Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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Chapter 88: Me, Successor of Socialism 20

Su Tang leaned forward slightly and gave him a big kiss on his handsome cheek.

A loud smack was heard, and Su Tang smiled brightly. Yan Chen, however, was stunned.

The girl's lips were soft and warm. Although it was only for a moment, it made his heart skip a beat. Unlike the previous coercion and temptation, this time it was Little Deskmate who took the initiative to kiss him!

Seeing him in a daze, Su Tang smiled even more happily.

As expected of a campus world, the male lead was much purer than the one in the previous world!

"Yan Chen, I announce that you have passed your internship."

Yan Chen asked belatedly, "What internship?"

Su Tang said, "Although I agreed to be your girlfriend at first, neither of us took it seriously. But then again, Yan, your methods of chasing someone are really terrible."

Thinking of what had happened before, Su Tang couldn't help but laugh again.

"Look, I clearly like to keep a low profile, but you made the whole school know me. And at the banquet before, you took me away regardless of what others thought of me."

Yan Chen felt a moment of nervousness. He only wanted to take her away before, and his interest in her was only superficial. However, as they spent more time together, he found it harder and harder to extricate himself. Now, he wished he could give his life for her.

The little girl was so soft and cute. Why hadn't he met her earlier?

But now hearing her say that, he also knew that he was not a good person. Time could not be turned back, and there was no going back. But if he were to let go, he definitely couldn't do it.

Unlike his previous arrogance and wildness, Yan Chen was now downcast, even his hair seemed to have become limp and lifeless, like a pitiful big golden retriever.

Seeing that the time was right, Su Tang said, "Although your pursuit skills are terrible, there is room for improvement."

Yan Chen was still in a daze and hadn't reacted yet when his face was fiercely rubbed.

Su Tang had wanted to do this for a long time, and now that she had finally touched it, she couldn't help but sigh, "So cute."

The school bully had transformed into a little puppy, which really struck her fancy.

Yan Chen still hadn't recovered from his daze, and was still纠结ing over what she had said earlier, "What internship?"

Su Tang explained, "You had such a bad temper before, so although I agreed to be your girlfriend on the surface, I still labeled you as an intern in my heart."

Yan Chen finally came back to his senses and said happily, "So I'm a full-time employee now?"

Su Tang said, "Hey, although there will be relatively more benefits after becoming a full-time employee, if you disappoint me, the organization will still fire you."

Little Deskmate was willing to say such a thing, which meant that she no longer resented him and was even willing to accept him from the bottom of her heart.

The surprise came too suddenly, and Yan Chen was now as happy as a fool.

"Ding, the blackening value has decreased by 10%, the current blackening index: 30%."

Su Tang didn't expect Yan Chen to be so easy to coax. His blackening value had plummeted all the way, and she found him more and more pleasing to the eye. Seeing that he was still standing by the bed, she moved a little.

"Don't just stand there, come and watch a movie with me." After saying that, she patted the empty bed beside her.

Yan Chen's head was still dizzy from the successive surprises today. It was only when he lay down on his bed that he finally realized that he had finally gained Little Deskmate's approval.

While the school bully was still in a state of excitement, Su Tang asked calmly, "What type of movies do you like to watch?"

Yan Chen said, "Anything is fine."

Su Tang said, "Then let's watch a horror movie."

Then, she found that the fearless school bully was now stiff.

Yes, Yan Chen was afraid of ghosts.

Strictly speaking, it had something to do with his childhood experiences. When he was young, his scum father went out to fool around, and his mother practically committed suicide and died in front of him. Knowing that he had a heart condition, she refused to take her medicine. Originally, she was just angry, but she didn't expect to die. This caused a very serious psychological shadow on the young Yan Chen. Rather than saying that he was afraid of ghosts, it should be said that he was afraid of the atmosphere at that time, the kind of depressing and helpless feeling, like a bottomless abyss, trying to drag him into it.

Su Tang originally just wanted to have some fun, but then she suffered the consequences. For the whole night, she became a human-shaped pillow, and she couldn't even move.

After a good night's sleep, Yan Chen opened his eyes again and was surprised to find that he had slept particularly comfortably.

He was essentially contradictory. He was afraid of the dark and being suppressed, but in the environment he lived in, he chose this. He almost masochistically forced himself to accept it, but he had never succeeded. However, after last night, the lingering darkness from his childhood seemed to have been healed.

He looked at the girl who was still sleeping soundly beside him, her peaceful and sweet sleeping face, which made his eyes warm.

So, he had not been abandoned by the world, God had still sent him a cute little angel.

"Ding, the blackening value has decreased by 10%, the current blackening index: 20%."

Su Tang was sleeping soundly when she felt as if something was staring at her. She opened her eyes in a daze and saw Yan Chen staring at her intently. His gaze was not scary at all, and was even particularly warm, but it was something she had never seen in him before.

Her drowsiness gradually disappeared, and she opened her eyes. "What's wrong?"

Yan Chen stroked her hair. Perhaps because he had slept particularly well, the aura around him became particularly gentle. "It's nothing. Do you want to sleep a little longer?"

The sports meet was going to last for three days, and given her condition, she wouldn't have to go back to school for these two days.

However, Su Tang shook her head with a flushed face. It was not a question of whether she wanted to sleep or not, but that she wanted to go to the toilet, but her leg was injured!

Noticing something strange about her, Yan Chen asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Su Tang said, "Um, can you carry me to the toilet?"

Yan Chen was stunned for a moment before he instantly understood. He smiled and carried her up, then asked, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

Su Tang's face turned crimson, and her head shook like a rattle-drum. "No, no, no, I'll call you when I'm done."

Yan Chen, however, said, "But you're injured. I'm worried."

Su Tang almost cried when she saw him standing at the door with a silly grin. "Please, just go. I really don't need you to stare at me."

Seeing that he was about to make her anxious, Yan Chen finally retreated from the bathroom out of conscience.

Su Tang felt extremely tormented going to the toilet this time. The thought of Yan Chen waiting for her outside made her feel extremely ashamed.

However, after doing it a few more times, she gave up on herself.

Su Tang did not return to school, and Yan Chen stayed at home with her for two days. Her leg was injured, so she continued to embroider when she had nothing to do. Then, she saw Yan Chen answer a call, and his face instantly turned cold.

"What's wrong?"

Yan Chen put down the phone. "I found out who pushed you that day."

Su Tang tilted her head. "Wasn't that an accident?"

Yan Chen, however, said, "It wasn't an accident. By the way, Yanyan, do you still remember how I dealt with my dear father and mother in my previous life?"

Yan Chen said "father and mother," but his tone was ice-cold.


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