The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 49: Feelings in the Apocalypse 10

Lou Ling felt much better after resting for a morning. Her ability even had a breakthrough from zeroth-order, steadily rising to first-order.

After becoming a first-order ability user, Lou Ling felt that she had endless strength, and her physique was even better, as if she had broken through a certain limit. To give a simple example, in the past, she could only produce 100 small buds at a time, but now she can produce 500 small buds at a time. The ability of the first-order is five times that of the zeroth-order.

Lou Ling was in excellent spirits, and at the same time, she took out the seeds of the mutated plants and tested them. She found that it was easier for her to communicate with the mutated seeds, and it was no problem to produce a 25-meter-long iron wire vine at a time.

Lou Ling was very happy about being promoted to a first-order ability user. After being happy, she thought of the people next door, and felt a little unhappy. She looked at the sky, seeing that it was about to pass noon, thought for a while, and decided to leave.

"Are you really okay?" Lou Dian was worried that she was not feeling well.

Lou Ling packed up the seeds, put them into different small plastic boxes and classified them, and then put them into her backpack. She said with certainty: "It's really okay, let's go back to the base."

Lou Dian pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement.

After the car drove out of the yard, the people next door who heard the sound of the car also poked their heads out to check. Lou Ling, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, also saw the male ability user who poked his head out. It happened that the two looked at each other. The male ability user looked at them with some resentment.

At this time, Li Chuan came out, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in a gentle manner: "Are you two leaving?"

Although everyone was unhappy last night, Lou Ling couldn't speak harshly, so she nodded coldly in response.

Thinking of Qin Ling who was still unconscious in the room, Li Chuan looked at the man with a calm face in the car, sighed in his heart, and was about to say something when he suddenly heard the sound of a car in the distance, and his face quickly changed showed joy.

"Brother Li, Brother Qin and the others are here!" A surprised voice sounded.

After a while, on the dirt road leading out of the village, a jeep drove in, blocking the road at the same time. Because it was a small village, it was all dirt roads, and the dirt roads were not wide, barely able to accommodate two cars side by side. Now that the jeep came, it completely blocked the road.

The first one to get out of the car was Qin Wei, he didn't even notice the people in the Hummer next to him, he ran to Li Chuan with a worried face, and asked anxiously: "I received your message, what's wrong with Lingling? Is she seriously injured?"

After the end of the world, because the magnetic field was chaotic, the signal was quickly cut off, making communication inconvenient. However, scientists quickly researched another type of communicator. Now most of the people with identities in the capital use new communicators. Li Chuan also used this kind of communicator to inform the people at the base, Qin Wei and others rushed over as soon as they received the news in the morning.

The people in the jeep got out of the car one after another. In addition to Qin Wei, there were also Feng Shaohuang and three other ability users.

Compared to Qin Wei who was worried about his sister, Feng Shaohuang immediately noticed the Hummer on the side of the road, and also saw the people sitting in the Hummer. His brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't know whether to say hello for a while. Lou Dian had already treated him like that, and he wasn't so cheap to kiss his cold ass, but the friendship from the past still made him feel a little regretful. And he knew that Lou Dian was very strong, if he could be brought into his team of ability users, the strength of his team would be even stronger.

What a pity…

"Get out of the way!" Lou Dian rolled down the car window and said impatiently.

Although they had already fallen out, Feng Shaohuang didn't want to oppose Lou Dian because of his past friendship, and was about to ask someone to drive the car to the side of the wall to make way, when he heard the arrogant voice of that kid Liu Ji: "Get out of the way? The road is right here, can't you just go there yourself?"

Then he rolled his eyes and said with a playful smile: "We are not unreasonable people, if this elder brother, you can find a way to let our car get out of the way, or give some crystal nuclei as a toll fee, we will immediately How about giving way?"

This kid is asking for a beating!

Lou Ling originally saw that he was just a 17 or 18-year-old boy, who looked handsome, and didn't want to argue with him, but later saw that he was clearly looking for trouble, she raised her eyebrows, and immediately pinched a few watermelon seeds and threw them directly at his face.

Liu Ji hurriedly jumped away, found that it was just some watermelon seeds, couldn't help being a little stunned, then couldn't help laughing: "Women are useless, they even use watermelon seeds as weapons…"

While he was talking, he found another handful of watermelon seeds hitting him head-on. Liu Ji ignored them at all. When one of the watermelon seeds came to him, it suddenly began to take root and sprout, and instantly grew into a vine more than ten meters long. With his head as the base, it covered his entire head, wrapping his entire face, and even quickly blooming a watermelon flower on top of his head.

Then the young man with green vines all over his head was kicked away, and Lou Dian also opened the car door and got out of the car, put his hand on the jeep, and pushed casually, the wheels of the jeep made a sharp braking sound, The whole car slammed into a house in front, the front of the car knocked down the mud wall of that house, because of the excellent material of the jeep, except for a dent in the front of the car, there was no damage.

Lou Dian patted the non-existent dust on his hands as if nothing had happened, then sat back in the car, closed the door, and walked away.

Feng Shaohuang stopped the others who wanted to do something, his face darkened, and said: "Forget it, let's go and see Qin Ling first." Then he glanced at Liu Ji who got up, clicked his tongue, and said: "Liu Ji, you should change your trouble-making nature, not everyone is so good-tempered to tolerate your provocations. Stay away from Lou Dian in the future, even I can't beat him, how capable do you think you are?"

Liu Ji tore off the watermelon vine on his head, angrily crushed the watermelon flower, spat, and cursed: "That stinky woman, don't let me meet her again! How dare you play such a thief…" If he had activated his ability to promote at the beginning, he would not have been fooled, but who knew that the woman would be so despicable, she was a typical example of the wolf coming, and she would suddenly attack.

Feng Shaohuang glanced at him, and entered the room with the others, thinking as he walked, the woman just now…seemed unusual, being able to control her abilities to such a delicate level is considered very powerful, although she is only at the first-order now, but she was able to get out of the car and kick Liu Ji away while urging the plant to grow, which is not bad.

After thinking about it, I felt a little annoyed. I really couldn't figure out why Lou Dian became like this when they met again. Even if there was any hatred, he should be allowed to die clearly, right?

After entering the room and seeing Qin Ling's appearance, even Feng Shaohuang, who was used to bloody killings, couldn't help but gasp. Perhaps all the tragic situations in the past were because they had nothing to do with him, and he didn't feel anything after seeing too much, but when it came to someone he knew, he couldn't accept it.

Seeing Qin Wei's anger, Feng Shaohuang understood Qin Ling's injuries, and comforted him: "It's okay, surgery can repair her face, as for the eyes…" He narrowed his eyes, "Go to Sister Bai, maybe Sister Bai has a solution."

Qin Wei thought of Bai Jin from the research institute, and felt much better. Although after the end of the world, disfigurement is a very serious matter for ordinary people, but for the well-equipped research institute, it is just a matter of minor surgery, and it is indeed not a big problem. But seeing his sister become like this, he still felt sad.

After understanding Qin Ling's situation, everyone sat down and listened to Li Chuan and the others narrate the incident. After hearing this, Qin Wei's face was filled with anger, his teeth were clenched, and he said bitterly: "Lou Dian! It's a pity that Lingling has a deep affection for him, but he actually watched her die…"

Feng Shaohuang disagreed, and reminded: "Don't be angry, have you forgotten that it was Qin Ling who posted it on her own initiative? Lou Dian never paid attention to her." This is why they knew that Lou Dian had come to the capital base After that, the reason why everyone kept it from Qin Ling.

Back then, when Lou Dian came to the capital to go to university, Feng Shaohuang and Lou Dian were assigned to the same dormitory. The relationship between the two was not bad. Feng Shaohuang also thought that Lou Dian was quite interesting, and soon recognized him as a friend.

The Qin family and the Feng family are family friends. Feng Shaohuang has been good friends with the Qin family's siblings since childhood, so naturally he introduced his friends to his other friends. In his heart, he also wanted to pave the way for Lou Dian. It is also considered to have connections. It's a pity that after Lou Dian graduated, he went directly back to City C, and gradually lost contact with them. If it weren't for the end of the world, I wouldn't know when we would meet again.

Qin Ling was a junior sister one year younger than them, so it can be said that Qin Ling fell madly in love with Lou Dian when she first saw him, and even entered their university for Lou Dian when she filled out her college entrance examination volunteers. It's a pity that Lou Dian has always been indifferent to her, cold and indifferent. Qin Ling didn't care, thinking that Lou Dian would be moved by her, but unfortunately, after chasing him for four years, until Lou Dian graduated, Lou Dian was still like a stinky rock, unable to warm up.

Of course, Qin Ling's actions also caused great trouble to Lou Dian, and he even moved out of the school dormitory, and did not contact anyone after graduation, did not give an address, and left just like that - everyone didn't care much about this kind of thing, They all thought that Lou Dian was very lucky, but why was he like a stinky rock and couldn't figure it out.

Qin Wei also remembered this, and couldn't help being startled, but he still said unconvinced: "Could it be that the relationship between Lingling and him all these years still can't make him help?"

Li Chuan pushed his glasses and said, "It can be considered as a shot. I guess the reason why the wolf king retreated so quickly was because of Lou Dian."

"Help? What's the use of him making a move when Miss Qin was injured!" An ability user cursed directly.

The others glanced at him, this person was the one who angrily scolded Lou Dian last night for not being a human being if he didn't save him, they just glanced at him and looked away.

On the other side, the car drove for more than three hours, and finally left the mountain road and entered the highway.

At this time, the sun had already set, and they would be able to return to the capital base in two hours.

But not long after entering the highway, they ran into trouble. A group of ability users set up some kind of toll booth in the middle of the road, and a group of ordinary people were stopped there. Seeing that the sun was about to set, it would be dark soon, and after dark was the country of zombies. Ordinary people would not dare to travel in the dark, and would find a place to spend the night, so when they were stopped here, these survivors became anxious.

The road ahead was blocked, so Lou Dian and the others had to stop the car and check what was going on.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Cover your face with watermelon flowers!

Lou Dian's goal: Be indifferent to the enemy!


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