The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

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Chapter 40: Feelings in the Apocalypse 1


She was sleeping in a daze when she heard a gentle and clear male voice laughing softly beside her ear. Subconsciously, she turned over in her hazy state and quickly snuggled into a familiar embrace. She rubbed against it and became muddled again.

She was indeed silly!

The man had gentle eyes and a soft smile as he held the person who had automatically come to him. He had placed ice blocks around the room to lower the temperature, making it much cooler than outside, so he wasn't worried that she would kick him in her sleep because it was too hot. Although the ice consumption was very high, he had already stockpiled enough to last a year when he was collecting it, so there was no need to worry about running out during the summer. It would be better if there was air conditioning, but unfortunately, the base's current power supply wasn't enough to provide electricity to the entire base like before the apocalypse.

He couldn't help but smile as he felt the person in his arms rubbing back and forth, struggling to wake up but too tired to open her eyes. His dark eyes curved into crescents as he chuckled.

When Lou Ling finally woke up with difficulty, she saw the gentle and clean smiling face of the man holding her. When she came to her senses, how could she not know that he was laughing at her?

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at my silly little sister."


As expected, the previous mocking words weren't her mishearing. She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and embarrassed. "It's natural to relax after arriving at the safe base. I just practiced my ability until I was exhausted. What's wrong with that? Besides, it's good for my ability growth. I can now sprout a hundred bean sprouts."

Lou Dian reached out and rubbed her temples, watching as she curled up like a small animal about to snore and continue sleeping. He said with a smile, "Yes, you are right! It's a pity that you are too tired, otherwise we could…" He sighed again. "My silly little sister sleeps like a pig, it's really not a good time to make a move." He said with some regret.

"…You didn't make a move, but you did take a bite." Lou Ling said accusingly.

The man's dark eyes swept towards the skin exposed by her pajamas. There was indeed a faint kiss mark below her collar… Then he pounced on her again, leaving another mark on her neck.

The morning passed in suppression and resistance. By the time Lou Ling finally walked out of the room, it was already 9:10 am.

Grandpa Mo and the others had already finished breakfast and were discussing going out for a walk today to see what the capital was like and if they could find some work to make a living. This was Grandpa Mo's idea. Chen Kaiwei and Lin Baobao were both ability users, so they were probably going out to take on missions, while the two children were still young and would naturally stay in the safe zone.

Seeing the two of them come out, Grandpa Mo hurried to the kitchen to bring out breakfast. Today's breakfast was Grandpa Mo's big meat buns, porridge, and salted duck eggs. Although it was simpler than before the apocalypse, being able to eat these things at this time was already considered extremely abundant.

The capital base had already implemented many measures, one of which was the base's relief meals for ordinary people. Those ordinary survivors who really couldn't find work could go and receive a relief meal once a day, but don't expect it to be too good, and it wasn't even guaranteed to be filling. Others who had jobs would have two meals a day, which would be enough to keep them fed and clothed. As for ability users, if they wanted to eat their fill, they had to take on missions and then use the points they earned to receive three meals.

The base didn't raise idlers. Whether they were ability users or ordinary people, there were arrangements for them. Especially now that many places in the base were under construction, there was no need to worry about not being able to find work. As for capable ability users, in addition to joining the army, they could also form free ability user teams to go out and collect supplies or clear zombies.

Of course, if one was capable of feeding themselves, it didn't matter whether they went to receive relief meals or not. They could even cook at home.

Lin Baobao sized up the two of them and seeing the tiredness on Lou Ling's face, she couldn't help but say, "You practiced your ability to exhaustion again last night? Was there a need to work so hard?"

Lou Ling glanced at her and nodded with certainty. "The outside world is so dangerous, it's safer to advance my ability as soon as possible." It was safer to face perverts with a higher level ability.

I'm afraid that this sense of security has another meaning?

Lin Baobao glanced at Lou Dian and thought to herself, Lou Dian must have already gotten his way, right? On a perfectly good night, in an absolutely safe environment, he let someone waste their time practicing their abilities? Could it be that he was a saint?

After the Lou siblings finished breakfast, everyone went out for a walk around the base.

As soon as they went out, they ran into the ability users from Room 303 next door, including Yi Zheng and a middle-aged male ability user. Yi Zheng introduced him as their captain, Sun Ping. He had a Chinese character face and looked quite honest. Standing with Yi Zheng, their styles really didn't match.

While they were introducing each other, Lou Ling and Lin Baobao's eyes were once again glued to the two trembling mounds on Yi Zheng's chest, their eyes filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred. Yi Zheng raised her eyebrows, very satisfied with the two little sisters' gazes. She puffed out her chest even more, her face full of pride. However, when she saw the increasingly lewd looks in the two girls' eyes, a chill ran down her spine, and she hurriedly left with her captain.

"They're so big, wouldn't it be inconvenient to run away?" Lin Baobao said worriedly.

"And wouldn't it affect her breathing?" Lou Ling wondered, stroking her chin.

"It's probably hard to breathe."

"Forget it, it's better to be moderate, so as not to be cumbersome."

Lin Baobao clenched her fists. "We're still young, we can still grow!"


The two male ability users with good ears fell silent. Mo Yingying looked at the two of them curiously and asked, "What are Sister Bao and Sister Ling talking about? What's so big and uncomfortable? What's going to grow?"

Lou Ling and Lin Baobao looked at each other, put on innocent expressions, and rubbed the little girl's head. "It's nothing, you'll know when you grow up." Then they smiled at each other, extremely tacitly.

Lou Dian came over and took Lou Ling away, forcibly separating the two girls. It was already his limit to endure them getting together and chatting about girl talk. Looking at their tacit understanding… Forget it, let's separate them.

When they got to the street, Lou Dian suddenly leaned close to her ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "You're fine like this, I don't dislike it." He paused, a hint of ambiguity flashing in his eyes. "Actually, I'm quite satisfied."

The corner of Lou Ling's mouth twitched, and she glared at him. It was useless to dislike it, she was born this way! And she could still grow up!

The seven of them strolled down the street slowly. After getting a general understanding of the place, they strolled back. They were all quite satisfied with the environment of the capital. Chen Kaiwei even thought about whether they should just settle down in the capital. Although there were many ability users in the capital and their levels were relatively high, ability users could get along better than ordinary people anywhere. However, Lou Dian didn't say anything. He still felt that it was safer to follow Lou Dian.

The next day, Lin Baobao went out for a stroll every day to inquire about her father. Grandpa Mo also took his granddaughter to find some odd jobs to do. He even found a job as a cook in a small restaurant run by an ability user, which included three meals a day. As for Chen Kaiwei, he went to the ability user hall to check on missions. Everyone had their own things to do.

On the third day after arriving in the capital, Lou Dian finally took Lou Ling to visit Uncle Lou.

Uncle Lou's name was Lou Tang. He and Lou Ran, Lou Ling's father, didn't share the same grandfather. They were cousins, so he was considered Lou Dian's granduncle.

"Why haven't I heard Dad mention any relatives in the capital before? I remember when Dad and Mom remarried, only Uncle came over and brought us a lot of gifts. No one else showed up. Is there a reason for this?" Lou Ling asked.

She was young at the time, and Lou Ran didn't tell her about it. In addition, Uncle only appeared once and never appeared again, so she didn't take it to heart. If Lou Dian hadn't said that they were going to the capital to find Uncle this time, she wouldn't have remembered this person.

Lou Dian smiled faintly and said, "Something happened back then, and Grandpa broke off relations with the relatives here in the capital. Until Grandpa passed away, the only one who came from the capital was Uncle. Uncle and Dad had a good relationship. Since we're already in the capital, we might as well go and visit Uncle."

Lou Ling understood what he meant. For Lou Ran's sake, they might as well help if they could.

Of course, very quickly, Lou Ling realized that she was wrong.

When they arrived at the three-story detached house where Uncle Lou's family lived, they were faced with a group of male ability users who didn't look like they were from the Lou family.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" A man who looked like a scoundrel asked curiously. His eyes swept over the Lou siblings, secretly assessing them.

A man who could stay so clean and tidy in the apocalypse, even if he looked like a weak and scholarly young man, couldn't be underestimated. The men in the house thought the same thing. Although they still seemed to be doing their own things casually, their attention was already focused.

"Is Lou Zhan in?" Lou Dian asked calmly, a faint smile on his face that was very deceptive.

Lou Ling stood obediently beside him, looking at the people in the hall with some curiosity. Some were sitting, some were lying down. Judging from their postures and movements, they gave off a very strict feeling, somewhat like soldiers.

"Looking for our boss? Of course he's in, but who are you? Our boss doesn't see outsiders easily~~"

The "Yo~~" sound dragged on and on, making people want to laugh. Lou Ling's eyes were filled with amusement. When the man noticed, he also gave her a roguish smile, looking like the kind of playboy who specialized in coaxing girls. Lou Ling quickly shrank her head back and followed closely behind Lou Dian.

"Lou Dian!"

"Lou Dian—!!!!"

Lou Ling frowned. She felt that this man's voice was too loud. Was there a need to make such a fuss?

The man's loud voice called out the people inside. The men in the room all looked over. At this moment, a handsome and steady man walked out from inside. When he saw the people at the door, his eyes lit up with excitement. He quickly arrived at the door, opened his arms, and hugged Lou Dian. He said with a laugh and a curse, "Kid, you're finally here!"

Lou Dian wasn't used to being hugged like this. After enduring it for a few seconds, he finally pushed the man away. In a gentle and clear voice, he said, "Brother, we're here."

The man naturally realized that he had involuntarily taken a step back. This kid's strength was a little too strong. He suspected that he was a strength-type ability user. However, the joy of meeting his relative brought a smile to his usually stern and serious face. His eyes softened slightly as he reached out and punched Lou Dian on the shoulder.

"Oh, is this really Boss's brother?" The man with the roguish smile came over curiously and asked, "It must be. No wonder Boss is rarely smiling today. Although it's a little scary, it's still bearable."

Lou Zhan directly kicked him away and hurriedly welcomed the two of them in. He directly brought them to the study inside.

After they sat down, the man with the roguish smile brought in tea and squatted down beside them, not leaving. He secretly observed the two of them. Seeing that they seemed indifferent to the tea on the table, he quickly analyzed a lot of information from it and confirmed that the two of them were doing well in the apocalypse and should have a certain amount of strength. It was good that they weren't here to drag them down.

Lou Zhan didn't chase him away either. He introduced Lou Dian, "This is Yan Ge. Although he's not serious, his brain is quite useful."

Yan Ge greeted the two of them with a grin. He had a gentle and refined appearance, but his face was full of ruffianism. He looked like the kind of elite playboy.

After the introductions were made, Lou Zhan's gaze landed on Lou Ling. His somewhat deep and stern gaze made Lou Ling instinctively straighten her back and assume a proper posture — it felt a bit like facing a strict elder.

Lou Zhan was amused, but his face remained expressionless. He said, "You're Lou Ling, right? Nice to meet you. I'm your eldest brother, Lou Zhan. You can call me Big Brother along with Lou Dian."

"Big Brother." Lou Ling obediently called out.

After they got to know each other, Lou Dian asked, "Where are Uncle and Aunt?"

"They're at the Northwest base." Lou Zhan didn't elaborate. He briefly mentioned it before quickly changing the subject. "What are your plans? Are you going to the Northwest base with us? My parents want you to come over so that we can be a family again."

Lou Dian smiled. "Don't worry, Big Brother. Xiao Ling and I will go over. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Lou Zhan frowned slightly and said in a somewhat unhappy tone, "How can I not worry? If only you could… I wouldn't have to worry so much."

Lou Dian didn't answer and quickly changed the subject.

Author's Note:

Today's goal:

Lou Ling's goal: Work hard to become stronger and overpower the pervert!

Lou Dian's goal: Work hard to make my sister stronger! (I'm a little excited… )


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