The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapters List

Chapter 50: Feelings in the Apocalypse 11

There was a commotion ahead, like a crowded market. As they got closer, they saw several strong young men arguing with a group of people blocking the road. The weaker women, elderly, and children among the survivors stood huddled together, afraid to speak up.

The group demanding payment included people with abilities. They had erected a half-person-high earth wall in the middle of the road, leaving only enough space for a single car to pass. Several men with a roguish air blocked the passage.

There was an abandoned gas station by the roadside. Several men were sitting there, one of whom, a burly man surrounded by the others, was slowly drinking something. He seemed to be the leader of the group.

"You can pass, but you have to pay a toll," said a young man with the lower half of his hair dyed blond and the upper half black. His tone was somewhat thuggish, and it was easy to tell that he had been a delinquent before the end of the world. "Food and crystal nuclei, it's up to you. You know that many roads have been destroyed after the end of the world, right? This section of the road was cleared by us brothers. You have to pay for our hard work."

"Don't make it sound so nice. This road was cleared by the army. What does it have to do with you?" A man with a crew cut said angrily. It was he who had taken the lead in confronting the group.

"That's right. It was clearly stated on the radio. Since when did it become yours to clear?"

Everyone echoed in agreement.

"It was cleared by the army, but our brothers are maintaining this section of the road. We even helped to clear the zombies on this road. Even if there's no credit, there's still hard work, right?" The young man with the half-black, half-blond hair continued his roguish act.

Hearing this, those who were stopped complained, but apart from the man with the crew cut, the others were somewhat afraid of the group's strength and didn't want to give up their food and crystal nuclei. No one dared to step forward. Moreover, most of the people here were ordinary people. They didn't have enough food for themselves, so how could they afford to give it away? In addition, when zombies came, they could only run away. How could they possibly collect any crystal nuclei?

After listening for a while, Lou Dian and the others understood the situation. These people were clearly here to take advantage of the situation. They chose to set up the earth wall and charge tolls when it was close to evening, after the army and the ability users returning to the base. Their targets were those ability users and ordinary people who were weak and easy to bully. Although the food they collected was little, even a mosquito was still meat.

Listening to the delinquent repeatedly saying that they were the ones who had gotten rid of the zombies nearby and that they were the ones who were maintaining this road, Lou Ling frowned. She felt that they deserved a beating. They were clearly taking advantage of the situation. This road was a route that the army had to pass through every day, and the zombies on the road were also cleared by them. What did it have to do with these people who wanted to take advantage of the situation?

"It's getting dark. The zombies will be here soon. Are you sure you don't want to pass? As long as you pay the toll, even if the zombies come, we'll help you deal with them. It's absolutely safe…"

Just as the delinquent was chattering away, a scream suddenly rang out, "Zombies are coming!"

The crowd immediately panicked. Some people didn't even care that the people blocking the road were ability users. They grabbed their weapons and broke through the blockade of the few people blocking the road, driving their cars away in a hurry. Those without cars also ran forward.

At this moment, the figures of zombies could be seen approaching, and the stench of decay wafted through the air.

Seeing the zombies appear, the delinquent who had vowed that "even if the zombies come, we'll help stop them, it's absolutely safe!" was also shocked. The knife in his hand fell to the ground, and he turned and ran. The leader at the gas station stood up abruptly. Seeing that there were more than a hundred zombies and only a dozen or so people on their side, with only two ability users, it was not worth the risk. They decisively retreated, treating their previous words as if they were nothing, and ran faster than the ordinary people.

Lou Ling frowned. She didn't run away with the others. She glanced at the ordinary survivors who were struggling to run away on their two legs and took out the seeds of the ironwire vine from her backpack. She flicked them out, and the ironwire vine grew rapidly in mid-air, stopping after growing to twenty meters long. Lou Ling didn't dare to exhaust her ability like she usually did, so she only used it to grow twenty meters, leaving one-fifth of her ability.

By the time the ironwire vine bared its fangs and claws to stop the zombies at the front, Lou Ling was also on guard with her Tang saber. Apart from her, there was another person who didn't leave. It was the man with the crew cut who had confronted the delinquent earlier.

As Lou Ling stood ready for battle, Lou Dian slowly kept a blue, third-tier zombie crystal nucleus into his space. After the crystal nucleus was kept, the zombies that were rushing towards them froze for a moment, then quickly continued to pounce over. There was a lot of fresh flesh and blood here that attracted them.

Lou Dian's eyebrows were gentle, as if he wasn't the one who had used the third-tier crystal nucleus to lure the zombies over. He looked at the person beside him holding the Tang saber with a gentle gaze. In the afterglow of the setting sun, her serious side profile was as gentle as water, her skin fair and flawless, attracting his gaze tightly. It made his heart race. He wanted to imprison her by his side for the rest of his life, so that her eyes and heart could only look at him, not at those ugly creatures.

The girl who used to be like a tomboy was becoming more and more beautiful as she grew up. When she pursed her lips into a smile, her eyes curved into crescents, as gentle as the misty rain in Jiangnan. However, she was a very serious person, which made him like her more and more. He liked her so much that he wanted to break her wings and imprison her in the world he had built for her. It would be great if it was just the two of them.

However, he also loved to see her lively figure in this ugly world, the bright smile on her face under the gray sky, her persistence in never giving up no matter what, her strength in the face of adversity, attracting the gaze of those who yearned for light…

"Brother, the zombies are here. Stop daydreaming!"

Lou Ling glared at him. How could he stare at her at a time like this?

Lou Dian chuckled softly and said gently, "I see them."

Yang Yi, the man with the crew cut who had also stayed behind to fight, couldn't help but glance at them when he heard their conversation. When he saw their appearances, he couldn't help but be stunned. He felt that they didn't look like siblings.

The younger sister was slightly delicate and pretty. She was quite pleasant to look at. She might have been lost in the crowd before the apocalypse, but in the apocalypse, a woman who could be so clean was considered a beauty. It made people want to take a few more glances. The older brother was gentle and refined, even his voice gave off a kind of clean gentleness. He looked like a gentle and good man. However, both siblings had one thing in common: they looked really clean. Although they didn't look like strong people from their figures and auras, he could still feel that they weren't simple…

With that thought, Yang Yi felt a sense of goodwill towards them. Not everyone would stay behind to block the zombies for the sake of strangers they weren't related to, giving them a chance to escape.

However, Yang Yi was wrong. When the zombies approached, the younger sister had already gone up to meet them, shouting, "These zombies are coming too fast. It's strange. How troublesome. Let's just kill them all!"


Lou Ling said to kill them all because she had considered their combat strength. These were all first and second-tier zombies. With her and Lou Dian's abilities, they could indeed get rid of them. Moreover, there was a mutated vine beside them that was binding and entangling the zombies, creating a certain amount of trouble for them and making it easier for them to fight.

Thus, it became like this: The ironwire vine entangled the bodies of the zombies, Lou Ling went up and directly chopped off their heads with a single slash, then moved on to the next target.

Lou Dian didn't need the help of the mutated vine at all. He didn't even use his ability. With the Tang saber in his hand, he swung it at an extremely fast speed, creating a series of saber lights. The heads of the few zombies that pounced at him had already been thrown high into the air.

Yang Yi, who had originally thought that there would be a fierce battle, was stunned. He stood rooted to the ground with a steel pipe in his hand, not given a chance to make a move. In his eyes, the siblings, who had seemed frail, were like tigers in the midst of sheep, very fond of chopping off zombie heads. They were clean and efficient, as if they were chopping watermelons.

Soon, the zombies were all cleared out. Not a single one was left alive to chase after the ordinary people who had run away.

Those two… were that powerful?

Lou Ling wiped the sweat off her forehead. The setting sun made her face flushed. She wiped the stains on her Tang saber with the clothes on the zombies, then sheathed it. Compared to her, Lou Dian's Tang saber was brand new. It didn't have any stains on it at all. He kept it directly into his space.

There were over a hundred zombies, all first and second-tier, which meant over a hundred crystal nuclei. Lou Ling put on her gloves and began to dig out the crystal nuclei. As for the unbearable smell in the air? After almost a year in the apocalypse, she was used to it.

After they had collected the crystal nuclei and were about to get into the car, Lou Ling looked at Yang Yi, who was standing there in a daze. It was a very young face, with a hint of childishness between his brows. He looked like a college student who had yet to enter society, probably the same age as her.

"What are you doing? Aren't you coming?" Lou Ling asked curiously. Because Yang Yi had been willing to stay behind to stop the zombies and give those people a chance to escape, although it was a little reckless, Lou Ling felt that this kind of saintly man was still acceptable, so she couldn't help but smile.

Feeling that her smiling face against the setting sun was as if it was glowing, Yang Yi blushed a little and said hurriedly, "Alright, alright. Thank you just now." He said gratefully.

"It was nothing."

After exchanging a few simple words, Yang Yi also got on another bus that was parked by the roadside. This was left behind by the people who had run away in a hurry just now. Then, he drove the bus and followed behind Lou Ling's car.

The car drove for about ten minutes, and soon caught up with those who were running away with their two legs. Both cars slowed down.

Seeing the bus approaching and then Yang Yi poking his head out, the people on the road were pleasantly surprised. Some of them who knew Yang Yi also shouted, "It's Yang Zi, Yang Zi is still alive!" They couldn't help but choke with sobs.

Yang Yi smiled. He knew that he was being reckless. He had originally planned to buy time for everyone to escape, and then he would also drive away when he couldn't hold on any longer. He had done this a few times before, so he didn't think much of it. However, seeing the happy smiles on everyone's faces because of his safe return, he couldn't help but smile as well.

Yang Yi stopped the bus and let the people get on. Then, he followed behind Lou Dian's car and headed for the capital.

The author has something to say:

Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Work hard to kill zombies!

Lou Dian's goal: Lock onto my sister's gaze!


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