The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 37: On the Road in the Apocalypse 8

Hearing that they could travel with the army, the survivors breathed a sigh of relief. What made them even happier was that there was a research assistant from the Capital Research Institute in the army. She had the latest zombie detector developed by the institute, which could provide early warnings and ensure their safety.

At this time, everyone was stationed in an open space to rest for the night. It was a sultry summer day, so they could sleep directly on the ground with some bedding, and there was no need to find a house. Those with better conditions, such as the military and some ability users, could even set up tents for the night.

Lou Dian and his group were sitting in the open space eating. Hearing the words of the survivors around them, except for the two innocent children, the others looked at each other. Although no one spoke, their eyes revealed a sense of doubt.

“If they were really that powerful, would they have been chased by the zombie rats earlier?” Lin Baobao whispered to Lou Ling, “Ling Ling, I don't think those ability users from the Research Institute are good people. Let’s be careful.”

Lou Ling glanced at the military vehicles and tents in the distance and asked, “How can you tell?” It wasn’t that she doubted her friend’s words, but she just felt that her friend was too sure, as if those people had already done bad things in front of her.

Lin Baobao said calmly, “Because of my brother’s attitude.” Then she looked at her with an expression of ‘you need to learn to be smarter’.


In other words, Lin Baobao was actually still a fan of Lou Dian. Whatever Lou Dian hated, she also hated. Whoever Lou Dian thought was not a good person, she also felt was not a good person.

While they were whispering, they saw someone coming towards them from the army's side. The reason why they could see so clearly was that the slender white figure was too conspicuous in the firelight. If the light was darker, it would be scary.

“Lou Dian!”

Feng Shaohuang came over with the only woman in the army dressed in white. This woman had above-average looks, but she wasn’t a great beauty. Compared to Feng Shaohuang’s wicked smile, her expression was very serious, making her look like a cold researcher. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, adding a bit of elegance and intelligence. In peacetime, wearing white clothes wouldn’t make people feel much, but in the last days, when many things were inconvenient, being able to wear clean white clothes would make people think that this person was either a clean freak or had some kind of fetish. Looking at her identity again, she was an assistant to Dr. Feng, who specialized in zombie viruses at the West Institute of the Capital Research Institute, so she understood a little.

“Yo, are you eating? Just eating dry food? Lou Dian, I thought that with your ability, you wouldn’t be doing too badly.” Feng Shaohuang crossed his arms and looked down at the people sitting on the ground. His eyes swept over them, then paused on the people sitting on either side of Lou Dian, then he smiled playfully.

Lou Dian said calmly, “I don’t know what Young Master Feng ate today? Tell us and let us be happy.”


Seeing Feng Shaohuang’s constipated expression, everyone lowered their heads and snickered. The army encountered zombie rats today, so they were in no mood to cook anything. After they arrived here, it was already dark, and everyone just ate some dry food casually. So Feng Shaohuang came here to mock, but he also mocked himself.

“Shaohuang, stop talking.” The woman in the white suit pushed up her glasses, then said politely, “Hello, Mr. Lou.”

Lou Dian’s eyes were dark without a trace of luster. He said politely, “May I know who this is…”

“Her name is Bai Jin, my father’s assistant.” Feng Shaohuang said casually, “Sister Bai, didn’t you want to find him?”

Bai Jin pushed her glasses up and professionally took out a palm-sized tablet instrument from her pocket, and said, “Mr. Lou’s skills are very good, I wonder if you are interested in joining the Capital Research Institute?”

After hearing this, everyone understood that this woman probably saw Lou Dian killing zombie rats today, and she had the intention of recruiting him. Indeed, anyone who had seen today’s battle would not deny Lou Dian’s excellence. He didn’t even use his abilities and could achieve such a level with just his physical strength.

Lou Dian narrowed his eyes slightly, then quickly returned to normal, “Not interested!”

“Mr. Lou, don’t refuse so quickly. The benefits that the ability users in the Research Institute receive are definitely more than those of ability users in other places, and there are surprises.” A perfect smile appeared on Bai Jin’s face, but it lacked any human touch, making people feel a little formulaic.

“Not interested!”

Bai Jin was not discouraged by being rejected like this, she only said, “I hope Mr. Lou will think about it again. When you arrive in the capital, if you change your mind, you can tell Shaohuang and ask him to contact me. Excuse me!”

After Bai Jin left, Feng Shaohuang leaned over, but when he saw Lou Dian’s calm and cold eyes, his movements paused. He scratched his hair and said helplessly, “Lou Dian, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, do we have to be like this? Don’t you recognize me as a friend after a few years? I don’t even care about your kick today.”

It was precisely because I recognized you as a friend that I wanted to kill you even more!

“I don’t think Young Master Feng and I are that close. If there’s nothing else, please leave.” Lou Dian said lightly.

Feng Shaohuang stared at him for a long time, feeling a little annoyed. He jumped up and cursed, “Lou Dian, what the hell are you doing? I’m telling you, if you don’t give me a reason today, I, I—I will stay here and never leave!” After saying that, he sat directly on the ground with a casual and wild posture.

In the next instant, a bloodstain appeared on his face. In the orange-red firelight, the bright red blood flowed down his cheek, adding a strange charm. Just when Feng Shaohuang was shocked, the man in black had approached like a ghost and kicked him on the shoulder, making him feel like his shoulder blade was about to shatter. When he fell to the ground, he was stepped on the shoulder.

“Lou Dian!” Feng Shaohuang’s eyes were bloodshot, his face full of disbelief.

At this moment, the people in the army had discovered the situation here, and the ability user companions who were with Feng Shaohuang rushed over.

“Shaohuang, what’s wrong?”

There were a total of four ability users, three men and one woman, all looking at the two of them strangely. The reason they didn’t act rashly was that Feng Shaohuang had told them before that Lou Dian was his good friend from university, and maybe the two of them were just joking. But seeing Feng Shaohuang’s pale and painful face, they were a little unsure.

At this moment, the man who was stepping on Feng Shaohuang slowly turned his head to look at them. The firelight hit his soft, fair face, and those eyes flickered with a strange look in the firelight. He didn’t know if it was the reflection of the firelight, but it made people feel that those eyes were turning red, containing violent madness. For some reason, a chill suddenly rushed up from his spine, and his heart couldn’t stop feeling cold.

“Brother, don’t!”

At this time, a person rushed over and hugged the man in black’s waist.

Lou Ling felt a little bitter in her heart. Don’t go crazy here, these ability users are from the Capital Research Institute, and she felt troubled when she heard that. They were weak and should not confront the people from the Research Institute. No matter how powerful Lou Dian was, she didn’t believe that he alone could deal with the people from the Research Institute, so she had to stop him from going crazy first.

Lou Dian paused, then reached out and wrapped his arms around the woman behind him, elegantly lifting his foot that was stepping on Feng Shaohuang. His flat and indifferent voice revealed no emotion, “Young Master Feng, it’s the end of the world, you can’t be too careful. Don’t come near me again, lest I can’t help but do this again!”

Feng Shaohuang was in so much pain that he was about to die. He was already hating him in his heart. When someone helped him up, he heard these words and said in disbelief, “What the hell are you doing? I only thought you were annoying before, but I didn’t realize you were a pervert!”

The soft and clean voice seemed to say casually, “Yes, I’m crazy, so don’t come near me again.”

After saying that, Lou Dian pulled Lou Ling directly behind the car and entered one of the tents.

Feng Shaohuang’s face was a little distorted, and he stared at the place where Lou Dian disappeared with a gloomy expression. Then he was supported by his companion and left.

“Shaohuang, are you alright?”

Qin Wei reached out and touched Feng Shaohuang’s shoulder. Hearing him groaning in pain, his face darkened, and he hurriedly took him to the convoy and went to the tent where Bai Jin lived.

Bai Jin had just changed into her pure white pajamas and was about to rest when she saw Feng Shaohuang being helped in. Her expression changed slightly, and she said worriedly, “What’s wrong with Shaohuang? Hurry up and help him here.”

When Feng Shaohuang’s shirt was taken off, and they saw the dark red bruises on his shoulders, everyone gasped. How much strength did it take to injure a second-tier ability user like this? Second-tier ability users not only had greatly increased strength, but their physical fitness was also much better than that of first-tier ability users, but they were easily injured like this, as if they were stepping on a piece of tofu.

“The shoulder blade is slightly fractured.” Bai Jin’s calm eyes were brewing a storm, “How did this happen?”

Several people looked at each other, and then recounted what happened just now. Feng Shaohuang sat on the side with a dark face, still thinking about Lou Dian’s behavior in his mind, angry and resentful, and a little ruthless in his heart. In that case, don’t blame him for not recognizing him as a friend.

“Do you know what his ability is?” Bai Jin suddenly asked.

The four looked at each other, then Qin Wei shook his head and said, “I don’t know, he doesn’t seem to have used his ability. I didn’t notice him using his ability when he killed the zombie rats today.”

“It may be a strength or speed ability.” Someone interjected.

Thinking of Lou Dian’s almost ghostly speed and the power that could injure a second-tier ability user’s body, it made sense. It was just that in their eyes, this kind of physical mutation was not as powerful as an ability user, and they had always looked down upon them, but they didn’t expect to encounter such a strange thing today. It was no wonder that the person was so arrogant that he dared to injure the son of Dr. Feng from the West Institute of the Capital Research Institute.

Unable to tell exactly, Bai Jin ignored it and began to treat Feng Shaohuang’s injuries. After the others left, she said, “Shaohuang, it seems that this Lou Dian is not an easy type to subdue. If we can’t use him, then destroy him!” Although she wanted to bring such a strong person into the research institute, if he couldn’t be used by them, it would be useless to keep him.

Feng Shaohuang directly objected, “No way!”

Bai Jin raised her eyebrows and looked at him as if she was looking at a child who didn’t understand anything, which made Feng Shaohuang a little unhappy.

Feng Shaohuang was a little irritable, and said bitterly, “Lou Dian wasn’t like this before! Let’s wait and see, Sister Bai, don’t make any random decisions.” After speaking, he gave her a sharp look of warning.

Bai Jin nodded lightly. After sending him away, she turned on the communicator.

As soon as she entered the tent, Lou Ling was thrown down, then pressed heavily to the ground, and her face was pinched and kissed fiercely.

Lou Ling directly kicked him, and after being easily suppressed by him, she beat his back with both hands, and finally slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, responding to his kiss.

She didn’t know how long it took, when she came back to her senses in a daze, she found that the man pressing on her was holding his face with one hand, looking down at her with a focused gaze, almost staring at her without blinking, which made her a little embarrassed.

“It’s very hot, get up quickly.” She pushed his chest.

Lou Dian naturally wouldn’t get up, but instead took her into his arms, gently rubbing her face, without the slightest hint of violence from before.

“What happened to you just now? Did they…provoke you?” She chose her words carefully, feeling that it was more than just provocation, it was like having a blood feud, as if she wanted to torture them perversely and make them regret living in this world.

It had to be said that Lou Ling’s brainwaves were connected to a pervert for the first time, because that was what the pervert was thinking, to torture them slowly, it would be too cheap to let them die directly. Hmm, although he had let them die once in his previous life, they were still alive in this life. But seeing them living so comfortably made him unhappy, what should he do?

“Yes, they did provoke me. Xiaoling should stay away from them in the future.” He said gently.

The corners of Lou Ling’s mouth twitched. Why did his tone sound like he was coaxing a child? But what happened today also made her understand that it was best to stay away from those people, lest this man go crazy for no reason.

Strangely, even though the other party hadn’t done anything yet, it was clearly Lou Dian who was bullying others, but she blindly favored him and even made excuses for him, automatically staying away from the other party. When she understood this, Lou Ling’s face darkened. Was she being raised too well by a pervert?

Seeing her nodding obediently, the man couldn’t help but soften his heart, and hugged her and kissed her passionately.

The night was deep, and apart from the sound of patrols walking outside, there was silence.

In the darkness, the man opened his dark eyes and curled his lips coldly. His mental power turned into thousands of threads, protecting the entire tent. Until an unfamiliar mental power was about to spread over to peep, his mental power turned into icy killing intent, directly crushing that mental power.


A scream came from a distance, the man covered the ears of the person in his arms in time, and found that her sleep was not disturbed, he couldn’t help but feel a little satisfied.

“Sister Bai!”

When the ability users from the research institute who were in charge of protecting Bai Jin heard the scream, they rushed in to check. They saw Bai Jin lying on the ground, vomiting blood, her face pale, her head covered in sweat, and a painful expression on her face.

“What happened to Sister Bai?”

Everyone hurriedly helped her to the bed, and the female ability user changed her clothes that were soaked with cold sweat.

Bai Jin clutched her head with both hands and said tremblingly, “My…mental power…is ruined…”

When the others understood her words, they couldn’t help but gasp in astonishment.

Bai Jin was a mental ability user with a developed brain domain. After the research institute discovered the effect of zombie crystal nuclei, her mental power increased much faster than other ability users, and she had already reached the third tier. It could be said that a third-tier ability user was already a top existence in the capital. But now it was just ruined like this?

What happened?

The author has something to say:


Today’s goal:

Lou Ling’s goal: Resolutely resist being kept by a pervert!

Lou Dian’s goal: Torture the enemy, keep the younger sister!


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