safe. In recent days, people from the city have fled to the community one after another. There were many empty houses in the community, most of which were owned by people who were doing business in other places or had not returned. Those people smashed the security doors with brute force, and then moved into those empty houses, and no one said anything about them. In these extraordinary times, order has been disrupted, and people will not say anything about illegal intrusion into private houses. It is good to be alive.

The sound of brakes came from outside again. Lou Ling ran to the window and looked out. She found that it was another survivor who broke in. They were followed by more than a dozen zombies. After entering the community, the survivors closed the blood-stained iron gate of the community, preventing the zombies outside from entering. Then they collapsed on the ground, and other people who still had strength looked at the community vigilantly, in case of zombies in the community.

Every time she saw a survivor escape, Lou Ling was a little happy, which proved that there were more surviving companions.

Compared to Lou Ling's happiness, Lou Dian didn't react at all. He went about his own business, reading a book, looking at her, being in a daze, and going to the kitchen to cook for her.

At this time, Lou Ling could only touch her nose, and she didn't know what to say. Although she has some chivalry, she can't be expected to be as chivalrous as others, right? Everyone is an independent individual, some people are born holy mothers, some people are born selfish, everyone has their own ideas and way of life, she can't blame anything.

The water and electricity had been cut off, but there was a gas stove at home and a few cans of gas. When Lou Dian was free, he cooked as much of the food stored in the house as possible and put it in the space for storage. Only then did Lou Ling realize that the cooked food they ate outside was made by Lou Dian and put in the space at some point.

There was a sound from the kitchen. Lou Ling left the window and ran to the kitchen. She saw Lou Dian making steamed buns. There was dough in the basin and the fillings that had been prepared on the glass platform. They were all mushroom meat fillings, which made Lou Ling smile and hurried over to help.

Before the end of the world, Lou Dian originally bought a lot of food. With the supplies they collected these days, they were not short of food and drink. It's just that domestic water is relatively difficult, which makes Lou Ling only wipe her body at night if she doesn't go out to kill zombies, and dare not waste water at will. But if she killed zombies and got dirty, even if the water was tight, Lou Dian would throw her directly into the bathroom.

After Lou Ling made an ugly bun, she was kicked out of the kitchen by Lou Dian mercilessly. There was no other way, Lou Ling could only hide at the door of the kitchen and start to chat with Lou Dian. She was originally a girl who liked to be lively. Now that she couldn't watch TV, surf the Internet, or chat with people, she had to make do with Lou Dian. It was her family who had lived for more than ten years.

"Hey, do we have enough food?" Although she didn't know how big Lou Dian's space was and how much food it could hold, she couldn't help but worry when she thought that the end of the world had just begun and she didn't know when it would end.

Lou Dian still only had one sentence: "Don't worry."

Seeing that she still wanted to say something, Lou Dian took out a red apple from the space and stuffed it to her. Lou Ling swallowed, found a fruit knife, cut the apple into small pieces, ate half by herself, and fed him half. She is now under Lou Dian's control for food and drink, so it's not good for him to be busy eating while she's eating.

It's just that when he bit her finger and sucked it twice, Lou Ling's face darkened, and she decided to be a little heartless.

The buns made by Lou Dian are very beautiful, and the pleated patterns on the top are like works of art, which amazed Lou Ling. When all the buns were put into the steamer and steamed, their house was knocked on.

"Lingling, Dianxia, are you there? Open the door, we're here to save you!"


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