The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 38: On the Road in the Apocalypse 9

The night passed peacefully. The next day, before dawn, everyone got up and packed their things, following the army to the capital.

At noon, when the sun was at its strongest, they rested in a village. There were no survivors in this village. Except for a few scattered zombies wandering around, it was very clean. It seemed that it had been cleaned up and had become a resting stop along the way. Many survivors passing by chose to rest here.

Compared with the threat of many zombies in cities and towns, these villages built beside the highway have become a resting place for survivors. Because there are few people in the village, it is not so troublesome to clean up the zombies. It has become an ideal resting place, and there is no need to worry about being besieged by zombies accidentally like in the city. Of course, it is also necessary to pay attention to the distance between the village and the city, so as to prevent the fresh flesh and blood of many survivors from attracting zombies.

The army chose the houses first, and then the supernatural beings from the academy went in with a solemn look, holding someone in their arms. Bai Cheng, the captain of the army, only showed up once among the survivors, and he also looked quite dignified.

Everyone thought at the same time, did something happen?

Lin Baobao and Xi Mufeng went for a walk outside. When they came back, Xi Mufeng told everyone, "I heard that Assistant Bai from the academy was injured. The scream last night should have come from her tent."

"Bai Jin seems to have a high position in the academy." Huang Zhiling wondered, "How did she get injured? Is she a supernatural being?"

"It should be." Xi Mufeng was also a little puzzled, "I don't know why she was injured. There was nothing unusual last night."

After everyone went about their business, Lin Baobao ran over to whisper to Lou Ling, "Lingling, that Bai Jin is a spiritual supernatural being with a developed brain. But she was injured this time, and her supernatural powers were destroyed."

Lou Ling looked at her in surprise, "Why are you so clear?" Then she looked in Xi Mufeng's direction. They both went out for a walk, but she didn't expect Lin Baobao to find out more than Xi Mufeng.

Lin Baobao flicked her finger, and a drop of water appeared on her fingertip, crystal clear and very tempting, "In such a hot day, water is always welcome. Those soldiers are also human beings. They will be thirsty when they patrol under the sun." The baby-faced girl smiled happily.

So, Lin Baobao used her powers to tempt them. Coupled with her personality that she can chat with anyone, her sweet mouth and eloquence, she can find out more than Xi Mufeng.

Lou Ling expressed her understanding. Lin Baobao used to be the foreign minister of the student union. Every time the school held an event, she would go to solicit sponsorship. As long as she came forward, she would definitely succeed.

The two whispered again, discussing the inside story of Bai Jin's injury. Last night, there was a scream from the army's tent, and almost all the supernatural beings heard it. Lou Ling was a little tangled. Did she sleep too soundly? Why didn't she hear it? (Someone deliberately covered her ears and put up a mental barrier to completely soundproof it.) But then everyone saw that nothing happened, so they ignored it and continued to sleep.

At the end of the discussion, Lin Baobao couldn't help but gloat.

Well, Lin Baobao really hated Bai Jin's superior look when she came to invite Lou Dian to join the academy yesterday, as if everyone except them were ants, worthless, which made people feel very uncomfortable. Lin Baobao didn't have any thoughts about them at first, but when she knew that Bai Jin was a spiritual supernatural being, her face suddenly became a little bad. She had been in contact with spiritual supernatural beings in the base before, and knew that the powers of spiritual supernatural beings were mainly based on detection, and could even kill people invisible. People with strong spiritual power could destroy a person's brain and make that person die silently without any trace.

As for Bai Jin's injury, Lin Baobao didn't think she was injured by herself. She guessed that she was abolished by a higher-level spiritual supernatural being after doing something. For example, she may have used her spiritual ability to spy on others, and then was abolished by a higher-level supernatural being in a fit of anger…

It has to be said that Lin Baobao got to the truth.

The supernatural beings in the academy were extremely shocked and angry about Bai Jin's injury. Bai Jin was the special assistant of Dr. Feng, the head of the Western Academy. Dr. Feng relied on her very much, and she needed her assistance in many private experiments. If it weren't for looking for a virus this time, Bai Jin would never have been allowed to come along on a mission, and these supernatural beings seemed to be assisting the military, but they were actually protecting Bai Jin. But they didn't expect that Bai Jin would be injured under their noses, and her powers would be destroyed by a higher-level spiritual power user than Bai Jin.

Bai Jin's brain is developed and has the stimulating effect of spiritual power. If her spiritual power is destroyed and her brain development cannot keep up, she will not be able to participate in many special experiments in the future.

Unfortunately, they didn't know who the spiritual power user who could destroy Bai Jin's power was. After asking Bai Jin, Bai Jin only said that she was suddenly destroyed in the camp, but there were nearly 10,000 survivors in the camp. If someone wanted to hide their spiritual power, it would be easy.

For this reason, the supernatural beings in the academy all looked bad, and even Feng Shaohuang was not in the mood to pay attention to Lou Dian's affairs. They spent the whole morning trying to find the murderer and see if Bai Jin's powers could be restored.

When Lou Dian came over to separate the two intimate people, Lin Baobao ran away as soon as she saw his face, leaving Lou Ling with a bitter face and protesting to him, "Can you stop eavesdropping when we women are talking about private matters?"

"I didn't listen, you were too loud!" Lou's lips were smiling, and he said shamelessly, "The supernatural beings have better hearing, you know that."

Bah, don't think she doesn't know that he has better hearing, other people are not as good as him.

"If you want to know anything, you don't have to ask her, just ask me." Lou Dian continued.

Lou Ling felt that his intentions were sinister. He clearly wanted to train her to be a waste, only listening to him and relying on him for everything, so that she would only have him in her eyes. As she was obediently dragged away by him, she still said, "You don't understand, sometimes it's easier for women to communicate with each other, it's a kind of fun."

He really didn't understand what fun women had, but he was wary of the fact that love could arise between women, which seemed to make him wary that his sister was too close to her best friend. Lin Baobao said she liked him, but her behavior was not like that at all. In her previous life, she went to the southwest for Lou Ling, and later came back like a vengeful goddess for Lou Ling's death. Many supernatural beings in the academy died at her hands.

This is also the reason why while he hates Lin Baobao, he still has to endure her hanging around Lou Ling, otherwise he would have slapped her to death.

When they finished lunch and went to rest, Lou Ling also learned the truth from Lou Dian. Bai Jin was a spiritual power user. Last night, when she used her spiritual power to peep at others in the camp, her spiritual power was indeed destroyed by a higher-level spiritual power user than her.

Lou Ling was silent for a while, then looked at him with suspicious eyes, and whispered, "Her spiritual power wasn't destroyed by you…"

Lou Dian smiled calmly, "What did Xiaoling say? Do you think brother is that kind of person?"

Lou Ling nodded affirmatively. Even if you smile like an angel and look like a male god when you don't smile, you can't hide your sinister intentions and pettyness. Last night, she could feel his malice towards those supernatural beings in the academy. He can really do this kind of thing. Although she felt that it was not good to destroy a person like this, it would be fine if the other party provoked first.

Lou Dian still smiled gently, looking like a gentle and elegant young man, harmless to humans and animals. So, excellent skin is an excellent way of disguise. Seeing such a man, I believe no one would think that he is a pervert who is already distorted psychologically.

However, this incident also made Lou Ling realize that Lou Dian may not only be a space power user, but also a spiritual power user, and both are high-level power users.

Seeing her holding her head in thought, Lou Dian peeled a tangerine and tore off a petal to feed her. Seeing her open her mouth to eat, the smile in his eyes deepened, and he suddenly had the urge to imprison her in his arms and take care of her food, drink, and toilet by himself - he would definitely scare people away again if he dared to do so.

Lou Dian smiled gently, but there was no warmth in his eyes. When he lowered his head slightly, his slightly long bangs covered his inorganic and cold eyes.

None of the people in Dr. Feng's research institute are good people. They are all cold-blooded and cruel researchers. How many supernatural beings and survivors have died in their human experiments? And this Bai Jin has a developed brain and strong spiritual power. I don't know how many harmful things she has done for Dr. Feng. Many researchers in the entire academy who refused to accept Dr. Feng died silently, dying under the destruction of Bai Jin's spiritual power. Death from brain domain is hard to guard against.

After the end of the world, the Capital Research Institute was controlled by various forces. Later, it was divided into four hospitals: East, West, North, and South. Finally, under the control of Dr. Feng and Bai Jin's exclusion of dissidents, the other three hospitals existed in name only, and all obeyed the orders of the head of the Western Hospital - Dr. Feng. The academy is nominally for the progress and development of mankind, but in fact it is for its own selfish desires.

Destroying Bai Jin means destroying a dog beside Dr. Feng, making him afraid. Don't think that the academy is his world, and he can do anything he wants like he did in his previous life. Lou Dian had a relationship with Feng Shaohuang in his previous life, and the academy didn't want to touch him, but he knew the darkness and filth in the academy very well.

Without Bai Jin, he wanted to see how Dr. Feng would suppress dissidents, how to assassinate the heads of the other three hospitals, and turn the academy into his own possession. Compared to killing people directly, it would be more enjoyable to slowly destroy their important things and ruin them all.

Thinking of this, the man's eyebrows and eyes became softer. Seeing the girl practicing her powers beside him obediently eating the food he fed, he felt more and more happy in his heart. He sent himself over directly, and kissed her when she opened her mouth.

Lou Ling's eyes widened, and when she saw the corners of his eyes turning red again, she cried out in her heart, why did she become abnormal again?

When they set off in the afternoon, everyone could see the heavy faces of the supernatural beings in the academy, as well as their sharp eyes as they glanced over. Those who had received the news were startled, and they knew that these supernatural beings suspected that Bai Jin's powers had been destroyed because they thought there was someone among them whose spiritual power was higher than Bai Jin's.

Lou Ling was also a little apprehensive at first, fearing that they would find out that Lou Dian did it, but she felt relieved when she saw that they didn't say anything in the end.

In fact, it's no wonder that the people in the academy didn't suspect Lou Dian. After they found out that Lou Dian's power was space power, they gave up on suspecting him. Because it has only been a year since the end of the world, even if there are people with dual powers, they will not be able to reach this level at all, and those with dual powers also have a shortcoming, that is, the speed of promotion is slower than those with single powers. Bai Jin is a high-level supernatural being specially cultivated in the academy. The third-level spiritual supernatural being is already outstanding. There are not many people whose spiritual power can surpass hers. Lou Dian is already a space supernatural being. Even if he has spiritual powers, the level of his powers should not be high.

In this way, Lou Dian easily changed from a suspect to an innocent victim.

Maybe it was because of Bai Jin's injury, the atmosphere on the army's side was a bit dignified. Everyone didn't talk much along the way. When it was time to rest, they arranged for people to patrol and stand guard at night, and the army and the survivors didn't have much contact.

After walking on the road for three days, with the instrument developed by the academy to detect zombies, nothing happened along the way, and they finally arrived at the capital.

Those survivors were all excited. In their hearts, the capital with the strongest armed forces is an absolutely safe place, at least much safer than other safe bases. However, when they saw the gate of the capital base from a distance and the long queue of people at the gate, they were dumbfounded.

Everyone thinks that the capital is safe, and the survivors all rush to the capital. The population of the capital is increasing. Sooner or later, when the population reaches saturation, the capital will not be so safe.

The people in the army had already entered from another entrance, and they didn't have to wait in a long queue like those survivors who came for the first time to check and fill in information. And the supernatural beings in the capital also have other channels. As long as they show the documents of the residents of the capital and use the instrument at the door to check that their bodies are not carrying the virus, they can enter.

Maybe it was because Lou Dian's attitude was too bad that day, Feng Shaohuang never showed up again, not even after the army entered the capital base. For this reason, Xi Mufeng and the others secretly glanced at Lou Dian, and saw that he was just carrying a schoolbag, holding a parasol and queuing up with Lou Ling and others.

In fact, Xi Mufeng didn't understand Lou Dian's actions. If Dr. Feng, the young master of the academy, recommended him, Lou Dian would definitely be able to get along well in the capital, but Lou Dian offended someone when they met, not to mention hurt him, and turned a friend into an enemy. Isn't he worried that he will be retaliated against in the capital in the future? Or he didn't decide to stay in the capital in the first place.

Thinking of this, Xi Mufeng frowned slightly, and his eyes dimmed.

The author has something to say:

Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Try to help the pervert cover up his evil deeds!

Lou Dian's goal: To raise my sister to be white and tender, and then…


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