Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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v2c6: The White Moonlight of the Sickly CEO (Live Stream) [6]

The rights to "Pipa Xing" were sold. The buyer was a director who had recently filmed a historical drama called "The Monarch." He had been struggling to find a suitable theme song until he stumbled upon Su Tang's performance. Blown away, he immediately decided to buy it.

The movie premiere was still some time away. After selling the rights and recording the song in a professional studio, Su Tang returned to her mountain village.

Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, the remote village boasted a well-preserved natural environment and beautiful scenery.

However, after being away for a few days, Su Tang took a deep breath and sighed, "Ah, this place is truly perfect for retirement."

The system interjected, its tone laced with a chilling undertone, "If you give up on the mission, you only have four and a half years left to live. You managed to finish the last one in a year. Why is this one proving so difficult?"

The system was genuinely anxious. She had confronted the male lead, yet his blackening value hadn't decreased. Instead, she had provoked him repeatedly, each time sending shivers down its metaphorical spine.

Su Tang smiled. "Don't worry. The deeper the love, the deeper the hate. If he hates me this much, he won't let me go so easily."

Back in the mountain village, Su Tang enjoyed three months of leisure. She streamed, cooked, and occasionally interacted with her beloved fans, sending them gifts. Life couldn't have been better. Meanwhile, in City A, tensions were brewing within the Huo family.

The mere mention of Jiang Yu's name darkened Old Madam Huo's face. As one of the few who knew the truth, she held no gratitude towards the young woman. She summoned Huo Qi to the main residence.

Although he bore the Huo name, Huo Qi belonged to a branch family and rarely visited the main house. He was surprised by the summons, a hint of apprehension on his face.

Old Madam Huo didn't waste time on pleasantries. "Is that Jiang Yu under your management?"

Huo Qi's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged. He smiled pleasantly. "She's just an ordinary employee. I'm surprised you'd be concerned about her."

Old Madam Huo had decades of experience reading people. She said coldly, "Don't play coy with me. Give me her contract. The rest is none of your business."

Huo Qi thought, "How can this be none of my business?" If he handed over the contract, Huo Fei would make him regret it. He knew better than anyone that Huo Fei had become obsessed, torturing himself by watching Jiang Yu's live streams every day.

"It's not that I don't want to, Madam. But I wasn't the one who signed Jiang Yu. It was Huo Fei."

Old Madam Huo's face darkened instantly.

Huo Qi sighed inwardly but decided to throw the hot potato back to Huo Fei. As an outsider from a branch family, he didn't want to be a part of this mess.

Meanwhile, Su Tang received an invitation. "The Monarch" was premiering, and as the singer of the theme song, she was invited to attend. Initially, she declined, but upon hearing there was a fee involved, she immediately changed her mind and headed for City A.

After all, she was truly broke.

In this life, she had checked her health and discovered that the system's punishment manifested as a weak heart. She had come prepared with medication.

The premiere was a grand affair, attended by numerous celebrities and media personnel. As a nobody, Su Tang didn't attract much attention. However, before her performance, she sought out the director and requested to wear a mask.

The director was quite fond of her. She had a beautiful voice and wasn't pushy like some artists. He chatted with her for a bit.

"You have a pleasant appearance, Miss Jiang. Have you considered entering the entertainment industry?"

He had seen countless beauties in the entertainment industry, but few possessed her aura. Acting could be taught, but temperament was innate.

Su Tang smiled. "It's not for me."

The director was a little disappointed, but his attention was soon drawn elsewhere.

Left to her own devices, Su Tang took out her phone. As soon as she logged onto Weibo, a wave of notifications almost crashed the app. It took a while for her to realize that the official account of "The Monarch" had tagged her. Since they had paid her, she took a selfie with her mask on as a gesture of goodwill.

Her post sent her fans into a frenzy.

"Oh my god, my worlds are colliding!"

"Cheering for our amazing streamer! I knew someone this talented wouldn't stay hidden forever!"

"Please, we beg you, show us your face!"

Most of the comments were lighthearted, but Su Tang did spot a few hateful ones.

"Such a hypocrite, pretending to be above it all while trying to break into showbiz. Why don't you just go back to your farm?"

"These days, anyone with a decent face gets praised to high heaven. I bet Little Fishy is ugly. Why else would she hide behind a mask?"

"Ugly and attention-seeking! I wonder which sugar daddy is paying for her trending searches."

The haters kept repeating the same two points, which Su Tang found rather amusing. In the past, even those who disliked her wouldn't be so persistent.

The system spoke up. "Are you finally snapping out of your farmer persona? Have you forgotten that the other two A-list streamers on Banana Live wanted to collaborate with you, and you refused?"

"So they're using bots to slander me?"

Su Tang brushed off the haters. As she was about to exit Weibo and play a game, an unknown number called.

She hesitated for a moment before answering.

To her surprise, it was the Huo family.

"Jiang Yu, I can pay your penalty fee and even compensate you further. But I have one condition: stay away from Huo Fei."

The voice on the other end was elderly and sharp. Su Tang raised an eyebrow and asked politely, "May I know who I'm speaking to?"

"Huo Fei's grandmother."

Su Tang remembered Old Madam Huo. She was an incredibly controlling woman. When Huo Fei's parents had gotten married, she had disapproved of his mother. It was only because of her son's insistence that she had reluctantly agreed. Her disdain had influenced the rest of the Huo family, leading them to look down on Huo Fei's mother. Even Huo Fei's disappearance could be partly attributed to her neglect. Her dislike for her grandson had resulted in a lack of attention and care.

Huo Fei's disappearance had been a devastating blow to his parents. Unable to cope with the loss, they had passed away one after the other. Old Madam Huo, having lost her son, transferred all her attention and affection to her grandson. She would never allow someone from Jiang Yu's background to be with him.

This was a perfect opportunity to advance the plot. In the original storyline, Old Madam Huo had tried to set Huo Fei up with numerous wealthy socialites. However, not only did he refuse to cooperate, but he seemed to enjoy tormenting them, becoming a figure feared by every eligible woman in their circles.

Knowing Old Madam Huo, Su Tang suspected there was more to her offer. After all, she had resorted to despicable tactics to drive Huo Fei's mother out of the family.

"Alright. I'd like to know how you intend to compensate me, Madam Huo."

Old Madam Huo looked down on girls from ordinary backgrounds. Her voice turned even colder. "Five million."

Su Tang chuckled. "I seem to recall Mr. Huo mentioning a penalty fee of ten million. Why would the compensation be only five million?"

Old Madam Huo's face darkened. "You're quite greedy, Jiang Yu."

Su Tang smiled. "I wouldn't say that. I do have some reputation now. Five million seems a little low, don't you think? It would make you look bad."

"Fine, ten million." Old Madam Huo agreed, a cold glint in her eyes.

Ten million... She doubted Jiang Yu would live long enough to spend it.


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