The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 45: Feelings in the Apocalypse 6

They stayed in the mountains for a few days and collected seeds from over a dozen mutated plants. Besides the vine-like plants, there were also some flowers that emitted a stimulating smell. These flowers had some effect in repelling mutated beasts, but it was unknown if they could repel zombies and zombie beasts. They would have to wait until they encountered zombies to test it out.

The mutated plants were strange and bizarre, and even Lou Ling couldn't name them. It seemed that after the apocalypse, the plants had mutated far beyond the species she knew. Some mutated plants were so different that it was impossible to tell what kind of plant they were before the mutation.

Of course, they only moved around the periphery of the forest and the area close to the middle. Even Lou Dian didn't dare to venture deep into the forest. There was no way he could guarantee their safety in those areas.

On this day, they went a little deeper into the forest. They were surrounded by towering trees that seemed to have grown several meters taller. The dense canopy completely blocked the sunlight, making the light dim.

Lou Dian was still leading the way, one hand tightly holding Lou Ling's hand. His mental energy had spread out around them.

Lou Ling followed behind him, holding a Tang knife in one hand and looking around. She saw strange vines wrapped around old trees, bearing strange flowers and fruits, but she didn't find it strange anymore. For example, there were flowers with sharp teeth like sharks, yellow fruits that sprayed poisonous gas when touched by passing wild beasts, and flowers that cried like babies when cut… In the past few days, her bottom line had been constantly refreshed by the various mutated plants in the forest. She went from initial disbelief to current calmness.

So, when she saw a flower with a human-like face by the road, Lou Ling passed by without looking. This kind of flower, except for its human-like face, had no lethality. After testing its power and finding it lacking, they didn't pay much attention to it.

As they were passing through a forest, Lou Ling suddenly smelled a very sweet scent. The smell made her mouth dry, and she wanted to drink something to quench her thirst. Her head felt dizzy, and when she came to her senses, she found herself clinging to the back of the man in front of her, hugging his waist tightly and rubbing against him like a cat.

"Xiao Ling?"

Lou Ling looked up at the man who was looking at her in surprise. He then turned around gracefully, took her into his arms, and stroked her neck ambiguously with his fingers. His other hand had already moved from the hem of her clothes tucked into her belt to her waist, slowly sliding upwards…

Lou Ling immediately reacted. Although she always felt that the man in front of her was very attractive, she also knew that she was not right now. She hurriedly pulled back, grabbed his hand, and said hurriedly, "Something's wrong here, let's get out of here quickly." If she didn't leave again, she was afraid that she would not be able to help but pounce on him.

He looked at her calmly, then pulled her back, lifted her chin and licked her dry lips, sucking and kissing them until they were red and plump. The hand that was wandering over her body still didn't withdraw. The other hand had even unbuckled her belt excessively, reached into her pants, and went down from her underwear to a certain place, slowly rubbing it.

"Lou Dian!" Lou Ling was anxious and tried to look into his eyes. The corners of her eyes were red again. Could it be that he was also affected by that smell? "Let's go, this smell is not right, don't be affected by it!"

It was not until she couldn't bear it anymore and pressed his hand that the man stopped his teasing. He said calmly, "I know it's not right, but it's a pity to leave like this. It's rare to encounter such a hallucinogenic mutant plant."


She didn't know why, but she really wanted to punch him. What should she do?

As if her mind moved at will, before she could react, the Tang knife in her hand had already swung towards him.

"Lou Dian!"

Her eyes widened in fear as she saw the Tang knife cut into his shoulder, bright red blood staining his green camouflage uniform. But he didn't seem to feel the pain. His expression was calm, his face still had the gentle smile he usually had when facing her, and his eyes were full of tenderness, which made her hand holding the Tang knife tremble…

How could this be? Her eyes widened.

"Lou Dian, I, I didn't mean to, I don't know why I…"

She staggered back, her soul lost for a moment. She didn't understand why she would hurt him, and she couldn't accept that she would do such a thing. She felt that her body was out of her control. She clearly didn't want to hurt him, but the Tang knife in her hand still seemed to have a mind of its own as it swung towards him again.

"Lou Dian, run…"

She cried out, and just as the Tang knife was about to touch his body again, she stopped abruptly, gritted her teeth, and forcibly controlled her hand. She pointed the tip of the knife at her heart, and just as she was about to stab it down, a hand clasped her hand and took the knife away. Then she was pulled into an embrace and hugged tightly.

All she could see was the large patch of blood red on his body. It was shocking and made her eyes red, her eyes filled with bitterness.

Her wide eyes were covered by a warm hand, and his low and gentle voice came from her ear, "Xiao Ling, close your eyes and sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine…"

That unbearable restlessness made her very uncomfortable. It seemed that something was about to explode, making her unable to control her behavior. She struggled in his arms. But his voice made her head dizzy again, clamoring to listen to him, to ignore everything, to slowly fall asleep, to sleep and everything would be fine - no!

Lou Ling bit hard, the tip of her tongue throbbing with pain, the taste of rust spreading in her mouth. Her head cleared up, and the scene in front of her changed. It was no longer full of blood red. When she tried hard to open her eyes, she saw the fragmented sunlight above her head, slanting down through the lush branches and leaves. She also saw clearly the man squatting in front of her, his dark eyes filled with concern.

She found herself sitting under a big tree, surrounded by thick grass, and the man squatting in front of her had gentle eyebrows, handsome features, and soft and gentle eyes.

"Lou Dian…"

She murmured, her eyes sharp. She immediately pounced on him and tore open his coat. Seeing his unharmed shoulder, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then she couldn't help but hug him tightly, her limbs wrapped around him, her whole body clinging to him. Only by feeling his vivid breath and the dry smell of soap on him could she feel at ease.

Lou Dian let her hold him, the world was quiet, only the two of them snuggled together.

After a long while, when she had calmed down, the man looked at her with a smile, then reached out and flicked her forehead lightly, laughing, "Silly girl, didn't I tell you not to be fooled by illusions? You almost killed yourself with a knife just now." The smile on his face was very dangerous, and he whispered, "What did you see? Why were you crying and trying to kill yourself?"


Could she say that in the illusion, she thought she couldn't control herself and wanted to kill him, so she had to cut herself first to wake herself up? She wouldn't tell him such a stupid thing.

"But, I didn't expect Xiao Ling to love me so much that she would rather die for me…"

Lou Ling pursed her lips stiffly, not wanting to see his distorted smile anymore. It was too dangerous, and she felt like he was about to explode. She turned her head stiffly and saw a ravaged area not far away. It was a large flower field with flowers about one meter high. The flowers looked like sunflowers, but they were only similar in appearance. The flower discs were much larger than sunflowers, the petals were crimson, and the stamens were pink. The sweet smell was emitted by this kind of flower. It had a hallucinogenic effect, causing people who approached them to fall into illusions and commit suicide. The blood and corpses would then become their nutrients.

At this time, this flower field looked like it had been ravaged. Large swathes of flower branches had been cut off at the waist, and the petals on the flower discs that had fallen to the ground trembled slightly as if they were alive.

"What kind of flower is this?" Lou Ling asked with some fear. If Lou Dian hadn't remained conscious, she would probably have committed suicide in the illusion.

"I don't know, but its pollen has a very strong hallucinogenic effect. Except for high-level mental ability users, I'm afraid even high-level ability users can't resist it." Lou Dian said while touching his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a look that Lou Ling thought was absolutely evil and perverted flashed in his eyes.

Seeing his wicked look, Lou Ling knew that he was up to no good.

Lou Dian was indeed up to no good. After tidying up her clothes, he leaned over and kissed her lips again. When he was satisfied, he took out a bottle and began to collect the pollen from the flowers. After collecting a bottle, he saw that there were still many left, so he put the other petals into his space.

Lou Ling followed him and asked, "Why are you collecting it?" Maybe it was because the feeling of despair that made her want to kill herself when she was trapped in the illusion was too uncomfortable, which made her feel resistant to this kind of flower.

"Naturally, it's useful." Lou Dian didn't say what it was for. While collecting pollen, he also found some seeds and collected them for her.

Lou Ling looked down at the seeds. They were the size of a thumb, each one black and full. She could feel their active spiritual power when she held them in her hand. Generally speaking, the stronger the spiritual power of the seeds, the more powerful they were, but she still didn't like them very much. After putting them away, Lou Ling turned to look at him again. She didn't know why, but the more she looked at him, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Although it was in an illusion, he would never hurt her. He would rather be hurt by her and still smile at her. There was no one more foolish than him in the world.

After Lou Dian finished collecting the pollen, he noticed that something was wrong with her mood: "Xiao Ling?"

Lou Ling forced a smile, then stopped talking.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Lou Dian was worried that the illusion created by the pollen might have side effects. He was no longer in the mood to do anything else. Before evening came, he left early.

By the time they returned to the log cabin, it was already evening. Lou Dian experimentally sprinkled pollen around the log cabin and used his mental energy to check. He found that almost all the animals within five kilometers had fled at a speed as if they were running for their lives. The mutated plants also became wilted. He felt that the effect of this pollen was good. It had a great effect in repelling mutated beasts and mutated plants. No wonder after entering its range before, except for this flower, he didn't encounter any other mutated plants and animals.

Lou Dian told the girl who was following him step by step about the results, reached out and tucked the broken hair on her cheek behind her ear, "Xiao Ling, this flower can be used as a weapon. When your ability improves, try to cultivate it."

Lou Ling frowned slightly, then nodded. Although she still didn't like it very much, if the effect was good, she could try to use it.

Seeing that it was already evening, Lou Dian was not in a hurry to return to the village. He decided to stay in the log cabin for another night and leave the mountains to return to the village tomorrow.

After they had dinner and cleaned themselves up, Lou Ling sat on the wooden bed, her chin resting on her bent knees, staring blankly, not knowing what she was thinking about.

"Xiao Ling? What's wrong?" Lou Dian sat down beside her and looked at her with some concern. Could it be that she was frightened by what happened today?

Lou Ling's absent-minded eyes gradually moved to his face. After looking at him for a long while, she suddenly pounced on him. As he leaned back on the bed, propping himself up with an arm, she straddled him, her eyes burning into his.


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