Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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v2c9: The White Moonlight of the Sickly CEO (Live Stream) [9]

Throughout the entire night, Su Tang felt like she was going to die, unsure if it was Huo Fei's astonishing stamina or the drug's potency.

She had no concept of time. When her consciousness returned, she felt like she was no longer the master of her own body.

She forced her eyes open, assuming the room would be empty. To her surprise, Huo Fei was still there. As if sensing her gaze, he turned to look at her.

There were no tender whispers, no words of concern, only an icy stare, as if last night's madness wasn't him at all.

This reaction didn't surprise her. A 100% blackened male lead couldn't be appeased with a little sweetness. He had to feel pain, to feel regret.

The thick curtains of the hotel room were drawn, and Su Tang couldn't tell what time it was. She regained her senses in bed for a while before struggling to get up.

Her lips were sore, partly from biting them herself, and partly from Huo Fei's, that beast's, bites.

Huo Fei watched her coldly. As she got out of bed, his eyes darkened. Her porcelain skin was covered in bruises, like marks of ownership, alluring and possessive. She moved slowly, her body slightly hunched. He knew better than anyone how rough he had been. Maybe it was the drug at first, but in the end, he was conscious. Or rather, he had deliberately indulged himself from the start.

Her clothes were beyond wearable. Su Tang wasn't one for pretense, so she walked straight into the bathroom. She took a quick shower, didn't bother drying her hair, and walked out in a bathrobe. She ignored Huo Fei and headed towards the hotel phone, but halfway there, her vision blurred.

She swayed, barely managing to steady herself against the wall, but didn't dare move again.

"System," she asked, "what's wrong with my body?"

The system was silent for a moment. "Excessive indulgence. You were already under penalty, and this little stunt just worsen your condition."

Su Tang's current body could handle good food and occasional light exercise, but Huo Fei's intensity last night would have been too much for even a healthy person. So, unsurprisingly, she fainted.

The moment she collapsed, Huo Fei's heart skipped a beat. He rushed to catch her, but panicked when he realized how fragile she was in his arms.

This feeling was all too familiar, like that time over a year ago when she left him, and he never saw her again.

"Jiang Yu?"

Su Tang didn't respond, of course. Huo Fei calmed himself down from his panic. He carried her to the bed and was about to make a call when he stopped. He carefully tucked her in before picking up his phone again.

His private doctor arrived quickly. He performed a full-body examination and then fell silent.

Huo Fei remained speechless throughout the process. Seeing this, the doctor said with a grave expression, "Tell me directly."

"It's fainting caused by bradycardia," the doctor explained. "Of course, there are other contributing factors. She also has a fever." He paused, then added tactfully, "You could try being a little gentler. Also, bradycardia can be unpredictable. I recommend a more comprehensive examination at the hospital."

He was a private doctor, but without proper equipment, he couldn't be entirely sure.

Huo Fei frowned. He wouldn't neglect her well-being, so he arranged for a hospital appointment.

When Su Tang woke up again, her surroundings had changed. It was no longer the luxurious hotel room, but it wasn't bad either. The room was bright and clean, with a sofa and a TV. If not for the faint smell of disinfectant in the air, it would have been a pleasant little studio apartment.

As she regained consciousness, she noticed another person in the ward - the assistant she had met once before.

"Miss Jiang, you're awake! I'll get the doctor right away."

The assistant didn't give her a chance to reply and rushed out. Soon, the ward door opened again. This time, it wasn't just the doctor; Huo Fei was with him.

His expression was a mixture of emotions: heartache, disgust, and even a hint of fear. He had always thought that someone like her wouldn't end up too bad. To think she could abandon her family of ten years for money, so selfish and self-serving, how could her life be so miserable?

Unaware of their history, the doctor approached the patient upon seeing her awake.

"Miss Jiang, are you experiencing any discomfort?"

Su Tang had lost weight in the past two days. Her face was pale, but she appeared unusually calm, almost too calm.

"No." Her voice was hoarse from not drinking enough water. She then shifted her gaze to Huo Fei. "Can I be discharged now?"

The doctor frowned. "Miss Jiang, you have bradycardia. There's no way you're not feeling anything."

Su Tang wasn't interested in listening anymore. She interrupted him stubbornly, "Doctor, I know my own body better than anyone." With that, she tried to leave the hospital, but as she got out of bed, her knees buckled, and she collapsed to the floor.

Her sudden fall startled Huo Fei. His face hardened as he lifted her back onto the bed. The doctor continued, "Weakness is a common symptom of bradycardia. Miss Jiang, you might also be experiencing numbness in your fingertips..."

The doctor went on, but Huo Fei had heard it all before. Yet, hearing it again made his heart ache.

As for the person involved, Su Tang, she remained eerily calm. "So?"

"You have a heart block, Miss Jiang," the doctor stated. "Further examination is needed. If confirmed, you'll have two options: medication or surgery."

"Unnecessary," Su Tang stated firmly. "I want to be discharged."

The doctor's face fell at the patient's uncooperativeness. However, Huo Fei was the most displeased. He hadn't said a word since entering, but when Su Tang insisted on being discharged again, he finally spoke. "Stay. Do as the doctor says."

Su Tang, who had been calm up until this point, suddenly let out a sarcastic laugh. "Mr. Huo, in what capacity are you demanding this of me?"

She was still strikingly beautiful, but the light in her eyes had vanished.

She was right there, yet Huo Fei felt her slipping away. His face, already grim, darkened even further after her words.

"Jiang Yu, I'm still your boss."

Su Tang looked at him and smiled humorlessly. "Ten million, one night. I remember what you said, Mr. Huo."

Huo Fei's expression shifted slightly, but she continued before he could speak. "Mr. Huo, we're done. We have no more relationship."

Huo Fei froze, and when he looked up again, his eyes were bloodshot. The little assistant beside him was terrified. Just then, a phone rang.

Following the sound, the assistant realized it was coming from Jiang Yu's bag. She hadn't had time to grab it when Huo Fei took her away that day. Eventually, someone from the film crew contacted Huo Qi, who brought it over.


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