Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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v2c5: The White Moonlight of the Sickly CEO (Live Stream) [5]

"I want that old house. After all, a cockroach doesn't deserve to live in a place like that." Huo Fei's gaze remained fixed on her. He had made an excuse to see her alone, all for that old house. He refused to believe that he still harbored feelings for her.

His constant use of the word "cockroach" was cutting. Su Tang looked at him intently. "Impossible. You can't have the old house."

Huo Fei spread his hands. "Then there's nothing to discuss. You're not willing to pay, nor offer anything as collateral. I'm a businessman, Miss Jiang. I can't just let you off the hook."

"I can't do either. Give me another option." Su Tang felt a surge of shame, avoiding his gaze as she stared at her wine glass.

"There is one..." Huo Fei's eyes held a knowing glint. "You captivated me once, Miss Jiang. It's been a year. I wonder if you're still capable of doing so."

Su Tang looked up at him in disbelief, only to see his lips curl into a cold smile. "Ten million for a night. That's a hefty price, wouldn't you say, Miss Jiang?"

His words were like a slap in the face. Su Tang shot up from her chair, chest heaving with anger. Her face flushed red, a stark contrast to her previous paleness, but captivating nonetheless.

"Huo Fei, you're out of line!" She flung the contents of her wine glass at him.

The red wine cascaded down his hair. After a moment of anger, Huo Fei calmed down. He didn't bother wiping the wine from his face, simply watching her with a lazy gaze.

Su Tang turned to leave, his chilling voice following her, "So, you'd rather pay the penalty, then?"

She paused, tears welling up in her eyes, but her back remained straight.

"Huo Fei, if you want to be crazy, go be crazy by yourself. My family did nothing wrong to you. Even if we used you, we never harmed you! This vengeful side of you is truly repulsive!"

Huo Fei licked a drop of wine from his cheek, a devilish smile spreading across his face. "If you're not willing, then you're not willing. Why are you so embarrassed and angry, Miss Jiang? After all, didn't you sell me to the Huo family with a clear price tag? Why is it so unbearable when the tables are turned?"

"Huo Fei, I don't have time for your games."

He refilled her wine glass. "Now that you're here, why not have a drink?"

Su Tang's face flushed with humiliation. Her hands clenched into fists, but she eventually sat back down. He held the contract, and with it, her fate.

"It's just a reunion after a long separation, a chance to reminisce. Why are you so agitated, Miss Jiang?"

Su Tang could guess what he was hinting at. It was only natural for him to harbor resentment after her decisive rejection. She parted her lips, her scarlet lipstick, a part of her light makeup, appearing alluring.

"I signed a five-year contract with Banana Live. After five years, the old house is yours." She leaned back against the chair, her bright eyes closing as if she couldn't bear to look at him anymore.

Huo Fei paused, his hand hovering over the wine bottle. He chuckled without looking up. "And why should I listen to you?"

"Huo Fei, you're only making things difficult for me out of revenge. The old house is all I have left. If you want it, take it. But from this day forward..." She opened her eyes, their usual sparkle replaced by a dull ache. "I hope we never see each other again."

She lowered her head, her expression hidden. She hadn't touched her food all night, but in the end, she poured herself another glass of wine. "This toast is to your success, Mr. Huo." She finished the drink in one gulp and left without waiting for a response.

This time, Huo Fei didn't say a word. He watched her leave, his gaze flickering with emotions before turning sharp. He picked up his wine glass, downing the contents in one go. The bitter taste filled his mouth, his eyes blazing with fury. He slammed the glass onto the table.


The glass shattered.

She had abandoned him twice.

Good, very good.

Despite the loud noise, none of the waiters dared to enter. They remembered the look on the young woman's face when she left. The chilling laughter that followed only added to their fear.

Su Tang's body was slightly better than in her previous life, but only slightly. In the past, a little alcohol would knock her unconscious. This time, she hadn't drunk much, but it was enough to make her feel unwell. Coupled with an empty stomach, the hard liquor burned through her like fire.

She gritted her teeth, leaning against the wall, determined not to faint.

"Miss Jiang!"

The sudden voice made her look up. Her vision was blurry, but she could vaguely make out the person before her.

"Mr. Huo." Gone was her usual soft tone. She let out a humorless laugh. "I'm such a fool. You're a Huo too. I should have known."

Huo Qi had no idea what had transpired between them, but he couldn't just leave her stranded.

"Miss Jiang, do you need a ride?"

Su Tang's defenses softened when facing Huo Qi, but her voice remained distant. "Since you're also a Huo, you must know about what happened. I, Jiang Yu, lived with Huo Fei for ten years and sold him to your family for five million. Anything else you need to know?"

Huo Qi was stunned by this bombshell.

He knew about it, of course, but Huo Fei had kept Jiang Yu hidden so well that the only people who knew her face were either loyal to him or six feet under.

Su Tang left the hotel, her steps unsteady.

The aftereffects of the hard liquor hit her hard. She was bedridden at the hotel for days, finally woken by her ringing phone.


She didn't bother checking the caller ID, her voice hoarse. She even considered going to the hospital.

The person on the other end paused before asking cautiously, "Are you feeling unwell, Miss Jiang?"

Su Tang recognized the slightly familiar voice. "I'm fine, just a little under the weather. What can I do for you, Mr. Huo?"

Huo Qi replied, "It's about your guqin performance of 'Pipa Xing.' Someone wants to buy the rights to the song. They're offering a reasonable price. Would you be available to come to the office and sign the agreement?"

The mention of money instantly dispelled half of Su Tang's dizziness. She was broke. How could she refuse money falling into her lap?

"Yes, when would be a good time for you, Mr. Huo?"

"How about tomorrow? Get some rest today. I'll send a car to pick you up. By the way, where are you staying?"

Huo Qi was an outsider. For the Jiang family to have taken care of Huo Fei for ten years without any blood ties meant they couldn't be truly heartless. Five million was a significant sum for ordinary people, but Huo Fei was different. He was the heir to the Huo family. If Jiang Yu had done her research, she would have known that staying with Huo Fei was worth far more than five million. The incident back then was a big deal but quickly suppressed. He didn't know all the details, but he always felt like something was amiss.

As brothers, he felt obligated to look out for Jiang Yu, lest Huo Fei regret his actions in the future.


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