The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 47: Feelings in the Apocalypse 8

A weak voice called out incredulously, “Lou Dian!”

From afar, the person standing in the setting sun on the top floor seemed not to hear and quickly disappeared.

After going downstairs and returning to the living room on the second floor, Lou Ling glanced at Lou Dian, who was indifferent, and couldn't help but run to the window to look around. She found that the group had entered the house next door to theirs. Lou Ling observed that there were four injured people in the group, three with minor injuries, and the woman in the red leather jacket and trousers who had previously called Lou Dian's name was the most seriously injured. She was being helped along, her entire shoulder covered in blood, the smell of blood faintly drifting over.

Fortunately, this village was far away from the city, and the zombies in the village had been eliminated. Otherwise, they would have attracted the zombies to visit them.

Lou Dian didn't seem to care about them at all and acted as if he didn't hear the call earlier. After going downstairs, he went to the kitchen to cook. Tonight, he was going to have an all-egg feast with fried eggs, steamed eggs, boiled eggs, and fried eggs. The eggs were bought from a farmer before the apocalypse. They were not easy to take out. It just so happened that they had been out these days, and he asked Lou Ling to eat two boiled eggs every day to supplement her nutrition.

Soon, someone knocked on the door next door.

Lou Ling was originally helping out. Seeing that Lou Dian didn't seem to want to pay attention, she washed her hands and ran to open the door.

It was a gentle-looking man in glasses who looked to be in his thirties. If it weren't for the bloodstains on his clothes, Lou Ling would have thought that this was a young master who had just run from the city to the countryside.

In fact, the other party also felt that Lou Ling's impression was incompatible with this place. First of all, she was too clean; secondly, her complexion was too good, unlike someone who had survived in the apocalypse for half a year; lastly—his gaze fell on the ambiguous marks on her neck, and he immediately understood. At the same time, he also analyzed that the man named "Lou Dian" in the house must be very strong. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this woman to remain so clean. Perhaps the two breaths he felt in the woods today were theirs.

“Hello, sorry to bother you.” The man with glasses smiled gently. “My name is Li Chuan. It's rare to meet you here. We are all human, so I came to say hello.”

These words were a bit humorous, but they were also quite appropriate. In this day and age, zombies, mutated beasts, and mutated plants were everywhere. The living space of human beings had been greatly shortened. Although there were internal struggles among human beings, in the face of zombies and mutated beasts, it was safer to be human.

Lou Ling also replied politely, “Hello.” She didn't say anything else.

Li Chuan pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and didn't care about her coldness. He continued, “My companion is seriously injured and may cause you trouble, so I came here to tell you. Um, I don't know if you have any clean water here. I want to buy some from you.” After saying that, he took out a bag of crystal nuclei. The colorful crystal nuclei emitted a dazzling light under the setting sun.

Lou Ling understood what he meant and asked cautiously, “Trouble? What's wrong?”

Seeing that she asked, Li Chuan also wanted to make friends, so he immediately told her about how they encountered a few mutated wolves in the woods today. Although they killed those mutated wolves, one escaped. Because they were seriously injured, they had to return to the village to rest. They were also worried that the mutated wolf would gather its companions to attack the village tonight.

Lou Ling's face darkened. After a while, she nodded to show that she understood. When Li Chuan mentioned the water again, she asked in surprise, “Don't you have a water-type power user or a space-type power user?”

“Well, water-type power users have weak combat power, so naturally they won't be brought to such a dangerous place. The space-type power user's space doesn't hold much water. My companion is injured and doesn't have much water to clean the wound, so I wanted to ask you to borrow some.” Li Chuan said helplessly. They needed a lot of water to wipe away the smell of blood, lest those mutated wolves follow the smell. Of course, coming here to buy water also meant testing the waters. It wasn't like they had to have water.

Lou Ling pondered for a moment and asked him to wait a moment before turning back to the house.

Li Chuan stood at the door and didn't follow her in to show his politeness—although this house didn't belong to Lou Ling, after the apocalypse, whoever occupied it first would own it. This respect had to be given. He was a psychic ability user. Although he was a second-order psychic ability user in the later stage, he was considered powerful. He originally wanted to use his psychic power to investigate the situation inside, but when he thought of the man he had caught a glimpse of in the setting sun, his rationality made him give up this thought.

The smell of food wafted in the air, somewhat like the smell of home-cooked food. Li Chuan suddenly felt very hungry, and saliva rolled down his throat uncontrollably. Every time they went on a mission, for convenience, they could only eat casually. It was either dry food or a big pot of rice. It could fill their stomachs, but it was not delicious. To be able to smell this kind of smell in such a place was enough to surprise him, and it also refreshed his understanding of the man inside.

After waiting for a while, Li Chuan saw the man in black casual clothes come out. His hair was a little long, and his fringe softly rested on his forehead, making his face look even fairer and more handsome. His entire body exuded a kind of gentleness, cleanliness, and nobility that people liked. It seemed that women liked this type of man. When he thought of Qin Ling's excitement when she mentioned this man just now, it didn't seem so strange anymore.

Lou Dian said indifferently, “Sorry, we don't have that much water. As for the mutated wolf you mentioned, I'm a little curious. Why did you provoke the mutated wolf?”

Hearing his sharp question, Li Chuan pushed his glasses again and said awkwardly, “Well, to be honest, we are ability users from the capital. We accepted a mission from the research institute to capture mutated beasts in the mountains, so…”

Hearing about the research institute, Lou Ling's expression didn't look too good.

Lou Dian nodded to show that he understood and asked him a few more questions before sending him away.

After Li Chuan left helplessly, Lou Dian pulled Lou Ling back to the house for dinner. The dishes were ready, just in time for a pot of rice. With scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with shrimps, fried sweet and sour eggs, minced meat and steamed eggs, seaweed and egg drop soup, fried bean sprouts, and so on, the steaming hot food was filled with fragrance, making people's appetites increase.

Lou Dian filled a bowl of soup for her and said, “Eat more. We'll be busy tonight.”

Lou Ling took a sip of soup, thought for a moment, and asked, “Will the mutated wolves really come tonight?”

“Yes!” He gave an extremely certain answer. When she looked over in confusion, he sneered, “They stole a few wolf cubs. How could those mutated wolves let it go?”

“…” As expected of someone who dared to accept the research institute's mission! They were really bold.

Lou Ling immediately shut up.

On the other side, when those people saw Li Chuan return empty-handed, mocking expressions appeared on their faces.

“Qin Ling, look, that Lou Dian doesn't want to talk to you.” One of the ability users said to the pale woman sitting on the sofa.

Qin Ling ignored them and just looked at Li Chuan. A look of anticipation appeared on her beautiful face. “Did you mention me to Lou Dian? Maybe he didn't see me because it was too far just now.”

Li Chuan touched his nose and said, “I didn't get the chance to mention it. He just sent me away. Qin Ling, you should recuperate from your injuries first. If something happens to you, I won't be able to explain it to your brother and Feng Shao.”

Qin Ling's face darkened, and she said angrily, “Don't mention them to me! If they hadn't refused to tell me that Lou Dian had also come to the capital, how could I have hidden it from them and accepted this mission? But it's good too. I can meet Lou Dian here… By the way, who is that woman with Lou Dian?”

“… I don't know. I didn't ask.” Li Chuan thought of the marks on the girl's neck and decided not to say it to stimulate her.

At this moment, the other people who had cleaned their wounds came over to help Qin Ling clean the wound on her shoulder. Her clothes had been torn, revealing her bloody shoulder. Fortunately, the ability user's body was strong and had a good recovery ability. Otherwise, with Qin Ling's injury, she wouldn't have been able to hold on until now.

Because there wasn't much water, everyone simply cleaned the bloodstains on their bodies and sat down to eat dry food. Smelling the faint smell of food coming from next door, many people couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

“They're too arrogant. They're still in the mood to cook in such a place!”

Everyone agreed with this. Qin Ling smiled. She knew that Lou Dian sometimes had a perfect personality. Even if there were no conditions, he had to create conditions to make his life better. Gnawing on the tasteless dry food, some people even couldn't help but suggest buying some food from the people next door with crystal nuclei, but this suggestion was rejected by Li Chuan.

Li Chuan had faced Lou Dian directly and could feel the coldness beneath his smile. He might as well save himself the trouble. Anyway, there would be good food when they returned to the capital base. It was nothing to endure now.

After dinner, the sky quickly darkened.

Lou Ling held a seed of iron wire vine in her hand. This iron wire vine was the name Lou Ling gave to the mutated vine that looked like iron wire. She felt that it was very appropriate. Lou Ling first used her ability to communicate with the seed. She had practiced this many times and easily obtained the seed's approval. Then, she began to urge it to grow.

This was her first time urging the seed of a mutated plant to grow, so she was very careful. Her ability was slowly transmitted into the seed. The seed broke out of its shell and gradually grew. The slender iron wire vine slowly grew until it stopped when it was five meters long.

Her ability was also used up.

Lou Ling put the root of the iron wire vine in a mineral water bottle and began to meditate to recover her ability.

After meditating for half an hour and recovering her ability, she continued to transmit her ability to the iron wire vine. After a few times, the iron wire vine was more than 20 meters long, and the main vine was as thick as a little finger.

Lou Ling put it in the courtyard and let it keep watch for them tonight. Then, she turned to the man who had been accompanying her and smiled. “Brother, with it keeping watch tonight, we won't have to work so hard.”

Lou Dian took a tissue to wipe her sweat. He smiled and nodded, praising her actions.

Although he knew that mutated wolves would come tonight, Lou Dian didn't continue to leave. Firstly, it was already evening, and the mountain road wasn't easy to walk on. Secondly, he had his own considerations. In Lou Ling's words, one look and one would know what evil ideas he was planning. They had pollen that could repel mutated beasts. If it was really dangerous, they could just sprinkle some. It was a pity that Lou Dian wasn't willing to take it out now.

Although Lou Ling didn't know what he wanted to do, she never interfered with his decisions. In the end, she could only try the effects of the mutated plants.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Work hard to become stronger!

Lou Dian's goal: Kill the enemy!


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