The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 7: The Advent of the Apocalypse 3

Lou Ling stared blankly, while Lou Dian returned a deep gaze.

After a while, Lou Ling closed her mouth, put away her silly look, and was about to say something when she saw the man looking at the baby products in the store. He spoke in a measured tone, "Should we collect some of these things? Although I don't like children very much, if you are pregnant, you will need them." He looked at her belly as if it had already been planted with his precious jade—planted your sister!


Very good, very powerful. Lou Ling didn't know that he had even considered such a long-term matter, which made her feel a sense of evil again—Father Lou Ran, I don't know why your son became so perverted, I'm sorry for you!<__>…

Lou Dian had already walked over leisurely. Wherever he went, the things on the shelves disappeared out of thin air. This magical scene made Lou Ling feel like calling someone to see God. Of course, the sound of zombies banging on the door outside also made Lou Ling understand that this was the reality.

Lou Dian put away all the supplies in the small store, then went up the small stairs and put away the goods piled upstairs. Although the store was small, it had a large flow of customers, so it had a large inventory. If it weren't for the fact that this was a special wholesale street for commodities, so many goods would not have been piled up. And because there was a large flow of customers here, it became a gathering place for zombies. With the current human ability, they would never come here to collect this kind of thing.

Therefore, Lou Dian chose to come to such a place on purpose.

There were too many zombies, no one would be as stupid as them to run to such a place, and no one had the ability of Lou Dian to open a way in the group of zombies. And these commodities, if they are not collected before the zombies evolve, in the future, when the zombies evolve and high-level zombies guard here, then these commodities can only become waste products.

This was also the reason why Lou Dian didn't go to those supermarkets where it was easier to collect supplies. He always had to leave some room for those ordinary people to survive. Since he had the ability, why not go a little further and take away those things that no one could collect?

Lou Ling analyzed and looked at him differently.

After Lou Dian finished collecting the things and walked up to her, he squatted down so that his eyes were level with hers. Those dark eyes were filled with a clear and bright color, which was completely contrary to his handsome appearance that made people feel good. It was cold and inorganic, but when she looked into those eyes, she always felt that those eyes were so deep that it made her heart skip a beat.

"You…" Lou Ling asked as calmly as possible, "What kind of ability is this?"

"Space ability."

"Then me…" she asked a little dejectedly.

Lou Dian took her into his arms, moved his lips to the corner of her eyes and touched them, and said, "My silly girl, I have everything!"

So, she was an ordinary person.

In fact, the reason why Lou Ling knew about supernatural powers was that when she was in the car earlier, she saw fireballs and ice arrows thrown at the zombies among the people running away on the roadside. At that time, she thought it was because the car was driving too fast and she had read it wrong. It turned out that she had read it right, it was true. And now, Lou Dian also showed his ability, letting her understand that she was an ordinary person.

Sure enough, nature was fair.

It changed the ecosystem, causing humans to mutate into zombies, becoming undead creatures that devour flesh and blood, and humans have also evolved, possessing magical powers, able to fight against zombies and win living space.

Lou Ling didn't have much time to feel lost, because when Lou Dian saw that she was almost rested, he madly pushed her out to kill zombies again. If it was in the past, Lou Ling would find it difficult to understand his actions, but now, knowing that she was an ordinary person, she was too weak compared to those supernatural beings who had awakened magical powers, so she could only strengthen herself in force.

Lou Ling tried her best to kill zombies to train herself. The dense zombies made her scalp tingle. The rancid smell from the zombies hit her face, which made people want to vomit even more. Especially now that it was October, National Day had just passed, and the autumn was clear and refreshing, the weather was still somewhat sultry, so the smell from the zombies evaporated, it was simply a torture.

Of course, Lou Ling firmly believed that she would get used to vomiting.

Especially when Lou Ling saw that Lou Dian's eyebrows were peaceful, as if he didn't take these rotten smells seriously, Lou Ling felt that Lou Dian, a delicate and noble young master, could adapt, why couldn't she adapt? So after vomiting, she continued to exercise.

Lou Dian followed behind her, his mental power recklessly unfolded, covering the area within a few kilometers radius, and found that there were no survivors in this area. Of course, there was nothing else dangerous. As for these zombies, apart from their quantity, there was really nothing to say about their quality. For a strong man who had returned from seven years after the end of the world, this kind of low-level zombies was not enough to look at.

After scanning the surroundings and finding no danger, his gaze turned to the girl in front of him again, the dark eyes flashed with a crazy light, and then returned to calm. Seeing a few zombies pounce on her from the side, making it difficult for her to cope, he flicked his fingers, and several spatial blades that were invisible to the naked eye solved them silently.

She was still alive and well under his watch!

Lou Ling shuddered, chopped off the head of the zombie in front of her, saw that the door of the shop next to her was open, dragged Lou Dian towards it, then locked the glass door, and collapsed on the ground panting.

Lou Dian still gently took out a wet wipe to wipe the sweat off her face.

Lou Ling met those eyes that still had a hint of madness and cruelty, and shuddered again. She didn't know what he was thinking just now, the undisguised evil aura—hmm, it was so scary! As expected, the end of the world has come, and the perverts have also evolved!

This was a cake shop.

Seeing that she was still paralyzed on the ground, trying to recover her rapid breathing, Lou Dian went to lock the iron door of the cake shop. The room was dark. He helped her to the couple's seat in the cake shop and handed her a bottle of drink from the cake shop.

On the fifth day of the end of the world, some of the cakes in the cake shop had expired. Lou Ling looked at the cakes displayed in the glass cabinet with a pitying expression on her face.

She now finally realized the various inconveniences brought about by the end of the world, and couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart when she thought that she might not be able to eat the creamy, soft and delicious cakes in the future.

"It seems that the task cannot be completed today. Let's rest here for one night." Lou Dian said.

Lou Ling looked incredulous, "In this kind of place?" In the zombie den? She wouldn't get enough sleep, would she?

Lou Dian gave her an affirmative look, which made Lou Ling feel a little depressed and desperate. Listening to the sound of zombies hitting the door stiffly outside, she became more sure that she would not be able to sleep tonight.

The cake shop was not big, about sixty square meters. The cakes in the cabinet had all expired, and only the bottled drinks in the refrigerator were drinkable. Lou Ling rested for a while, and followed Lou Dian to check the cake shop. When she went in, she found that there was a compartment inside, which was a small kitchen for making cakes, with a bathroom and a small warehouse. There was flour and other things in the warehouse. .

Lou Ling's eyes lit up when she saw it, and she urged, "Put it away~~" It was probably because she knew that the end of the world had come and food had become very important, so Lou Ling suddenly developed a passion for this kind of food that could be collected for free. And this kind of place, if it wasn't for Lou Dian, it is estimated that no one would come to collect the supplies here, so it is better to take them away now than to let them deteriorate in the future.

Lou Dian looked at her amusedly, and put the food in the warehouse into the space.

Finding that there was nothing else, the two washed their faces and hands with the clean water stored in the kitchen. Lou Ling saw that the conditions were right, so she wanted to wash her body, so she looked at the man beside her.

Lou Dian walked out of the kitchen and left the space for her at her insistence.

Lou Ling went into the bathroom and scrubbed herself from head to toe. When she was about to get dressed, she became a little embarrassed—the clothes on her body were stained with the blood of zombies, and there was a stench, and there was no extra water to clean them…

"Xiaoling, clothes!"


Lou Ling watched him open the bathroom door openly, the lock was easily unscrewed under his brute force, it couldn't be considered a lock at all, she couldn't help but feel like crying, as expected, being a pervert has capital!

Lou Dian handed her the clothes, looked at her stupid look of only wearing underwear and holding the clothes, raised his eyebrows, and looked at her inch by inch, as if he was using his eyes to molest her body, that The coldness rushed up from the spine again, and the whole person felt bad.

Lou Ling stiffly took the clothes, fortunately he just looked at them again and again, and didn't do anything else. After he turned and left, Lou Ling hurriedly took a look at the clothes, and immediately became angry again.

Underwear, panties… why did he know her size! What a pervert!


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