The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 43: Feelings in the Apocalypse 4

It was only the beginning of May, but the weather was already unbearably hot. Although it was still morning, when the sun rose, the roads on both sides were filled with dust, and the high temperature scorched the earth.

Lou Ling habitually leaned on the car window and looked out. Through the window, it seemed that she could see the dust floating in the air outside because of the dryness. In addition, there were some passing vehicles, all of which were supernatural beings who went out to collect supplies. From a distance, they could also see wandering zombies, but before they could get close, they were shot in the head.

Lou Ling's eyes were focused, and she found a zombie walking normally in the distance running towards them. When the car passed by the zombie, she threw a seed in her hand. The supernatural power instantly spawned, and the seed grew into a vine in mid-air, using the zombie's body as a pole to climb and spread. It's a pity that this vine is a melon vine, and her supernatural powers are not much. After a while, the vine stopped growing. The zombie's head was full of green vines, and it was still chasing after it. It looked indescribably funny.

Lou Ling couldn't help feeling frustrated, her supernatural powers were not enough, the toughness of the vines was not enough, and she couldn't kill the zombies.

At this time, the speed of the car slowed down. When the zombie approached, Lou Ling directly opened the car door, and swung the Tang saber in her hand, the head of the first-order zombie was chopped off.

After the car door was closed, the car returned to its original speed. The people behind who saw this scene were no longer surprised, but only sighed that the people in the car in front were really bold, daring to open the car door and kill zombies while driving, and their aim was not bad. But when they passed by and saw the zombie head full of green vines, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Although supernatural powers are good, but human physical fitness and stamina are the most basic." Lou Dian comforted her, "If your stamina can keep up, and your martial arts are good, supernatural powers are just an auxiliary role."

Lou Ling agreed with his words. Even before she had supernatural powers, her physical strength was no worse than those supernatural beings. Now that she has supernatural powers and her physique has increased, combined with her previous martial arts, she can confidently say that even if she is still a zero-level supernatural being, she has no problem dealing with second-level zombies alone.

Seeing the smile on her face again, Lou Dian's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that she is easy to appease, and she never worries about gains and losses, letting negative emotions control her life.

The car drove all the way, passing by the teams of other supernatural beings, heading towards the mountainous area in the suburbs. Gradually, the environment on both sides began to change.

After driving like this for a morning, I could no longer see the city, and the road changed from a cement road to an asphalt road and finally a dirt road. The environment on both sides became greener and greener until I reached a mountain forest.

Although Lou Ling had been to the capital to play before, she was not familiar with the terrain near the capital. Looking around, the woods are connected to rolling mountains, looking up, there are tall mountains not far away. After the end of the world, the environment has undergone tremendous changes, especially the mutation of plants, making the deep mountains and old forests a dangerous existence no less than cities, and the ubiquitous mutated plants also stop humans.

There is a village at the foot of the mountain. When they drove in, they found zombies wandering in the village. There were no survivors here. If all the villagers had not turned into zombies, they would have fled.

"Let's rest here tonight." Lou Dian said.

According to Lou Dian's plan, they would spend a lot of time collecting seeds of mutated plants in the mountains, but it was impossible to sleep directly in the mountains. It was too unsafe, so they had to have a fixed resting place. This village is a good place to rest, but we have to clear the zombies in the village first.

The car stopped at the entrance of the village, and the sound of the car also attracted the attention of the zombies wandering in the village, and they all rushed towards this side.

After the two got out of the car, they joined the battle. This time, Lou Dian stood at the front and dealt with the few fastest zombies running ahead. Lou Ling was invisibly protected by him, and dealt with some ordinary zombies. They were faster than ordinary people, but for her, it was not a problem.

This village is not big, with a hundred households, and before the end of the world, the young and middle-aged laborers in the village went out to work, and most of those who stayed in the village were old people and children. Looking at the number of zombies, there are only a hundred or so. After more than half a year in the last days, these zombies have only evolved to the first rank.

Suddenly, Lou Dian's eyes narrowed slightly, he stretched out his hand to wrap Lou Ling's waist beside him, and retreated suddenly. Just where they were originally standing, it was pierced by a row of ice picks, and the dirt was pressed down by the ice picks, forming a pit.

Soon, I saw a blue-gray-skinned person standing in the window of the second floor of a red brick house next to him. Lou Ling looked surprised. Compared with the rotten skin of those first- and second-level zombies, this zombie no longer had rotten skin, but its skin color was blue-gray, dry and flat, as if there was no water. Like a dry corpse.

The zombie stood by the window, wearing ragged clothes, its scarlet eyes stared at them, flashing greed for fresh flesh and blood. When they dodged its ice pick, it also flipped down from the window and rushed towards them like a gust of wind.

This is a Tier 3 zombie! I didn't expect that a small village would have evolved a third-order zombie!

It was the first time that Lou Ling faced the third-order zombies at such a close distance. The pressure it gave her was greater than the second-order zombie dog she encountered before, and it was also a mutant zombie with supernatural powers.

In an instant, the zombie rushed over, and ice picks hit them.

Lou Ling also reacted immediately, dodged quickly, and the Tang saber in her hand chopped off the head of a zombie attacking next to her. Lou Dian let out a cold snort, his black eyes flickered with a cruel color, his five fingers bounced together, the transparent space blade turned into an extremely thin sharp blade, extremely sharp, and went straight to the zombie's neck, the zombie's head flew high , The zombie's body still maintained the posture of pounce, and then fell forward, with a bang, a cloud of smoke and dust was splashed.

When the zombie's head fell to the ground, the other zombies ignored the two living people, and rushed up directly, trying to grab the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain, Lou Dian jumped forward, the Tang saber in his hand swung out bursts of saber light, and the few surrounding zombies were also chopped off their heads, Lou Ling followed behind as a supplementary knife party.

Soon, the zombies in the village were wiped out.

Lou Ling blinked, then looked at the head of the third-order zombie, she couldn't help being a little dazed. The third-order zombies were wiped out like this? Too easy? After thinking about it, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at the man in black beside her. The scorching sun didn't make him look embarrassed, but the bright sunshine made him look more noble and elegant, with gentle and clean eyebrows and eyes, very pleasing to the eye.

This is—a man who can make the sun eclipsed.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Lou Ling turned her head away, couldn't help but fan her hot cheeks with her hands, thinking, it must be because the weather is too hot, why is her face red? Besides, what level of supernatural power is Lou Dian now? She didn't even see clearly, the third-order zombie lost its head like this, could it be a kind of supernatural power? Seeing that he could easily deal with that third-order zombie, it is estimated that his supernatural power is definitely above the third-order.

Thinking of this, my heart skipped a beat. I heard that the most powerful supernatural being in the capital is now at the third rank, and there has not yet been a fourth-rank supernatural being. Moreover, the growth process of supernatural beings' supernatural powers not only depends on their own cultivation and accumulation, but every time they are promoted to a higher level, it is an extremely difficult process to overcome. The reason why they were able to be promoted to the third level at the beginning of the last days is also the result of the Capital Research Institute's first discovery that the energy in the zombie crystal nucleus can be absorbed by supernatural beings. In addition, the higher the level of supernatural power is not necessarily the more powerful it is, because there must be corresponding combat power. Some ordinary soldiers who have experienced many battles are no match for even a first-level supernatural being.

Therefore, the level of supernatural power does not necessarily represent strength, it just makes people feel suppressed in terms of coercion level, and the rest remains to be discussed.

Lou Dian put on a pair of rubber gloves and began to dig out the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain. Although they don't need crystal nuclei to practice, they still collect them and can be used as currency when they return to the base.

Lou Ling dug out the crystal nucleus of the third-order zombie on purpose, and found that the crystal nucleus of this ice-type zombie is ice blue. Such a beautiful ice blue gem was dug out of the head of such an ugly zombie. Lou Ling really couldn't feel any love for it.

After rinsing it clean, Lou Ling handed all the crystal nuclei to Lou Dian to put away. Suddenly thinking of Lou Dian's previous treatment of the second-order zombie dog crystal nucleus, she couldn't help but feel a little dark, and asked tentatively, "You're not going to use this crystal nucleus to hang zombies, are you?"

Lou Dian was washing his hands, when he heard her words, he turned his head to look at her, a strand of slightly long hair brushed his eyebrows, and then he saw him smiling very gently: "Xiaoling is really smart, we don't hang zombies, we go Hang the mutant plants!"


Forget it, she didn't ask.

After cleaning up the zombies, they piled the zombie corpses together. Lou Dian directly took out the environmentally friendly oil he had collected before the end of the world, poured it on, and set it on fire.

After finishing all this, Lou Dian found a house with a yard to live in, parked the car in the yard, and locked the courtyard door.

"Are we resting here today? When will we enter the mountain?" Lou Ling asked while sitting on the sofa in the cleaned hall, slowly drinking water from a mineral water bottle.

"Tomorrow morning, it's too late now."

While answering, Lou Dian took out various furniture from the space to decorate the house, and the original furniture in the house had already been thrown behind the house by him. After a while, the house was completely new, although it was a bit simple, but it was all new, and there would be no psychological shadow when using it.

Lou Ling felt that this man's cleanliness was getting worse. It was okay before the end of the world. If there were conditions, no one would say anything about your cleanliness. But after the end of the world, being so particular, when the resources are almost exhausted, what should I do?

Lou Dian didn't know her worry, so he took out two buckets of purified water from the space, saw that she was dirty, and urged her to take a bath, which made Lou Ling feel even more that this man's cleanliness was hopeless.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: How to cure my brother's cleanliness!

Lou Dian's goal: to raise my sister white and tender!


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