The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 42: Feelings in the Apocalypse 3

Lou Ling numbly took the pack of sanitary pads, then numbly went into the bathroom to deal with her monthly blood loss. She felt terrible.

When Lin Bao Bao and Grandpa Mo came back in the evening, they saw that Lou Ling was out of spirits. Grandpa Mo was a little puzzled, but Lin Bao Bao and Chen Kai Wei both smelled the faint scent of blood and understood.

“Poor Ling Ling, just stay home obediently~~” Lin Bao Bao comforted her, putting her arm around her shoulder.

Lou Ling felt even more depressed. They hadn’t even said anything yet, but their expressions showed they understood. Having such a good sense of smell as an ability user was also troublesome.

She suddenly understood why female ability users hid in their rooms when their periods came; everyone could smell it! Some radical male ability users even believed that women, who bleed and attract zombies, should not exist. Damn, to think like that, you must be an extremist gay who hates women. No one would judge you for being gay, but being gay and thinking women are dirty creatures who should be destroyed is just sick!

Perhaps remembering the woman-hating gay man she had encountered on the road, Lou Ling’s face turned a little ugly. Because a woman in the team had her period, that gay man immediately started cursing and even suggested throwing her out so that the smell of blood on her body wouldn’t attract zombies. Although he was finally beaten up by her and Lin Bao Bao, his self-righteous declaration and his disgust at women’s monthly bleeding still made people uncomfortable, especially since they didn't know how many women he had harmed because of this belief. Both men and women had the necessity to exist; this was the law of nature. Without women, could men give birth by themselves?

As she was feeling indignant, a hand pinched her face and pulled it from side to side.

She saw the man with clear eyebrows and eyes calmly pinching her face and saying, "Don't think too much. In a few days, I’ll take you out of the base to play.”

Lou Ling swatted his hand away and said, drawing a line with her finger, “Am I someone who loves to play? It's just…” Thinking that he was a man and she couldn't make generalizations, she shut her mouth.

After dinner, everyone sat on the sofa and talked about their day. This had become a routine for them every night.

Grandpa Mo now had a stable job at the ability user restaurant and could even bring his granddaughter along. His granddaughter could also help out in the kitchen. Although children aged eight or nine should be happily studying in school before the apocalypse, it had been a year since the apocalypse began, and survival was difficult. Many institutions had not yet recovered, so many children had become unemployed. Chen Kai Wei had also found a job in the ability user hall. It was also a job where he could bring his nephew along. Although the food wasn’t very good, it was enough to keep them fed and he could take care of his nephew. When he came back at night, they would have a hearty meal.

In fact, the best treatment for ability users was to join the army. For ability users who joined the army, three meals a day were free, and there was meat and vegetables. The food was very rich, which was definitely what ability users yearned for. If they didn’t join the army, they could also join some ability user teams. However, after learning that the army had many compulsory tasks, Chen Kai Wei dismissed the idea. As for those civilian ability user teams, he never thought about joining other ability user teams after following Lou Dian.

Lin Bao Bao had been wandering around the base these days. Although she had not found her father yet, she had figured out a lot about the base.

“Ling Ling, did you go find Uncle Lou today?”

Lou Ling nodded. “But Uncle is not in the Capital Base, he’s in the Northwest Base. Elder Brother is still here.”

Lin Bao Bao thought for a moment and understood that Lou Dian’s next stop was the Northwest Base. As for her… Lin Bao Bao had an indifferent feeling. She didn’t have much expectation for her so-called blood relatives. It was better to follow them to the Northwest. She had an ability and had been working hard to strengthen her martial skills. No matter which base she was in, her life wouldn’t be too bad.

Chen Kai Wei, Grandpa Mo, and the others had now arrived at the Capital Base and had a safe haven, but they didn’t want to be idle. Although Lou Dian was cold and indifferent to outsiders and didn’t like to talk to people, he never criticized their food, said anything harsh, and was very generous. But for some reason, they all consciously went to find jobs immediately after settling down in the capital and didn’t want to stay at home and be idle. Lou Dian only provided them with a safe place but didn’t guarantee anything. Everyone was clear about this. They were also clear about Lou Dian’s strength. As long as Lou Dian was willing to care, they wouldn’t be bullied.

After the chat, they went their separate ways.

It was already dark, and the electricity in the capital was cut off after eight o’clock. Lou Dian drew the curtains, took out the energy-saving lamp to light up the room, and walked to the sofa. He watched Lou Ling close her eyes and put her hands on the pile of seeds on the table. He couldn’t see anything with his naked eyes, but his mental power could capture the extremely active ability that was touching the seeds, as if it was communicating intimately with them.

When Lou Ling opened her eyes, she saw the man close at hand. She happily threw herself into his arms and said with a smile, “Brother, I can communicate with the seeds now. I’ll be able to break through soon and be promoted to a level one ability user.”

Since she had her ability, Lou Ling had been working hard to train it. Her ability to accelerate growth was now being practiced very smoothly. Now, she was trying to communicate with the seeds. It was a very mysterious feeling, hard to describe, but it allowed the seeds to listen to her and grow according to her wishes. This was considered subduing them.

Of course, these seeds were ordinary vegetable and melon seeds, which were easy to grow, so it was not a problem to communicate with dozens of them at once. If it were mutated plants, it wouldn’t be so easy to communicate with them.

Lou Dian’s eyes carried a gentle smile. He kissed her on the corner of her lips and said, “Not bad, Xiao Ling is very powerful!”

Feeling the change in his body, Lou Ling hurriedly jumped out but was quickly hugged by him. She heard him say, “Your body is different now, don’t jump around.”

Lou Ling’s face darkened. Why did she feel like she was a dangerous object? It was just a period; it didn’t hurt at all, and it was nothing to jump around a little.

Then, Lou Dian used the excuse that she was losing blood and was weak to stop her from continuing to practice her ability. He took out a cup of warmed milk from his space and made her drink it before saying, “Alright, it’s time to sleep. Sleep more to protect your skin.”

After being forced to lie down on the bed, Lou Ling felt that his way of controlling her was very familiar. She couldn’t help but say, “Brother, are you actually Dad? Dad Lou used to control us like this! I was very obedient at that time and went to bed early and woke up early every day. You always slept in the middle of the night and were scolded by Dad many times…”

Lou Dian’s entire face darkened. He gritted his teeth and pinched her face, asking dangerously, “Am I like Dad?”

Lou Ling was very kind and said, “No, you’re my brother!” In her heart, she was slandering him. Whether it was her father or brother, weren’t they both perverts? She now knew how to comfort herself. Anyway, they were not real siblings, so it was possible to slowly turn their familial feelings into love. Anyway, after spending a long time together, wouldn’t love eventually turn into familial love?

Only then was Lou Dian satisfied. He hugged her in his arms and slowly kissed her lips. The way he carefully tasted her lips made Lou Ling’s scalp tingle. She felt like she was food.

After a few days, the ferocious aunt finally left, and Lou Ling was finally alive and kicking again. What made her even happier was that she could now communicate with two hundred seeds at once. Her ability had improved again.

That morning, after breakfast, Lou Dian took Lou Ling out.

They didn’t know how many days this trip would take. Lou Dian, as usual, left enough food for them to eat for a month. Besides, they usually ate their lunch outside during the day, so it was more than enough. Lin Bao Bao and the others were also used to Lou Dian not taking action with them, so when they knew that they were leaving the base, no one offered to follow them. They only told them to be careful.

After a series of procedures, they finally left the base.

When they left the base and were looking for their car at the entrance, they ran into a group of people who were also leaving the base.

“Lou Dian?”

The window of a military jeep rolled down, revealing Feng Shao Huang’s face. Feng Shao Huang looked at him in surprise, his gaze shifting to Lou Ling, who was standing next to Lou Dian.

After the apocalypse, because the water resources were polluted by the virus, the water supply was tight. Moreover, scientists had not yet figured out how to purify the virus in the water. Therefore, even if there were water-type ability users who could provide clean water, there was no guarantee that they could use water as freely as they did before the apocalypse. Many ordinary people even had problems drinking water. Therefore, after the apocalypse, very few women could keep themselves clean. At most, they only used a small amount of water to wash their faces every day.

After the apocalypse, there were only two types of clean women: those who were capable and those who worked in special industries. They had to try their best to keep themselves clean in order to attract customers. Having seen enough dirty women, a woman who kept herself so clean, even if she had ordinary looks, would make people feel very pleasing to the eye.

Feng Shao Huang looked at the woman who was with Lou Dian in surprise. The last time he met Lou Dian, because Lou Dian had made a move out of the blue, he didn’t get a good look at the person who was with him. He didn’t think that the woman whom Lou Dian, who had some kind of obsession with cleanliness, was willing to be close to was insignificant. This woman had delicate and clean features. When she stood there quietly, she gave off a very gentle feeling, like those soft girls from the south. It was easy to gain people’s good impression. At this glance, he felt that she looked familiar. He vaguely remembered that once in university, he had accidentally seen her photo in Lou Dian’s private favorites folder on his computer.

Lou Dian glanced at him indifferently, then opened the car door and got in. The car sped off.

“Damn it! Who is that! So arrogant! He didn’t even give Young Master Feng any face!” A young man in the jeep cried out strangely.

Qin Wei glanced at him and said, “Liu Ji, quiet down!”

The young man called Liu Ji clicked his tongue and stopped speaking loudly. Instead, he whispered to his companion beside him, “But that woman is quite clean and pleasant to look at. I just don’t know how she tastes…”

Feng Shao Huang’s face turned a little ugly. He really couldn’t understand why Lou Dian wouldn’t even acknowledge his friends after a few years of not seeing each other.

Author’s Notes: Today’s goal:

Lou Ling’s goal: Strive to be promoted to a level one ability user!

Lou Dian’s goal: Strive to deepen his presence in his little sister’s heart!


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