The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 31: On the Road in the Apocalypse 2

Before the apocalypse, the end of March in this city was a time of spring scenery. People could already change into spring shirts with medium sleeves and go on outings in the suburbs on sunny days.

But now, at the beginning of March, the snow had finally stopped. After waiting for twenty days, the ice and snow melted, and the floodwaters receded. But the weather was still terribly cold. The cold wind that blew on people's faces was like a knife. After a while, their faces would be frozen red. This kind of weather seemed to be a spring cold.

Early in the morning, they went to the gate of the base to register and leave. Perhaps Lei Hongming had already greeted the people at the base. When they left, the soldiers at the gate of the base registered for them and handed a purple crystal card to Lou Dian.

"Mr. Lou, this is what Major General Lei ordered to give you." The soldier said respectfully, a kind of respect for the strong.

The others all looked at the crystal card curiously, not knowing what it was for. Only Lou Dian knew its purpose, and knew that it would almost be a status symbol in the future. With such a purple crystal card, as long as it was a base established by the ZF, they could enjoy many preferential policies, and even some family members in the capital might not have one.

Lou Dian accepted it, nodded to the soldier, and left with the others.

Just like when they came to the base half a year ago, they also left in two cars. Lou Dian, Lou Ling, Lin Baobao, and Grandpa Mo were in the same car, while Xi Mufeng, Wei Xian, Uncle Chen Kaiwei, and Huang Zhiling were in the other car. The cars they were driving were still the two they had before. Although they were ordinary private cars, it was estimated that they would not be able to withstand zombies, but there was no other way now. They would change to a better car when they saw one on the road.

After the end of the world, good cars could be seen everywhere, but there was no gasoline, and everything was in vain. So before leaving, Xi Mufeng and Wei Xian went to the base to exchange some gasoline with food. The base strictly controlled gasoline and other things, thus also controlling the loss of personnel. However, Xi Mufeng and others' departure had already been recorded by Major General Lei. For Lou Dian's sake, Lei Hongming had ordered that it would be convenient to exchange some gasoline for them.

After filling the gasoline tank halfway, they cleaned up the car and set off.

Everyone was in high spirits, especially Xi Mufeng, Wei Xian and the others, who had a deep expectation of a traveler returning home.

It was still Lou Dian who was driving, Lou Ling was sitting in the passenger seat, Lin Baobao and others were sitting in the back, Lou Ling was lying in front of the window looking at the surrounding environment along the way, Lin Baobao was persistently training his abilities.

Along the way, the environment outside was bleak. After a long and harsh winter, the heavy gray color finally faded, the sky showed a slightly blue color, the clouds were a bit thick, but not pure white, but a little gray. There were barren fields everywhere along the road, all kinds of collapsed road sections, and of course, the most eye-catching tender green, as green as the best emerald.

Although spring symbolizes the recovery of all things and the flying of birds, it is normal for the grass and trees growing by the roadside to sprout fresh buds. However, the rich emerald green color still made people feel a little uncomfortable, even revealing a kind of enchantment everywhere, and their eyes felt a little painful after watching it for a long time.

After watching for a while, Lou Ling felt her eyes were sore and astringent. She was rubbing her eyes when a hand reached out and turned her face to the side. She saw Lou Dian holding the steering wheel with one hand and pinching her face with the other. He looked at her for a while and said, "Don't rub it, be careful of hurting your eyes."

Lou Ling hurriedly pulled his hand away and said nervously, "Be careful on the road, you are driving."

Lou Dian raised his eyebrows, looking indifferent, especially at this time, a half-human-high boulder happened to be lying in the middle of the road ahead, and seeing that the car was about to crash into it, she was so frightened that her heart was about to jump out. When she came out, the car suddenly slanted and passed the boulder.

Lou Ling was so frightened that she collapsed on the seat, her heart slowly fell back into her stomach, and she heard a chuckle in her ear, she couldn't help but glare at him.

But Lin Baobao's voice came from behind: "Lingling, I think the color of the plants outside is not right, it's too emerald green, and my eyes hurt after watching it for a long time."

Hearing what she said, Lou Ling immediately felt that she had found an organization, and said: "Yes, yes! I feel the same way… Hey, Baobao, you said that even animals have mutated, will plants also mutate?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Grandpa Mo and his grandson changed slightly. Lin Baobao was silent for a while, and said in a heavy voice, "It's possible."

When Lin Baobao used the walkie-talkie to talk to the people in the car behind and told them their guesses, Xi Mufeng and the others fell silent at the same time, the atmosphere became a little dignified, and it was not as exciting as when they set off.

After a cold winter, disasters such as snowstorms, floods, mudslides, and landslides occurred one after another, making many roads going north impassable. I heard that many highways were also buried by collapsed mountains. People had to choose secondary roads. The road is walking, but now there is no navigation, and the route is really hard to find. I don't know where Lou Dian found the map. After studying it for a while, several men decided on the route, but most of the roads along the way were mostly mountains and forests.

After driving for a morning, it was almost noon. They stopped to rest and cooked some hot soup to warm up their frozen bodies. In terms of food, Lou Dian never treated his own people badly, which also made everyone curious about how big his space is and how many things he has loaded.

The place they chose to rest was an open space beside the road, which used to be a farmland. After the end of the world, no one took care of it, and now it has become a green space overgrown with weeds. Lou Dian took out two killed chickens and asked Grandpa Mo to stew the soup to warm up. After picking up some firewood nearby and building a stove on the spot, they got busy, while several men gathered around to study the map.

While waiting for the meal to be ready, the three girls, Lou Ling, Lin Baobao, and Huang Zhiling, took the two children to move their muscles and bones nearby. When the cold spring wind blew, everyone couldn't help shrinking their shoulders from the cold, busy jumping in place to warm up.

The surroundings were very empty, except for them, there were no other living things, not even a single zombie. Of course, it's also because there are no villages nearby, and the view here is wide, so if zombies come, they can be spotted in time.

When the boys had almost finished their discussion, the two chickens were almost stewed. Grandpa Mo also added some red dates, wolfberry and other nourishing herbs to the chicken soup, which smelled very delicious. Cut the two chickens open with a knife, pour the sauce directly on them as white cut chicken, the main meal is the rice balls that have been made in the space, and some canned meat, eat with the soup, warm and comfortable.

After lunch, they went to solve their physical needs and continued on their way.

In the afternoon, it was Lou Ling's turn to drive, and Lou Dian rested in the passenger seat. Except for the two children, the adults here can drive, so they decided to take turns driving, each driving for half a day, tomorrow morning it will be Lin Baobao's turn, Lou Dian in the afternoon, and Lou Ling tomorrow morning, so they take turns driving. The same goes for the car behind.

Because the road was difficult to walk, some sections were either falling rocks or cracks, which looked very dangerous, and the car was also moving slowly, so they only traveled about three or four hundred kilometers a day, and according to estimates, this speed is still considered fast, and the farther north you go, the more difficult the road will be in places where snowstorms and floods are severe.

It was almost evening, and the temperature began to drop again. It was estimated that it was about to drop to zero degrees, and everyone hurriedly looked for a place to spend the night.

It happened to pass a village, which was very small, with only a few hundred households. Everyone stopped at the entrance of the village and did not rush into the village. Then everyone looked at Lou Dian.

Lou Dian took Lou Ling's hand and put her cold hand into the pocket of his long windbreaker. He is a supernatural being and has spiritual protection. He is not afraid of the severe cold. His body maintains a constant temperature all year round, which also makes Lou Ling in the cold winter. She didn't refuse to be close to him, she liked to sleep in his arms, like holding a stove.

"Brother Lou, look at this village…" Xi Mufeng said hesitantly.


Lou Dian said coldly, this village has been cleaned up too cleanly, although it looks dilapidated, but there is not even a single zombie, and there are traces of human cleaning in some places. Obviously, after the end of the world, there are not many humans in this village who have mutated into zombies, and they have been controlled in time.

The mental power overwhelmingly enveloped the entire village, and soon he had a good understanding of the situation in the village. Lou Dian withdrew his mental power and pointed to the one-story tiled house at the entrance of the village: "Rest here tonight and drive the car into the yard."

The others had no objection, and they blindly obeyed Lou Dian's words.

Xi Mufeng looked back in the direction of the village. This village looked like a relatively backward village. Except for a few three-story cement houses on the edge, the rest were one-story bungalows and tiled houses. The walls were also red brick walls, without any white putty, full of rustic flavor.

Xi Mufeng's eyes flickered slightly, and he always felt that this village would not be too safe. If there was no place to stay nearby, he would not choose this place. Those villagers hiding in the houses never came out, and they didn't know what they were going to do.

There is a large yard after entering the house, where two cars can be parked side by side. After the car drove in, Xi Mufeng closed the door and locked it.

The owner of the house was not there, and he didn't know if the house had been turned into a zombie, or because it was unsafe at the entrance of the village, no one dared to live there. Except for the bulky furniture and appliances, everything else in the house was empty, obviously done by humans, which saved them the trouble of cleaning up.

Wei Xian took out rice, noodles and other things from the space and went to cook for Grandpa Mo. Chen Kaiwei and Xi Mufeng also consciously went to help. The girls and the two little ones cleaned up the house and ran to look at the well in the yard.

Lin Baobao and Lou Ling brought up a bucket of water together, and found that the water was very clear, but no one dared to drink it. They didn't know if there were any viruses in the water, which would turn people into zombies after drinking it.

"This water can be used to wash clothes." Lin Baobao touched it, found that the water was a little warm, and hurriedly called the two children to wash their hands together.

Because they were in the house, Lou Dian directly took out the battery and various electrical appliances. Dinner was cooked directly with electricity, which was much faster than burning wood. Everyone understood Lou Dian's approach. After all, if they were outside, let people see that they can still use electricity at this time, and they don't know what others will think. After the end of the world, people have to guard against others.

Dinner was richer than lunch. Grandpa Mo used the existing conditions to make gnocchi, topped with green vegetables and beef from canned food, and then fried a few dishes, which everyone ate very flatteringly.

After dinner, it was dark.

Author's note:

Lou Ling's goal: Have a safe journey!

Lou Dian's goal: Protect my sister!


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