The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 32: On the Road in the Apocalypse 3

Night fell, and the cold wind howled, covering all other sounds. The people in the house could only hear the wind outside.

For safety reasons, everyone chose to lay out their sleeping bags in the hall and sleep together. Except for the elderly, children, and women, the others had to take turns keeping watch at night. As usual, Xi Mu Feng and Chen Kai Wei were on duty for the first half of the night, while Lou Dian and Wei Xian were on duty for the second half.

"It's windy outside. Be careful." Lou Dian said.

Xi Mu Feng, being quick-witted, quickly understood what Lou Dian meant. The wind was so strong that it could serve as a cover. If they were not careful, they would not even know if they were attacked at night.

Xi Mu Feng and Chen Kai Wei both nodded solemnly. After everyone else washed up, they got into their sleeping bags and went to sleep. There was no such thing as nighttime entertainment anymore. Everyone had to get enough rest, as they would be on their way tomorrow.

Even though it was a March night, the temperature had dropped to more than twenty degrees below zero. So when Lou Dian took out the double sleeping bag, Lou Ling did not protest at all and snuggled into the sleeping bag with him. Not only her, but Lin Bao Bao and Huang Zhi Ling also shared a sleeping bag to keep warm, and the others also shared a sleeping bag in pairs. Since Chen Kai Wei had to keep watch for the first half of the night, Wei Xian slept with Chen Luo Sheng.

Lou Ling lay down next to Lou Dian's ear and said, "Brother, do you think the people in this village will come climbing over the wall in the middle of the night when we are asleep? Look how low the wall is…"

Lou Dian pressed her head into his arms and said, "Go to sleep. If they dare to come, they won't have to go back."

Hearing the cold killing intent hidden in his flat tone, Lou Ling was silent for a while and said, "If possible, I think it's better not to kill people. In today's world, it's not easy to live."

What if you don't kill them, but they want to kill you?

Lou Dian chuckled. In fact, she was also uncertain in her heart. If the other party really wanted to kill them all, then even if they respected life, they could only fight back in order to seek their own survival. Anyone with a bit of blood would not just stand there and be killed without fighting back. Even the Holy Mother knew that she had to save herself first before she could continue to be the Holy Mother. Everyone wanted to live and felt that their lives were not easy, but how many people knew that other people's lives were not easy either? To be a human being, one still had to leave a way out for others.

Lou Dian lowered his head and rubbed her forehead, patting her back to lull her to sleep.

Before it was time for the shift change in the second half of the night, Lou Dian suddenly opened his eyes. His clear eyes did not show a trace of sleepiness.

Xi Mu Feng and Chen Kai Wei were still keeping watch at night. The weather was cold at night. They were wearing military coats and there was an electric heater in the room, but the chill did not diminish at all. The main door was closed, and the living room door was also closed to keep out the cold wind. The two of them stood guard at the windows on the left and right, looking out from time to time. It was pitch black outside, and there was no movement except for the howling wind.

When Lou Dian got up, Lou Ling also woke up in a daze. Xi Mu Feng and Chen Kai Wei were also a little surprised. It was not time yet.

Lou Dian, like a night walker, quietly stepped forward and whispered to the two, "Something is coming, a mutated beast."

The expressions of the two of them changed immediately, but seeing Lou Dian's calm appearance, they were somewhat relieved.

Lou Ling was still nestled in her sleeping bag and did not get up - Lou Dian did not let her get up. She just pricked up her ears, but besides the wind, there was still only the wind. She could not even hear the conversation of the three men in the room. She could not help but feel a little depressed. Was the hearing of ordinary people that bad? At this time, Lou Ling felt a little regretful that she was not an ability user. It seemed that she could not help much, so Lou Dian did not let her get up to help. She felt a little bad.

It was not that she liked to show off, but she felt that in this world, only by constantly whipping herself to become stronger could she guarantee her life. Some things, although dangerous when faced, were also a form of training. Only by experiencing more things could one gain survival experience.

After a while, she suddenly heard a shrill cat's cry, and Lou Ling could no longer lie down. She jumped up. Along with her, Wei Xian, Lin Bao Bao, and the others also got up. Grandpa Mo was the last to wake up, but the two children were still sleeping.

In the darkness, Xi Mu Feng's lightning struck the window, and a black cat was struck head-on by the lightning. As the cat screamed miserably, the sound of someone crashing against the door came from outside. The wooden door could not withstand the impact and was broken open. At the same time, Lou Dian also opened the door of the hall at the first moment. The cold wind gushed in, and everyone shivered, completely awake.

Lou Ling grabbed the Tang blade in her hand and went out with Huang Zhi Ling and Lin Bao Bao. Without saying a word, the three girls picked up the Tang blades in their hands and slashed directly. They were even more ferocious than those men. They rushed out faster than them. In a flash, they ran up. Lin Bao Bao, who had abilities, also condensed water balls while slashing. In this weather of more than ten degrees below zero, the water poured down and quickly froze. They were so cold that they were directly stiff and were directly chopped on the back of the neck by the girls with the back of the blade, fainting on the ground.

By the time the boys reacted, the seven or eight villagers who had broken in had all been knocked down by the three girls. It was truly bloodless. Moreover, when they knocked them down, the three girls even happily gave each other high fives in mid-air, celebrating the success of their first collaboration.

Xi Mu Feng and the others twitched the corners of their mouths, feeling that women were really scary creatures. They were still thinking of using their abilities to attack, but the girls just directly attacked, making their limbs more developed than their brains.

Compared to them, Lou Dian naturally knew more. He did not interfere with what the three girls were doing. He seemed to be standing at the door of the hall casually, but in fact, his mental strength was checking the surroundings. He quickly found a sentry hiding in the haystack not far from the house, and there was a mutated dog beside him.

Lou Dian asked someone to tie up the unconscious men and throw them out the door. The mutated cat was seriously injured because it was hit by lightning. There was a big gash in its abdomen, and the wound was burnt by the lightning. Blood flowed out and quickly froze the wound in the cold temperature. Lou Dian directly asked someone to kill the mutated cat.

"Kill it?" Xi Mu Feng asked in surprise, "This mutated cat is obviously raised by those villagers. If we kill it…" If they killed it, he wondered if those villagers would use it as an excuse to make trouble.

Lou Dian narrowed his eyes and said gently, "Mutated beasts are very vengeful creatures. If you injure it but fail to kill it, the only way is to fight to the death."

His voice was very gentle, but in this cold night, it made people feel a cold chill. Chen Kai Wei did not say a word. An ice cone flew over, and the mutated cat finally died completely. Chen Kai Wei also threw the mutated cat out.

Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao watched coldly. From this incident, they could see the attitude and position of everyone. Xi Mu Feng thought a lot and wanted to do everything smoothly. Wei Xian had always been silent, but he also had his own little thoughts. As for Chen Kai Wei, he had sworn an oath in front of Lou Dian, so he would completely obey Lou Dian's words without any discount.

Lin Bao Bao put her hand on Lou Ling's shoulder. The two looked at each other and both had a plan.

He did not know if it was the fate of those villagers and the mutated cat that became a deterrent, but the second half of the night was peaceful. Until dawn, everyone got up and washed up. Grandpa Mo went to cook a pot of soup noodles. After everyone ate the hot soup noodles with pickles, they set off.

The village was still shrouded in mist in the early morning. After opening the door, they did not see the villagers who had been thrown out. It was estimated that they had been carried away. Even the corpse of the mutated cat was gone.

Everyone did not speak and directly drove the car out of the yard, then slowly drove through the village.

The whole village was one kilometer long, and the houses on both sides were quiet. The sound of the car engine became the most jarring sound in the morning.

Suddenly, Lou Dian said to Lin Bao Bao, who was driving, "Stop."

After Lin Bao Bao stopped the car, Lou Dian said, "There are nails ten meters ahead."

Lin Bao Bao, Xi Mu Feng, and the others got out of the car to check. They were immediately enraged and their eyes widened as they glared at a house. There was a thin and haggard-looking man poking his head out. When he noticed their gaze, he quickly retracted his head.

"Let's clear the nails first and leave. There's no need to be angry over such a small matter." Xi Mu Feng said calmly and cleared the nails on the road with Chen Kai Wei.

Lin Bao Bao was a little angry. She did not know what she was angry about. Maybe it was because she felt that these villagers were too hateful. They failed to attack them with mutated beasts last night, and after knowing that they were not to be trifled with, they wanted to throw nails on the road to damage their tires… After a long while, she suddenly lost her anger. Everyone was having a hard time in this world, but she still could not do such a thing as to cut off the path of others in order to survive! It seemed that she was still too soft-hearted. She was also influenced by Lou Ling. If she had not met Lou Ling in her freshman year, had not been attracted by her sunny and cheerful personality, and had not been influenced by her, perhaps she would have retained her cynical personality that she had developed since she was a child, and perhaps the arrival of the apocalypse would have made her even more unscrupulous.

Suddenly, they heard a bang. Everyone looked over and saw a ball of water the size of a baby's fist explode like a bomb. Water was gentle and harmless, but when this ball of water exploded, it could actually shatter the glass on the window. It was obvious how powerful it was. At the same time, it also scared the people hiding in the house.

Facing everyone's surprised gazes, Lin Bao Bao raised her eyebrows and got into the car first. Grandpa Mo took his granddaughter to the passenger seat, while Lou Ling and Lou Dian changed to the back seat.

Xi Mu Feng and the others twitched the corners of their mouths. They used to think that Lin Bao Bao was a woman with excellent social skills and could get along with anyone. She had good working ability, and her future achievements would probably not be inferior to men. But now that the apocalypse had arrived, she was a water-type ability user. Shouldn't she just release water? Why was she so fierce?

Only Lou Ling, Huang Zhi Ling, and Mo Ying Ying said happily, "Bao Bao is still amazing~~"

Lin Bao Bao smiled frankly and said, "Of course, we must be as cold and ruthless as this cold wind to the enemy!"

With this interruption, the atmosphere became much more cheerful when they left the village.

Author's Notes:

Today's Goal:

Lou Ling's Goal: To maintain a healthy and positive attitude in the apocalypse!

Lou Dian's Goal: To crush all the discordant things that are not good for his sister!


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