The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 39: On the Road in the Apocalypse 10

The line was long, and the sun was scorching hot. It was pure torture. It wasn't until the sun was about to set that it was finally their turn.

Just like other safe zones, to enter, they had to register their personal information, undergo a physical examination, and then stay in an isolation room for 18 hours. Only after confirming there were no issues could they truly step into the Capital Base.

The personal information required was simple: name, gender, age, occupation, abilities, and so on. The workers would first look at your abilities, then your occupation. Even though it was the apocalypse, some professions were still useful. For example, those with special technical skills might find jobs in the Capital, ensuring their food and shelter.

Everyone filled in their information truthfully. The worker looked it over and was surprised to find that there were quite a few ability users among them. He then directed them to the examination rooms in the row of houses east of the base gate.

Men and women were separated, left and right, and asked to remove their clothes for a check for injuries. Having gone through this once before, everyone was calm, and the examiners were of the same gender, so there was no awkwardness. After Lou Ling and the other girls finished, they waited for a long time before the men came out of the examination room.

Xi Mu Feng and Wei Xian both looked a bit grim. Lou Dian strolled over leisurely, Chen Kai Wei still followed behind, holding Luo Luo's hand with his usual simple smile. Grandpa Mo remained silent.

Behind them were several soldiers in green uniforms, their faces equally grim. They glared fiercely at Lou Dian but said nothing, directly leading them towards the isolation room.

Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao naturally sensed their odd behavior. They both went up to Lou Dian and walked with them towards the isolation room.

"What happened?" Huang Zhi Ling asked Xi Mu Feng in a low voice.

Xi Mu Feng's face was still dark as he whispered, "Lou Dian injured one of the examiners."

Huang Zhi Ling was shocked. "Why?" She couldn't believe Lou Dian would be so impulsive. Under normal circumstances, apart from caring for his sister Lou Ling, he was indifferent to other people and matters. He appeared gentle and refined, but in reality, he was cold and detached, unless someone provoked him. Hmm, could it be that the examiner provoked him?

Both Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao had the same thought as Huang Zhi Ling, and they couldn't help but glance at Xi Mu Feng.

Xi Mu Feng's face was a little awkward, unsure how to explain. Could he say that the male examiner had been inappropriate with Lou Dian during the examination? That suggestive behavior clearly marked him as gay. Moreover, Lou Dian's handsome appearance did fit the preference of some men. It was the apocalypse, who cared if you liked men or women, as long as you could survive and eat? Such things were an open secret. However, Lou Dian was a straight man, and he already had a woman he liked. Moreover, he had never been one to be messed with. How could he tolerate such a blatant act from a man? He crushed the man's hand bones on the spot.

It could only be said that the male examiner had misjudged him. Not all handsome, delicate-looking men were pushovers. Lou Dian's appearance was too deceiving, but he was a ruthless and abnormal person. To be touched by a man under the guise of an examination, even if they were both men, was unacceptable. He only showed mercy by just crippling him, considering it wasn't the right place to cause a scene.

This matter wasn't a big deal, but it wasn't small either. To cause trouble right after entering the base, Xi Mu Feng and Wei Xian were naturally worried. Fortunately, they didn't know what method Lou Dian used, but in the end, the examiner admitted his mistake, and the matter was dropped.

Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao were also listening intently. Hearing that the examiner took the blame, they both felt relieved.

Lou Ling obediently let him hold her hand and looked up at his handsome face. She naturally didn't know that this man had been hit on by a gay man and had been thoroughly disgusted, teaching that man a harsh lesson. He completely crippled the man. It wasn't a big deal, anyway, he liked men, he could still be with a man. He didn't need that thing at all.

Although Lou Ling usually thought he was abnormal, if someone bullied him, she couldn't stand it. So when she heard that he had hit someone, but nothing happened, she quickly put the matter aside, not thinking too much about it like Xi Mu Feng and the others.

They arrived at an isolation room. The two soldiers let them in and then closed and locked the iron door. The doors and windows were fitted with special metal bars so that everything inside and out could be seen clearly to prevent any sudden incidents.

The isolation room was over a hundred square meters. There were already dozens of survivors inside, each finding a spot to sit and rest with their eyes closed. When they saw them enter, some continued to rest, while others glanced over before quickly returning to their previous postures.

Lou Dian and the others also found an empty spot to sit. He directly took out a cushion from his space and laid it down before pulling Lou Ling to sit on it. Lin Bao Bao and the others were aware of his cleanliness and didn't find it strange. They each held their backpacks and sat directly on the floor.

It was almost dark outside. Everyone took out biscuits and water for dinner, eating whatever they could. The survivors in the room heard the noise and couldn't help but look at the food in their hands, swallowing their saliva, their faces revealing a hungry expression that made it hard for the others to eat.

Lou Ling also felt like she couldn't eat. It wasn't just the psychological discomfort, but the weather was hot and stuffy. With fifty or sixty people crammed in the room, the smell was strong, and the heat was suffocating. Grandpa Mo used a piece of cardboard as a fan to fan his granddaughter. Chen Kai Wei also conjured some ice and placed it around his nephew, making him a little more comfortable. Huang Zhi Ling had it the worst. Sweat dripped down her face. She gritted her teeth and endured. Finally, Xi Mu Feng sighed and asked Chen Kai Wei to freeze a bottle of water into ice and hand it to her to cool down.

It gradually got dark. Dim orange light bulbs, the kind used in rural areas, lit up in the room. The purpose was to allow the soldiers guarding outside to see clearly what was happening inside so they could react in time if someone mutated. This also made the survivors in the room afraid to sleep, fearing that the person next to them might mutate and bite them.

Lou Ling and the other girls could sleep peacefully. The men discussed and decided to take turns keeping watch, solving the problem. Lou Ling observed their surroundings and leaned against Lou Dian, falling asleep.

The night passed without incident. It wasn't until noon the next day that they were released from the isolation room.

After leaving the isolation room, everyone looked a bit pale, but the smiles on their faces couldn't be suppressed. They had finally reached the Capital.

As they walked along the streets of the Capital Base, they were only in the outer city, but it was clean and tidy, with people coming and going. If not for the base entrance behind them, one would almost forget that it was the apocalypse.

Finally, it was time to part ways.

Standing at the intersection, Xi Mu Feng and the others said they wanted to find their families. They all had relatives living in the Capital. If they hadn't turned into zombies, they should still be living in their original homes. Xi Mu Feng, Wei Xian, and Huang Zhi Ling all wanted to find their loved ones, so they had to separate.

After half a year of traveling together, they had finally reached their destination. When it was time to part, everyone was reluctant.

Xi Mu Feng thought for a moment and said, "Brother Lou, it's been a pleasure knowing you. If you need anything in the future, you can come and find us." Xi Mu Feng gave an address and then said, "We'll visit you when you're settled." The situation of their relatives was still unknown, so Xi Mu Feng didn't dare make any promises.

Huang Zhi Ling was also reluctant. She looked at Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao and said, "Junior sisters, let's train together when we have time in the future."

Half a year of getting along had already resolved their initial conflicts. As long as men weren't involved, the relationship between women could be purer. Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao both smiled and nodded, saying goodbye to them.

After the three left, everyone else looked at Lou Dian.

"Let's find a place to stay and rest first," said Lou Dian.

The others had no objections. After asking the workers where to rent a place, they went straight to find accommodation.

There were two ways to rent here: one was to use food as rent, and the other was to use zombie crystal nuclei. The survivors in the Capital had discovered through experimentation that the crystal nuclei in the heads of zombies could enhance the abilities of ability users, making the nuclei a form of currency.

They quickly rented an apartment, a four-bedroom unit nearby. The lease term was a mandatory six months. If they didn't renew after six months, the landlord would take back the apartment. Lou Dian didn't mind and paid the six months' rent upfront.

This area was inhabited by ability users. Only ability users had the financial means to rent apartments here. Ordinary people lived in rent-free relief housing. Although they lived in shared spaces, at least they had a safe place to stay. As long as they worked, they could barely manage to eat their fill.

Their apartment was on the third floor, number 304. After climbing the stairs and finding the apartment, just as they were about to open the door, the door of number 303 suddenly opened. A heavily made-up woman opened the door and was slightly surprised to see them. Her eyes swept over their group before settling on Lou Dian.

"Hello there, you're living here too?" The woman greeted them with a smile. She wore a sleeveless tight leather jacket and pants, her figure incredibly hot, instantly attracting the gazes of Lou Ling and Lin Bao Bao. Their eyes were glued to her ample bosom.

Lin Bao Bao reluctantly tore her gaze away from the woman's chest and looked at her face, smiling brightly as she waved her hand in greeting. "Yes, we are. May I know how we should address you, big sis?"

The woman was a little unhappy with the term "big sis." Her eyes swept over Lin Bao Bao and Lou Ling's faces. Both girls had just turned twenty-one. Before the apocalypse, they hadn't even graduated from university and hadn't experienced the trials of society. They had a fresh look about them, which easily attracted men's attention in this apocalyptic world.

"My name is Yi Zheng. Nice to meet you. I don't think I've caught your names?" The woman introduced herself generously.

By this time, Lou Dian had already opened their door and gone inside. Lou Ling originally wanted to greet her, but he pulled her in. Seeing this, the others followed, leaving Lin Bao Bao to deal with the woman.

By the time Lin Bao Bao entered the apartment, she had already gathered quite a bit of information about the woman, including the members and their backgrounds living in the next-door apartment. The adjacent apartment housed five men and three women, forming an ability user team. All eight were ability users. Except for the captain, who was a second-level earth ability user, the rest were all first-level ability users. They were considered a decent team.

After cleaning up the apartment, Grandpa Mo rolled up his sleeves, preparing to make everyone a hearty meal to replenish their strength. The others also happily went to help.

Lin Bao Bao directly placed a few buckets of clean water. Lou Dian took out various cooking utensils, appliances, batteries, and a pile of ingredients from his space. Imagining these ingredients transformed into delicious food, everyone's mouths started to water. Since encountering the army, it hadn't been convenient to cook, so they had been surviving on biscuits and the like. Their mouths were practically tasteless by now.

Grandpa Mo steamed white rice, stir-fried four meat dishes and two vegetable dishes, and stewed a pot of chicken soup. Chen Kai Wei used his ability to condense a lot of ice cubes, placing them in various corners of the apartment to lower the temperature. A wave of coolness swept over them. Eating steaming hot food in this cool environment was truly enjoyable.

After eating and drinking their fill, Lou Dian even leisurely took out a can of tea leaves, a set of teacups, and started boiling water to make tea.

Chen Kai Wei and the others stared. This was too comfortable!

The tea was brewed, and everyone sat around the sofa, drinking tea and chatting about their next plan.

Lou Ling first asked Lin Bao Bao, "Bao Bao, didn't you say you wanted to find your father? Do you want to go post a missing person notice tomorrow?"

Lin Bao Bao held the teacup and took a small sip, her face full of enjoyment. Before the apocalypse, she didn't like tea and preferred carbonated drinks. Now, finally able to drink a cup of tea, she realized how much she missed the taste. She became even more certain of Lou Dian's abilities. In these uncertain times, who would collect such things?

"Posting a missing person notice costs a lot of crystal nuclei. I'm not doing such a silly thing." Lin Bao Bao wrinkled her nose. "I'll go out and about these days. If I'm meant to find him, I will. If not, then it's fate."

She sounded indifferent, as if it were just a formality. Lou Ling knew that her relationship with her biological parents wasn't good, so she didn't say much, only saying, "If you need any help, just let me know."

Lin Bao Bao glanced at Lou Dian and chuckled, not answering her. She thought to herself that if she couldn't even handle her own troublesome father, then she had lived all these years in vain. Moreover, if she were to drag them into this, she believed Lou Dian would not hesitate to kick her out.

Skipping over Chen Kai Wei, Grandpa Mo, and the others, Lou Ling then asked Lou Dian, "Brother, where does Uncle Lou live? When are we going to find him?"

Lou Dian sat beside her, slowly sipping his tea. The rising steam blurred his features until he turned his head slightly and smiled at her. His eyes seemed to hold a scattering of starlight as he said, "Let's rest for a few days before we go look for them."

Lou Ling had no objections to his arrangement and nodded at him.

They chatted for a while longer about the Capital Base. Seeing that it was getting late, they finally dispersed.

When Lou Ling was pulled into the room by him, she didn't react much at first. But when she realized he had gone to the bathroom to run the water for her bath, she felt a shiver down her spine for some reason. She also remembered what he had said on the road.

So she decisively ran off to practice her abilities, intending to exhaust all her energy before anything else.

Author's Note:

Today's goals:

Lou Ling's goal: Don't get pushed down by the pervert for now!

Lou Dian's goal: Push down my sister!


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