The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 6: The Advent of the Apocalypse 2

At 4:00 AM on October 10th, 20X5, a meteorite carrying a devastating virus crashed into Earth, destroying the entire ecosystem and ushering in the apocalypse.

It was the third day since the apocalypse began. The electricity had gone out, and the water was slightly contaminated. It tasted strange when you drank it. However, in their neighborhood, each small villa had a water tank on the roof, so there was no need to worry about water pollution for the time being. It was the tap water connected to the outside water plant that had become polluted.

Lou Ling looked at the few bags of instant noodles, the meat and fruits, and the barrels of purified water in the kitchen, her brows furrowed. Although she still had food, she knew that it would run out eventually. She didn't know how long this disaster would last or what impact it would have. Would those disposable consumables still be produced? Would the land still yield crops?

However, humans had become the masters of Earth, standing at the top of the food chain. Their vitality was incredibly tenacious. No matter what, in the face of despair, there should be a way out, right?

Lou Ling comforted herself. Although zombies had emerged, humans would adapt and evolve as well. Whether it was nature or species, a balance would always be found.

At least for the past five days, Lou Dian had ruthlessly pushed her out the door every day to face those monsters. From vomiting at the beginning to now being able to quickly kill zombies, Lou Dian had played a significant role in her adaptation to this sudden disaster.

However, there were also worries. She didn't know how long this disaster would last, but she knew that food was key. In addition to food, there were many other daily necessities. As a tough woman, she had the right to worry about many things—for example, sanitary pads. What would she do when they were no longer being produced? Would women have no way to live?

As she was worrying, two hands reached out from behind her and pulled her into an embrace. A warm breath brushed against her earlobe as the person said gently, "Xiao Ling, are you ready? Let's go gather supplies."

Lou Ling was too lazy to struggle anymore—this person's strength was unbelievably strong. She even wondered if he had awakened some kind of power and speed ability, like those described online. If it were normal times, this guy would be a real-life Superman. However, it seemed that his strength was already as strong as Popeye's on the night before the apocalypse. It shouldn't be considered a mutation, right? It was too unscientific.

Lou Ling responded with a sound and obediently let him lead her out of the kitchen—she couldn't break free from his grip. What a pain.

Lou Dian was dressed in a neat black shirt and black trousers, with a pair of combat boots on his feet. His tall figure looked somewhat thin—of course, she knew that he would be well-built under his clothes—but he very much fit the image of a noble young man from a comic book. Lou Ling was also dressed in sportswear, with a pair of sneakers on her feet, no different from before the apocalypse. She was now somewhat grateful that Lou Dian had made her feel a sense of crisis before, so her clothes were mainly sportswear. High heels and the like were just decorations, so she didn't have to worry about clothing.

The car was parked in the courtyard, not in the garage. It saved a lot of trouble.

In the past few days, the zombies near their house had been cleared out by Lou Ling alone. Every time Lou Dian heartlessly pushed her out to clear the zombies, she found that the neighbors in the nearby houses were always peeking at her from behind their curtains, their eyes as if they were looking at an idiot. They seemed to think that the government would soon send someone to rescue them, and they didn't need to face these dangerous and disgusting monsters themselves. Of course, this community was a wealthy area with good security, so these slow-moving zombies couldn't break in and eat them. This also led to these people having no sense of crisis.

Originally, Lou Ling didn't have much of a sense of crisis either, but Lou Dian was too relentless. He made her face the cruel reality, telling her that the food would run out one day, that the monsters would evolve, and so on—although she was puzzled as to how he knew so much. But Lou Dian's attitude was too certain, and even his casual words made people feel a sense of conviction and despair for the future he described.

Lou Dian drove, and Lou Ling sat in the passenger seat, watching the chaos and bloodshed along the way. It was already the third day since the apocalypse began. The once clean streets were now dirty and messy, littered with human skeletons and zombie corpses. The streets were filled with rotting zombies. They moved slowly, like toddlers or the elderly. When the car drove by, they didn't even react before being left far behind. Of course, occasionally, they could also see survivors running frantically down the street, chased by zombies. Lou Dian drove past them as if he hadn't seen anything.

Lou Ling felt a pang in her heart.

Although she knew what the end of the world meant, it was just a concept. In the past few days, clearing out zombies in the community, because the houses in the community were spaced apart, and the people who lived there were either rich or noble, the apocalypse happened in the morning when not many people were out. As a result, there were not many zombies in the community. Each time she finished killing the zombies and ran to the nearby ones, it didn't take long. And although Lou Dian seemed heartless, he always followed behind her, protecting her. After she finished killing the zombies, he would hold her hand and take her home. Waiting for her was a hot bath and a delicious meal. All this made her almost unaware of the reality of the apocalypse. It wasn't until now, when she saw with her own eyes that the once prosperous and beautiful city had become a wasteland, that an inexplicable sorrow spread from her heart, indescribable in words.

Lou Ling watched as the car drove past a large supermarket and turned to look at Lou Dian. Seeing that he didn't even glance at it, she couldn't help but feel puzzled. Weren't they here to gather supplies? What could have more supplies than a supermarket?

Although puzzled, Lou Ling didn't ask and continued to lean against the car window, watching the scene outside.

It was the fifth day since the apocalypse began. Many families didn't have much food left. Many people had realized the importance of food and began to frequently go out to search for it. Of course, all the shopping malls and supermarkets were their targets, as were the smaller supermarkets and shops with fewer zombies. Lou Ling saw many young men and some physically weaker women avoiding the zombies and quietly making their way to some supermarkets and shops.

The car drove to an intersection and stopped at a relatively secluded spot.

Lou Ling quickly realized where they were. Looking at the dense crowd of zombies on the street not far away, her scalp tingled. She looked at the man beside her with an incredulous expression.

This street was also a relatively bustling street before the apocalypse. There were shops selling everything from tobacco and alcohol to food, fruits, purified water, seeds, medicine, and so on. It was a very comprehensive street, and many nearby residents liked to come here to buy goods. Therefore, there were more zombies. Looking at the dense crowd of zombies, Lou Ling's scalp tingled, and she swallowed hard, feeling that Lou Dian might love her to death and now wanted her to die directly.

"We're gathering supplies here?" Lou Ling looked at him as if he were insane.

Lou Dian looked back calmly and said, "Supplies can wait. Let's kill zombies first. Your training isn't enough yet."

The corners of Lou Ling's mouth twitched. So, after she had killed all the zombies in the community, he had to take her out to kill zombies elsewhere? He just couldn't stand to see her idle?

However, Lou Dian didn't give her a chance to prepare and heartlessly pushed her out of the car again.


As Lou Ling grabbed her Tang sword and started hacking at the zombies, Lou Dian strolled leisurely behind her. This street was several kilometers long. Because the time when humans transformed into zombies was around seven o'clock in the morning, when people were going to work, this place became a gathering place for zombies. As they approached, the zombies smelled the fresh flesh and blood and all slowly and stiffly surged towards the intersection.

There were too many zombies here, so many that any normal person wouldn't be foolish enough to come to such a place. Moreover, the surrounding streets were all commercial streets, and there were no residents, making it look like a zombie territory. With so many zombies, Lou Ling couldn't possibly deal with them alone. At this time, she needed Lou Dian's help.

This was the first time she had seen Lou Dian kill zombies. His movements were clean and neat, each move extremely simple, pursuing speed and simplicity. He moved with ease and grace, like a vampire knight from a comic book. She never knew Lou Dian had such good skills. Could it be that he had secretly learned them because he was unhappy that she had beaten him up before?

There were so many zombies that Lou Ling thought Lou Dian would only come to such a place when he was impatient with life. But soon she discovered that this guy definitely had a purpose. Every time, he very skillfully led her to a small shop on the roadside, using the shop as a stronghold to hack and slash at the surging zombies. When they couldn't finish them off, they would directly enter the shop and close the door. And while she was killing zombies, Lou Dian would turn sideways and enter the shop, who knows what bad things he was doing.

Of course, Lou Ling soon found out what bad things he was doing.

The shops on this street were not big, but they were comprehensive. The types of shops ranged from tobacco and alcohol stores to grain stores, fruit stores, purified water stores, seed stores, pharmacies… Lou Ling had lost count of how many small shops they had visited. Although they were small businesses, the goods in the shops, which were about four to five hundred square feet in size, were very complete. After this place became a gathering place for zombies, no one dared to come here. For those closed shops with no one inside, Lou Dian very easily broke the locks with brute force and entered swaggeringly.

Lou Ling worked hard to kill the zombies, while Lou Dian strolled around the shops like an idler. Lou Ling was too lazy to pay attention to what he was doing. As she killed more and more zombies, her hands were so tired that she could hardly lift them. Compared to Lou Dian's cleanliness, she was inevitably stained with zombie blood, which disgusted her.

This time, they entered a baby products store. When the door closed, Lou Ling collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. Lou Dian took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator by the counter, unscrewed it, and fed her. Seeing her sweat-soaked face and clothes, he took a tissue from the nearby cash register and wiped the sweat and dirt from her face.

After Lou Ling drank the water and rested for a while, she saw him standing with his hands in his pockets, slowly strolling around the baby products store. The store was about five hundred square feet, divided into two floors. The upper floor was obviously used for storage, while the lower floor was the shop. The items on the shelves were mainly baby products. Of course, there were also many very iconic feminine hygiene products, such as… ahem, sanitary pads.

Lou Ling saw him look at the sanitary pads, then look at her, a thoughtful look on his face. She couldn't help but blush. Just as she was about to get angry, she saw him put his hand on the shelf, and then the entire shelf, along with the sanitary pads on it, disappeared, as if they had vanished into thin air.

Gone?!! ( ⊙ o ⊙ )!

Lou Ling was dumbfounded.


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