The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 35: On the Road in the Apocalypse 6

Knowing that Lou Ling had wood-type abilities, the reactions of those present varied.

Xi Mu Feng and Wei Xian were a little disappointed, feeling that this ability was too weak in attack power. Lin Bao Bao and Mo Ying Ying were overjoyed. Huang Zhi Ling's eyes were filled with complex emotions, and her expression was a little gloomy. Chen Kai Wei smiled honestly while holding his nephew, happy for Lou Ling. The stronger Lou Dian and the others were, the better it would be for their group. Grandpa Mo looked at them with a smile. As long as everyone was well, he felt that everything was fine.

After eating, Lin Bao Bao pulled Lou Ling to practice her ability. They practiced until it was dark.

Both girls were very excited. Lin Bao Bao was excited that Lou Ling had abilities, which meant she would be safer. Lou Ling was also very curious about the abilities. No matter what kind of ability it was, she was already satisfied to have it. Moreover, she didn't think that wood-type abilities were bad. Although everything still depended on her own exploration, she felt that any ability was useful, even if its attack power was not strong now.

Lin Bao Bao also thought so. After seeing how powerful mutated plants were, she felt that it would be even more powerful if she could subdue a mutated plant for her own use. Of course, based on Lou Ling's current situation where she could only use her ability to grow a small seedling, it would still take a long time to subdue a mutated plant.

"Wood-type abilities are also very good. We won't have to worry about not having vegetables and fruits in the future," Lin Bao Bao said happily.

Mo Ying Ying, one of the two children sitting on the side watching them practice their abilities, couldn't help but interrupt, "Sister Bao, Sister Ling can only grow a small seedling now. Is that enough to eat?"

Chen Luo Sheng said with concern and consideration, "Sister Bao, why don't we stop eating vegetables in the future? Don't make things difficult for Sister Ling!"

Lin Bao Bao and Lou Ling looked at the two children at the same time. Then Lin Bao Bao burst into laughter. Lou Ling felt embarrassed and clenched her fists. "Don't worry, I will work hard. I will definitely let you eat vegetables and fruits!"

Xi Mu Feng and the others, who were not far away, heard this and their faces were full of black lines. Shouldn't they be worried that their abilities were not strong enough to kill zombies? Why were they talking about food?

It was not until it was dark and time to rest that Lou Dian pulled a certain someone to his side and told the others to go to rest. They would be on guard for the first half of the night, and Chen Kai Wei and Wei Xian would be on guard for the second half. The others should go to rest. He also told them to have a good rest and continue on their way tomorrow.

Xi Mu Feng and the others were overjoyed when they heard this. For Lou Ling's sake, they had already delayed their journey for three days. Now that Lou Ling had not only survived but also gained abilities, it could be considered that she had passed the dangerous period. Therefore, it was better to hurry up and reach the capital as soon as possible. They were all very worried about their families.

After everyone went back to their rooms to rest, the brother and sister sat on the sofa in the living room. A lamp was lit in the room, and the power source was a battery. This type of battery was very durable. Lou Dian had prepared a lot of them, and he had also prepared some solar generators. Of course, in the eyes of Xi Mu Feng and the others, they thought that Lou Dian had just happened to get one and was trying to find a way to get more of these batteries when they passed by some cities.

"Abilities can be cultivated by yourself, or you can absorb crystal nuclei to advance. However, in the initial stage, it's better to cultivate by yourself. Although the speed of advancement is not as fast as absorbing crystal nuclei, it's ultimately relying on external objects, which is not good for the future growth of abilities. Cultivating by yourself is to lay a solid foundation. It's like laying a good foundation before building a house so that you can build tall buildings."

Compared to Lin Bao Bao's simple explanation, Lou Dian's explanation was more detailed and made her understand better. If there was anything she didn't understand, she would get an unexpected answer after asking him.

Lou Ling looked at his face, which became softer and more handsome under the light, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly. He seemed to be in a good mood, looking like a gentle and elegant noble son, making people unconsciously lose their minds. However, when he raised his eyes and his dark eyes looked straight at her, she couldn't help but shiver and wake up from her illusion.

Lou Dian looked at her with a smile and said, "Your classmate is right. You need to practice your abilities more to improve. However, you can't rely entirely on abilities." Seeing that she was a little puzzled, Lou Dian rubbed her head and continued, "The physical fitness of an ability user is indeed better than that of an ordinary person, but it's not absolute. If your abilities are strong, but your speed and agility can't keep up, when your abilities are exhausted and your body is exhausted, but the zombies haven't been eliminated yet, what will you do?"

In the first year of the apocalypse, the extremely hot and extremely cold weather did make it impossible for many ordinary people to adapt, and they died as a result. But undoubtedly, humans were very tenacious beings. Nature was also fair, giving all species a balance. Even ordinary people, after surviving the first year of the apocalypse, their physiques were also being transformed and adapted to by this extremely cold and hot weather, and their physiques had improved. Although they were not as good as ability users, they tenaciously survived in this apocalypse as ordinary people.

Therefore, this apocalypse was not only the world of ability users, but ordinary people also lived in a certain way. No one could deprive anyone of their right to survive.

Compared to ability users, perhaps because the girl he loved in his previous life was an ordinary person, Lou Dian did not look down on ordinary people like those ability users. Instead, he treated them with an ordinary heart. This was also the reason why Lou Ling treated him differently when she figured this out. Although in the eyes of outsiders, he was indeed a little arrogant because of his strength, fortunately, most of the time, his handsome and gentle appearance made people feel close, covering up the distorted and perverted heart hidden inside.

After giving her some knowledge about abilities, Lou Dian stretched out his hand and placed it on the table. A pile of seeds appeared on the table.

Lou Ling's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly, "I remember now. We also went to a seed store on that street. Did you collect all those seeds?"

Lou Dian nodded with a smile. Compared to those who were caught off guard by the sudden arrival of the apocalypse, he, who had the memories of the apocalypse, knew better than anyone the importance of seeds. Therefore, he had collected a lot of different kinds of seeds. During the time he was collecting supplies abroad, he even collected some plant seeds that were not suitable for growing in East Asia.

Lou Ling picked up a cone-shaped seed with a diameter of about 25 millimeters and asked strangely, "What kind of seed is this?"

Lou Dian said calmly, "Breadfruit seed."

"…" She picked up another strangely shaped seed next to it. "What about this one?"

"Milk tree."

"…" She picked up another one. "What about this one?"

"Sugar-apple (custard apple)."

After asking about a dozen kinds of seeds in a row, Lou Ling was speechless. She really wanted to ask him what he was thinking. Why did he get so many strange seeds? Breadfruit was good. They would have bread to eat in the future. Milk tree was also good. It was said to be a "wooden cow"… But who had the ability to grow this kind of thing now?

As for the other seeds, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, apple, banana, and so on, Lou Ling thought that even if she tried her best, she could only grow a small seedling. She felt a little tired of it.

"Use these to practice. Don't be afraid to waste them. There are many more," Lou Dian said with the demeanor of a tycoon.

Lou Ling only took a few watermelon seeds. She wrapped the rest in paper and put them in the hidden pocket of her backpack.

Therefore, during the night watch, Lou Ling began to practice her abilities over and over again. Every time her abilities were exhausted, she would use the meditation method Lou Dian taught her to recover, and then continue to practice. This kind of practice method was very tiring. By the time Chen Kai Wei and Wei Xian got up to keep watch in the second half of the night, Lou Ling was so tired that she fell asleep on the bed. She didn't even know that someone had stripped her naked and changed her into pajamas.

The next morning, they set off while the sun had just risen and had not yet come out.

Today, Lin Bao Bao was driving. Lou Dian and Lou Ling were still sitting in the back seat. This had become a tacit understanding. As long as Lin Bao Bao was driving, Grandpa Mo would be sitting in the passenger seat with his granddaughter in his arms. If Lou Dian or Lou Ling was driving, the passenger seat would be taken by one of them, and Lin Bao and the others would continue to sit in the back.

For the rest of the journey, although they encountered several small waves of zombies, they were able to pass through safely with the help of everyone's martial arts and the speed of the car.

Although their group was relatively small, except for Chen Luo Sheng who was still young, even the elderly Grandpa Mo and Mo Ying Ying had killed zombies, not to mention the others. Although Huang Zhi Ling was an ordinary person, her combat strength was not weaker than those first-level ability users. She mainly relied on her agile skills, so she was not weak in killing zombies. Not to mention the others, the abilities of the three men, Xi Mu Feng and the others, were about to reach the second level. Moreover, their foundation was solid, and they could kill a zombie with one strike. Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao had both abilities and martial arts. Finally, there was Lou Dian. He did not make a move often, but every time, the zombies around him would fall in droves.

Along the way, they collected a lot of first-level zombie crystal nuclei, and also a few second-level zombie crystal nuclei, but not many. After all, second-level zombies were still more powerful. Except for Lou Dian, it was too difficult for the others to deal with them. Most of the time, they had to work together to kill a second-level zombie.

In addition, they also changed their car on the way. They changed to those Hummers that had been abandoned in the city because they had run out of gas. They refilled the cars with gas and could continue on their way. Relying on the speed of the car, they could sometimes get rid of those zombies that were chasing after them in groups, saving a lot of time.

Other than encountering zombies, they did not encounter any other powerful mutated beasts or mutated plants. It could be considered as a safe journey.

After the apocalypse descended, there were not many mutated plants and mutated beasts in the city. They were all artificially planted mutated plants and domesticated mutated beasts. Moreover, if the domesticated mutated beasts had a deep relationship with their owners, they would not only obey their owners' orders, but also protect their owners. They were considered to be powerful bodyguards in the apocalypse.

Therefore, if the city was the world of zombies, then the mountains and forests were the world of mutated plants and mutated beasts.

By mid-April, they were getting closer and closer to the capital.

As they got closer and closer to the capital, the road became much easier to walk on because many of these roads had been cleared. Although they could not be maintained to the state they were in before the apocalypse, they were much smoother. They asked around and found out that it was the army from the capital base and the nearby bases who had sent people to clear the roads. This was not only to facilitate traffic, but also to facilitate the army and ability users to go to various places to collect supplies.

Therefore, when they were still two days away from the capital, they found that there were many survivors rushing to the capital just like them. These survivors included both ability users and ordinary people. One could easily distinguish between ability users and ordinary people just by looking at their clothes and mental outlook.

At noon that day, when the sun was at its hottest, Lou Dian and the others chose to rest in a row of houses on the outskirts of a city. It was not only them, but also the other survivors who were rushing to the capital.

The weather at noon was really too hot. If they did not find a place to rest, people would almost think that the sun was enough to melt steel. If there was no air conditioning in the car, it would be a kind of torture. However, after the apocalypse, gasoline was a non-renewable resource. They would save as much as they could. How could they enjoy the air conditioning? Under such high heat, even ability users could not stand it, let alone ordinary people.

After parking the car outside, everyone rushed into the house. This was a three-story house by the road. There were a few zombies wandering around, which had been dealt with by some ability users who came earlier. Because their teammates were different, based on a kind of vigilance, everyone found their own houses to stay in. Only those ordinary people felt that there was strength in numbers, so they entered a house with others to rest.

After closing the door, everyone rushed into the house. Regardless of whether it was dirty or not, Lin Bao Bao first put down a few basins of water for everyone to splash on their hot skin to cool down. Chen Kai Wei also continuously condensed a lot of crushed ice and placed it around to cool down. Lou Dian directly took out a fan from his space to blow at everyone.

"Grandpa, are you alright?" Mo Ying Ying asked softly with some worry. Looking at her grandfather's ugly face, she was a little worried.

Although Mo Ying Ying's voice was soft, which ability user present did not hear it? Lin Bao Bao had long noticed Grandpa Mo's face. She found that he was sweating coldly now, so she brought a box of water over and said, "Grandpa Mo, wash your face and rest for a while."

Lou Ling also brought over a basin of ice and placed it beside him to cool him down. Grandpa Mo was old and had the weakest resistance among them. It seemed that he was suffering from heatstroke. She hurriedly moved the electric fan a little. Then she ran to whisper to Lou Dian. She remembered that they had gone to the pharmacy to collect a batch of medicinal herbs.

Lou Dian looked at her with a half-smile. Without saying much, he directly took out the medicine and gave it to her. Looking at her and Lin Bao Bao busying themselves, he just watched with his arms crossed. Seeing this, the others did not say anything.

Mo Ying Ying hurriedly thanked the two of them and took out a towel from her backpack to wipe her grandfather's flushed skin.

After resting for a while, Grandpa Mo wanted to get up and cook lunch, but Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao stopped him.

Lou Ling said, "Grandpa Mo, just rest for a while today. Leave it to us."

The others also persuaded him to rest. It was nothing much to miss a meal. They could not let a sick old man busy himself with lunch for them. They could not do such a cruel thing. The main reason was that the two girls, Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao, were the first to be unhappy with this kind of thing. Although Grandpa Mo and his granddaughter were both ordinary people, Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao both had an ordinary attitude.

Lou Ling did not have much feeling towards ordinary people and ability users, while Lin Bao Bao's best friend was an ordinary person, so she did not think that ordinary people were inferior and had no prejudice against them. Moreover, they had been together for half a year, so they had a certain degree of affection and could not do anything to mistreat the elderly.

Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao decided to show off their skills for lunch. The two of them sang in harmony, as if they were talking and singing at the same time. It made everyone laugh.

Lunch was still cold noodles and cold side dishes. Although the cooking skills of the three girls were not as good as Grandpa Mo's, no one dared to have any objections. As for Grandpa Mo, they cooked mung bean soup for him.

After lunch, they let Xi Mu Feng and Huang Zhi Ling keep watch. The others went to rest first and would set off again in the evening when the sun was about to set.

However, just as everyone closed their eyes for about ten minutes, they suddenly heard gunshots in the distance.

After the apocalypse, although order had collapsed, because the Chinese government reacted quickly, although some people in the army had also turned into zombies, they still quickly controlled the situation and quickly took control of some important military regions and arsenals. Therefore, not many civilians had guns. Most of them were from the army. And such intense gunshots should be from the army.

Lou Dian sat up and found that the girl beside him was looking at him with clear eyes.

Author's Note:

Today's goal:

Lou Ling: Work hard to train your abilities!

Lou Dian: Work hard to train my sister!


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