The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 34: On the Road in the Apocalypse 5

In the evening, two cars drove along the scorching hot road and finally stopped at a gas station by the roadside.

Several cars were already parked in front of the gas station, indicating that someone had occupied the place.

As the cars pulled up, people inside the gas station were already peering through the cracks in the windows, observing the occupants and gauging their strength and food supplies.

The car door opened, and the first one to emerge was a doll-faced girl in a sleeveless T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She hurried to the back seat and opened the door. A man in a long black shirt and trousers stepped out, holding someone in his arms. The person's face was pressed against his chest, making it impossible to discern their features, but their figure suggested it was a woman. Following them were an elderly man and a child from the passenger seat.

At the same time, the people from the second car got out: three men, a beautiful woman, and a boy around five or six years old. The beautiful woman immediately caught the eyes of those peeking from inside the gas station, their gazes filled with lust.

Fang Jie, the leader of the group inside the gas station, carefully scrutinized them before quickly reaching a conclusion: they couldn't afford to offend this group.

Fang Jie didn't need any probing to arrive at this conclusion. Just by observing their attire and demeanor, he could tell which people were to be avoided in this apocalyptic world. This group, with their clean clothes and healthy complexions, clearly possessed strength. In this apocalypse, only the strong could maintain such cleanliness, eat and dress well, and cultivate such a healthy appearance.

Therefore, when a handsome young man among them came knocking to negotiate, Fang Jie didn't stop them from entering. Instead, he instructed his people to clear a space for them to rest.

As Xi Mu Feng and the others entered, they saw the people huddled inside the gas station. There were three or four with abilities, while the remaining dozen or so were ordinary people. The ability users, though a bit dirty, still looked human. However, the ordinary people were not only filthy but also emaciated, their appearances a testament to prolonged hunger. As soon as they entered, a pungent odor of sweat and other unpleasant smells, characteristic of summer, assaulted their nostrils.

Although they knew that life was difficult for ordinary people after the apocalypse, this was the first time they had faced such a grim reality. Back in the base, with Lei Hong Ming, the absolutely just and righteous major general, in charge, life for ordinary people was manageable. They might have been thinner, but they weren't as horrifying as these people, who looked like walking skeletons.

The sight deeply affected Xi Mu Feng and the others, stirring a wave of emotions within them. Only Lou Dian remained indifferent, heading straight to the cleared space in the gas station without a glance. Chen Kai Wei, carrying his nephew, and Grandpa Mo, holding his granddaughter's hand tightly, followed in silence. Though their eyes held compassion, they avoided looking too closely, afraid they wouldn't be able to bear it.

Despite the shock, Xi Mu Feng engaged in conversation with Fang Jie to understand the situation. He learned that Fang Jie and his group were heading to the Central China Base. Located in H Province, the Central China Base was a large-scale base established by the government. For ordinary people, the government base, with its formidable military force and numerous strong individuals, offered better security compared to smaller bases.

The ability users were Fang Jie's teammates, while the ordinary people were those they had rescued along the way, joining them on their journey to the Central China Base.

Of course, this was just a superficial explanation. Although Xi Mu Feng and the others were college students before the apocalypse, they were about to graduate and possessed some social experience. Noticing the marks on the exposed skin of some young women among the ordinary people, they could guess what they had endured. When their group entered, a flicker of life had appeared in the numb eyes of those ordinary people. However, after the ability users beside them tapped the ground with iron rods, they quickly reverted to their wooden expressions.

Suddenly, a bald man with abilities behind Fang Jie asked, "What's wrong with that woman?"

Xi Mu Feng followed his gaze to Lou Dian. Seeing Fang Jie feigning anger and scolding the man but not stopping him, he understood their intentions. He smiled and said, "She's our companion. The weather is hot, and she suffered from heatstroke. She'll be fine after a few days of rest."

"Heatstroke? Why does she look like she has a fever?"

The question hung in the air, silencing the entire gas station. Then, expressions of terror crept onto everyone's faces. The apocalypse began with humans suddenly developing fevers and falling unconscious. Although it resembled flu-like symptoms, it was different. It was the virus transforming their bodies. Those who survived became ability users; those who didn't turned into zombies.

"My friend, you're mistaken. It's really heatstroke," Xi Mu Feng said coldly, his tone firm.

The bald ability user refused to back down. He was burly and intimidating. He casually picked up an iron rod and thrust it into the ground. The rod pierced through the floor tiles like tofu, sinking more than thirty centimeters deep, revealing him to be a strength ability user.

"You say heatstroke, but who knows if you're lying? What if she's infected with the virus and turns into a zombie? Do you want all twenty of us here to be buried with her?! If you want to stay here overnight, you have to take that sick woman outside. Otherwise, trade her for food and tie her up to prevent her from hurting anyone when she turns!"

Lin Bao Bao was the first to lose her temper. "Baldy, have you said enough?! We said it's heatstroke, so it's heatstroke!"

"You little bitch, what did you say?" The bald man roared in anger.

Lin Bao Bao hated being called a motherless bitch the most. She immediately drew the Tang sword from her waist and charged forward. As the bald man grinned, about to seize her sword, she feinted a move. Water erupted beneath his feet, and as he stepped on the puddle, someone kicked him in the leg. His footing unsteady, he stumbled and fell. Lin Bao Bao thrust her sword towards his groin. With a hiss, the Tang sword pierced his pants.

"Don't move! This sword has no eyes!" the doll-faced girl said fiercely, her face a mask of ruthlessness.

When Lin Bao Bao made her move, Xi Mu Feng and Chen Kai Wei had already stepped forward, their hands crackling with energy. Lightning sizzled at their fingertips, and ice blades hovered above their fingers, causing the temperature to drop slightly.

Fang Jie broke out in a cold sweat. "Everyone, it's a misunderstanding! We're all friends here. There's no need for violence. I believe that young lady is just suffering from heatstroke, really!" Although the others didn't attack, Fang Jie didn't dare underestimate them, especially the man in black who hadn't even spared them a glance. He was too calm and composed, his calmness unnerving.

With Fang Jie mediating, Xi Mu Feng and the others withdrew their abilities. Only Lin Bao Bao continued to stare coldly at the man frozen on the ground, her Tang sword still in hand, its cold blade pressed against his manhood. Her sudden smile sent chills down Fang Jie's spine. It was like the smile of a demon. The next moment, a heart-wrenching pain made the man scream. As the Tang sword was withdrawn, he clutched his groin and rolled on the ground.

Fang Jie watched in horror as the doll-faced girl wiped the Tang sword on the bald man's clothes with a disgusted expression, as if cleaning off bloodstains. His heart sank. 'Don't tell me he's crippled?' Unlike Fang Jie, the women among the ordinary people looked at the writhing man with hatred and a hint of satisfaction.

"Useless. It's just a little scratch. He won't be able to use it for half a year," Lin Bao Bao sneered. She glanced at the women huddled in the corner and added, "It's just a rotten cucumber that likes to poke people. It doesn't matter if it's broken!" Although she couldn't control others, witnessing such a scene always filled her with anger.


As the doll-faced girl swaggered away, Fang Jie wiped the cold sweat from his face and hurriedly ordered his men to carry the bald man to a room inside, intending to keep him out of sight until this group left. As for those ordinary people… Fang Jie's eyes dimmed. Tonight, he would let his brothers sleep peacefully.

Lin Bao Bao's arrogant display served as a deterrent. At least, Fang Jie and his group wouldn't dare to provoke them again.

Due to the presence of strangers and limited resources, they didn't cook a proper meal that night. Each person had a pack of biscuits and water for dinner, while the two children had an extra carton of milk provided by Lou Dian.

Lin Bao Bao sat down not far from Lou Dian and looked at Lou Ling, whose face was still flushed. She asked with concern, "Will Lingling be alright? I managed to pull through even though I was so weak back then. Lingling is so strong, she should be fine too…"

Hearing her mumble to herself, Lou Dian simply held the person in his arms tighter. Compared to others, he had absolute confidence in her. It was only three days; he could wait. In their past life, under such harsh conditions, she had managed to live peacefully as an ordinary person until the seventh year of the apocalypse. This time, with him by her side, he had never considered the possibility of her not making it.

Whether she had abilities or not didn't matter to him. It was his negligence this time that troubled him deeply.

With that thought, he lowered his head and gently rubbed his cheek against her flushed face. Her temperature was scorching, but he felt no heat.

That night, neither Lou Dian nor Lin Bao Bao slept much. Lou Dian had to constantly lower Lou Ling's temperature, while Lin Bao Bao would wake up with a start every time she drifted off, immediately crawling over to check on Lou Ling.

Huang Zhi Ling, who usually slept beside Lin Bao Bao, was also constantly disturbed, unable to sleep soundly with the occasional banging of zombies outside the gas station. Observing Lin Bao Bao's behavior, Huang Zhi Ling suddenly felt a pang of envy for their friendship. Initially, she thought Lin Bao Bao was an unpleasant girl, too calculating—which she was—but she never expected her to care so much about Lou Ling, even more so than Lou Dian. In comparison, Lou Dian's position in her heart seemed insignificant.

Just as Huang Zhi Ling was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard strange sounds: a woman's pained whimpers and a man's heavy panting. Despite the zombies' intermittent banging on the door, she could still make out the sounds.

Huang Zhi Ling bit her lip tightly. The events at the gas station had made it abundantly clear to her that ordinary people were as worthless as dogs in the eyes of ability users. If she hadn't stuck close to them after the apocalypse began and if it weren't for Lou Ling, an ordinary person with considerable combat strength, her fate wouldn't have been much better. Perhaps Xi Mu Feng wouldn't abandon her, but he wouldn't treat her as well as he did now. Xi Mu Feng was an ambitious man. If a new ability user joined their group…

The next morning, Lou Dian and his group departed.

The dozen or so ordinary people watched them leave, longing in their eyes. Some even wanted to follow, but under the threats of Fang Jie and the other ability users, they retreated.

Lin Bao Bao and the others pretended not to see. After killing the zombies wandering near the gas station, they drove away.

They drove for half a day and, at the hottest time of day, chose to stop at a rural villa not far from a village. They drove the car into the villa, closed the gate, and after a quick cleanup, decided to stay there for a few days.

Lou Ling's current condition wasn't suitable for travel, and Lou Dian didn't want her living in poor conditions, which was why they left the gas station. Although Xi Mu Feng and the others were anxious, they understood Lou Ling's importance to Lou Dian. They patiently waited for three days to see what kind of ability Lou Ling would awaken to.

Yes, they all believed that Lou Ling, under such stimulation, had triggered her ability. No one doubted her survival, perhaps because Lou Dian's unwavering confidence influenced them, making them believe that Lou Ling would pull through and become an ability user.

When humans were scratched by zombies, stimulated, or their lives were threatened… they often pushed their bodies to the limit and awakened their abilities. They had witnessed such cases in Major General Lei's base, so they weren't surprised by Lou Ling's situation. Perhaps it was the shock of witnessing Lou Dian's "death" that triggered her fever and the transformation of her body.

Lin Bao Bao entered with a bowl of soft meat porridge cooked by Grandpa Mo. She saw the handsome man leaning against the bed, holding the sleeping woman in his arms. Noticing that the flush on her face had subsided, she couldn't help but feel a surge of joy.

Hearing the sound, the man, who had been resting with his eyes closed, opened them. Seeing that it was her, he simply withdrew his gaze.

Lin Bao Bao walked over quietly and checked on Lou Ling. Seeing her breathing steadily, she only needed to wait for her to wake up. Her eyes welled up with joy and a hint of self-deprecation. She had thought she liked Lou Dian, but after seeing Lou Ling like this, she realized that she cared about Lou Ling far more than she did about him. Seeing Lou Ling hurt made her heart ache, and she wanted to scold her for being foolish. She could joke and play with her without restraint, something she couldn't do with a man.

Indeed, friendship was more comforting than love.

After Lin Bao Bao left, Lou Dian took out a bottle of water from his space, unscrewed the cap, and drank slowly. Suddenly, he felt a movement in his arms. The person who had been unconscious for three days had finally woken up.

Lou Ling looked at the person holding her in confusion. The image of the mutated creeper flashed in her mind, and she sat up abruptly, gripping his shoulders, her face almost touching his. "Are you okay? Why didn't you run away? Why did you jump in there! You…"

Her frantic questioning was cut short as she was pulled into an embrace and pressed onto the bed. Her vision went dark as her lips were sealed with a kiss.

The kiss was fierce and possessive, as if he was pouring all his emotions into it, making her head spin.

When she finally pushed him away, her lips were numb, and her voice trembled slightly. "Are you a dog? You bit me so hard." She touched her lips and winced. They were actually bleeding.

Lou Dian chuckled softly. "If I'm a dog, what are you?"

Meeting his intense gaze, Lou Ling closed her mouth.

Lou Dian pulled her into his arms again and kissed her gently, his touch full of tenderness and devoid of any desire. His gentleness made it impossible to resist, and she obediently let him hold her close. "What's wrong? I just fainted because I used up all my energy. I'll try to avoid that in the future!"

Lou Dian simply smiled at her and handed her the bowl of meat porridge on the bedside table.

Although he kept telling himself that she would be fine, that she would become an ability user, the fact that she had remained an ordinary person in their past life, until her death, made him uneasy. He recalled their past life. They had stayed in Major General Lei's base until the third year of the apocalypse before heading to the capital. Back then, it was because the base had fallen, and they had no choice but to leave with their teammates. They had the protection of the military on the road, and although it was dangerous, they had been safe. Unlike this time…

He reached out to stroke her hair, which had grown to her shoulders. With a thought, a pair of scissors appeared in his hand, and he began trimming her split ends. Lou Ling glanced at him and continued eating her porridge.

After finishing the bowl of porridge, Lou Ling still felt hungry—she hadn't eaten in three days. Seeing her longing gaze, Lou Dian smiled. "Alright, let's go see what delicious food Grandpa Mo has made."

Her bright smile made him want to capture it, to keep it all to himself. Compared to his gentle and refined facade, she was the true embodiment of purity in this apocalypse. No matter how twisted the world became, it couldn't taint her.

When Lou Ling and Lou Dian arrived at the living room, they were met with another round of excitement. Lin Bao Bao threw her arms around Lou Ling, jumping up and down like a child. Grandpa Mo hurried to the kitchen with a smile to prepare more food for Lou Ling, who hadn't eaten in days.

As Lou Ling sat down to eat, Lin Bao Bao propped her chin on her hand and asked, "Lingling, have you awakened your ability? What is it?"

Lou Ling looked up and realized that everyone in the living room was staring at her with curiosity.

"Awakened my ability? Me?" Lou Ling was bewildered.

Seeing her expression, Lin Bao Bao was speechless. "You don't feel anything? If you haven't awakened your ability, how do you explain being unconscious for three days without eating and still having the strength to get up? Only ability users have such strong recovery and energy. Don't you feel energized?"

Lou Ling picked up a piece of boiled meat, ate it, and nodded. "I do feel very energetic."

"See! It's definitely your ability! Quickly, try to sense it. What ability did you awaken to?" Lin Bao Bao exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. She almost pushed Lou Dian, who was sitting next to her, off the chair. Sensing danger, she quickly moved to the other side and continued to urge Lou Ling.

Lou Ling put down her chopsticks and thought for a moment. She noticed a plate of sunflower seeds on the table—Lin Bao Bao and the others had found them in the villa, but they had discarded them because the shells were moldy. Lou Ling picked up a plump-looking sunflower seed and held it in her hand.

Then, under everyone's watchful eyes, the sunflower seed cracked open, and a tiny sprout emerged.

The moment Lou Dian saw the tender green sprout in her palm, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. His laughter made Lou Ling blush with embarrassment, and she glared at him.

The author has something to say:

Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Eat meat and vegetables every day!

Lou Dian's goal: Have his way with his sister every day!

I've discovered that you guys are so talented, all guessing what kind of ability Lou Ling has. It's actually very simple. As I've said before, no matter what kind of ability it is, it's useful. So, Lou Ling's current ability is also very useful. It's wood-type growth. Vegetables, fruits, whatever she wants to eat, she can just grow it herself~


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