Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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v2c7: The White Moonlight of the Sickly CEO (Live Stream) [7]

The premiere was a lively affair. Su Tang took the stage, her masked performance attracting a fair bit of attention, but that was all. The event was star-studded, featuring a renowned actor and a popular actress as the leads of "The Monarch." The supporting cast alone could fill half of the entertainment industry. As a newcomer, Su Tang only garnered a fleeting moment in the spotlight.

After her performance, she was free to leave. However, as she stepped off the stage, two young women approached her. One held a glass of wine, the other a carton of milk. They greeted her with bright smiles.

"Jiang Yu, your singing was amazing! And you're so beautiful. It's a shame you're stuck in food streaming."

"Exactly! Director Chen clearly admires your talent. This is a great opportunity." A hint of envy tinged the last sentence.

Su Tang looked at them, bewildered. The system, exasperated, chimed in, "Those are Banana Live's other two A-list streamers! Qi Bei and Su Rui. What goes on in that head of yours?"

Su Tang replied, "Thoughts of you, my dear system. Come here, let me give you a kiss."

The system fumed, its metaphorical head about to explode. "...Get lost."

The two young women were undeniably attractive. One possessed a sweet charm, the other a captivating aura. Even in the entertainment industry, saturated with beautiful people, they would stand out. Unfortunately, their hearts weren't as pure as their appearances. Su Tang shook her head, unable to comprehend their intentions.

"You must be tired after singing for so long, Jiang Yu. Here, have a drink."

Su Tang glanced at the wine glass offered to her, a playful smile gracing her lips. "I'm fine. It was only one song, three to four minutes at most. I'll pass on the wine."

The smile on the first woman's face faltered. The other quickly interjected, "I told you, with her beautiful voice, she must take good care of her throat. She wouldn't drink alcohol. Here, I have milk." Without giving Su Tang a chance to refuse, she thrust the carton into her hands.

Su Tang accepted the milk with a polite smile.

However, simply holding it wasn't enough to appease them. Seeing that they weren't leaving, Su Tang played along, taking a small sip.

Satisfied, Su Rui and Qi Bei beamed. "We won't keep you any longer. If you ever need guests for your live streams, give us a call!"

"Sure," Su Tang replied politely.

As soon as they left, Su Tang lowered her head, swirling the milk in her hand. "System, what did they put in this?"

"That's spiked with aphrodisiacs. The wine had a mix of hallucinogens and narcotics."

Su Tang's smile was deceptively innocent. "My, my, these young ladies sure know how to have fun."

The system rolled its eyes. The male lead was a psycho, and its host wasn't much better. With her vindictive nature, those two girls were in for a world of hurt.

As expected, Su Tang leisurely trailed after them. They knew better than anyone what was in that wine. They were just plotting how to dispose of the evidence when they noticed Su Tang approaching.

Her steps were unsteady, and even with makeup, an unnatural flush colored her cheeks.

They exchanged glances. They hadn't expected the drug to take effect so quickly. A gleeful malice flickered in their eyes. So much for playing the innocent flower.

Masking their disdain with concern, they rushed forward. "Oh my, are you alright, Miss Jiang?"

Su Tang swayed slightly. Her sapphire blue mermaid gown shimmered under the lights, making her look like an ethereal sea spirit. Her skin was porcelain smooth, the blush on her cheeks adding a touch of human fragility. She resembled a lost little mermaid, confused and vulnerable.

The commotion, though subtle, attracted attention. Beauty always drew eyes. A man approached them.

"Are you alright, Miss? Do you need a doctor?"

Su Tang looked at the man, a flicker of amusement in her eyes. It was the renowned actor. She glanced at Su Rui and Qi Bei, their envy practically tangible. Deliberately, she took a step back, bumping into Qi Bei, who was still holding the wine glass. Startled, Qi Bei stumbled, dragging Su Rui down with her.

Su Rui, naturally, made no move to save her. As a result, both of them ended up sprawled on the floor, drenched in spilled wine.

Su Tang, observing the scene, proposed to the system, "Five points, and you make them drink that wine."

The system drawled, "Change how you address me, and I'll consider it."

Su Tang was nothing if not adaptable. Without missing a beat, she said in a saccharine voice, "Oh, System darling, they're bullying your little cutie~"

The system shuddered, its very code rebelling against the endearment. "Fine..."

It wanted to protest, to say it didn't deserve such treatment, to wonder how Qin Li had endured it in the previous life.

But Su Tang, as if discovering a delightful new game, continued in a faux-shy tone, "You're so mean, darling. But I like you best. You have to take responsibility for me now."

The system: "..."

It didn't even have the energy to retort. It made the wine flow into Su Rui and Qi Bei's mouths and promptly shut down.

The hallucinogenic laced wine was potent. Su Rui and Qi Bei had intended for Su Tang to merely have a sip, enough to make a fool of her. But now... They scrambled to their feet, their faces smeared with wine from the fall. Their earlier shriek still echoed in the air.

Panic seized them. They fled the premiere, their faces pale.

As if possessed, they shoved Su Tang aside in their haste. To onlookers, it seemed like an accident, a result of their panicked state. But Su Tang saw right through them, their eyes blazing with envy and malice, monstrous despite their human forms.

Su Tang stumbled, her back colliding with a solid wall of a chest.

"Excuse me," she apologized instinctively, only to hear a cold chuckle.

She looked up and found herself face-to-face with Huo Fei. Before she could regain her balance, she pulled away from him.

Huo Fei's eyes darkened, his entire being radiating a chilling aura as he watched her eager retreat.

"In such a hurry, Miss Jiang? Afraid I might take a bite?"

Those around them, sensing the tension, discreetly moved away. In just a year, the young master of the Huo family had made sure everyone knew his name.

Su Tang pressed her lips together. He was clearly ignoring her previous request.

"My apologies for bumping into you, Mr. Huo. But I'm sure someone as magnanimous as you wouldn't hold it against a nobody like me."

Her voice was calm, her gaze never meeting his.

Seeing her about to leave, Huo Fei's eyes darkened, as if wanting to pierce through her. "Did I say you could leave?" He took a step forward, grabbing her wrist, his voice icy. "You seem disappointed, Miss Jiang. I, Huo Fei, have never been known for my magnanimity."


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