Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

Chapters List

Chapter 69: Me, Successor of Socialism 1

Gossip and rumors didn't bother Su Tang. Even the girl who splashed water on her could be temporarily ignored. Right now, she just wanted to figure out how, in the time she was gone, she had transformed from a pitiful nobody into a hated villain.

This was a school life story, with daily routines of studying and attending classes. The biggest danger was at the level of school bullying. In this life, Su Tang had an awkward family situation. Her parents had divorced, and she had moved in with her mother and her new husband, Xu. The Xu family was wealthy, and essentially, they were not a good match for them. However, Su Tang's mother happened to be the first love of the Xu family patriarch. When old love reignited, it was like dry wood meeting a raging fire. However, in middle age, the innocence of youth had long been eroded by poverty. In order to secure her position, Su Tang's mother treated her rather harshly. Therefore, Su Tang deliberately cultivated a pitiful facade.

Of course, she came to this world for a mission. The male lead, Yan Chen, was the eldest grandson of the Yan family and deeply favored by the Yan patriarch. Before his death, the patriarch even left him a large inheritance, but the inheritance could only be inherited after Yan Chen turned eighteen. For this reason, the rest of the Yan family, including his stepmother and stepfather, wished for his immediate disappearance.

Speaking of which, Yan Chen and Su Tang had some similarities. Both had dysfunctional families. After Yan Chen's mother passed away, his father remarried, and after the birth of his half-brother, they wished for nothing more than his demise. As for Su Tang, her father didn't care for her, and her mother didn't love her. The former threatened her life, while the latter simply lacked affection.

In the original world, Yan Chen in high school was still young and naive, never imagining the lengths his stepfather and stepmother would go to. They hired a prostitute to drug him, causing a huge scandal that forced him to drop out of school. Afterward, the prostitute, after giving birth to his child, even went so far as to trick him into using drugs. As a result, although he eventually overcame his addiction, he was left infertile. He had a billion-dollar inheritance but no heir, leaving him no choice but to leave it to the son of that prostitute.

Yan Chen was ruthless and merciless. How could he let such a scheme against him go unpunished?

Su Tang still remembered the fate of his stepfather and stepmother. Yan Chen didn't kill them immediately. He took his time, bit by bit. They liked to drug people? Then they would have a taste of their own medicine. So, he locked his father, stepmother, and half-brother in a room and drugged them repeatedly. In the end, it was said that his stepmother became pregnant again, but the identity of the child's father remained unknown. Su Tang was shocked by this series of events, but what shocked her even more was that he didn't even spare his own son. To him, that child was not his son but a stain on his life.

The blackened male lead was a madman who couldn't stand to see others happy. He was a complete sociopath.

However, Su Tang's shock didn't end there. This world had a female lead named Shen Weiyang. Yes, that was her. The two of them had a relationship in high school. Calling it a relationship was actually an overstatement; it was more like a prank. It was a punishment for Yan Chen after he lost a game. He was required to stand at the school gate and ask the third girl who appeared to be his girlfriend for thirty days.

Shen Weiyang in the original world was a coward. Faced with the school bully's request, how could she refuse? So, from beginning to end, she had no control over this so-called relationship.

Originally, the two of them would have had no further interactions. One would go on to university peacefully, while the other dropped out of school. However, Shen Weiyang ended up falling in love with Su Tang's stepbrother from the Xu family, the one she wasn't related to by blood. At their engagement party, they even invited the male lead.

As a sociopath, how could he bear to witness the happiness of others? So, he launched a crazy revenge on the Xu family, claiming that Shen Weiyang belonged to him.

Shen Weiyang was still the same Shen Weiyang. After the downfall of the Xu family, she had no ability to fight back. However, that wasn't the point. The point was that in the face of this sadistic male lead, she actually fell in love with him!

Every time Su Tang thought about the ending, her teeth ached. This was Stockholm Syndrome!

Because after she came to this world, she never intended to have any romantic relationship with the male lead. Although the thirty-day relationship bet still took place, it was only a reason for her to get close to him and prevent him from being harmed by his stepfather and stepmother. Originally, her mission was successfully completed, but the thought of being dumped like a fool made her want to mess with the male lead one last time before leaving.

For example, when his stepmother hired someone to hit him with a car, she ran out from behind him and pushed him out of the way.

You deceived me, but I gave my life for you. She even thought of many lines, striving to make him feel guilty for the rest of his life. But who would have thought that he would also fall into a coma and wouldn't even know that she saved him? This was extremely frustrating.

To this day, every time Su Tang thought about it, she felt extremely regretful.

She had missed a great opportunity to make him suffer. It was too cheap for the male lead!

She never expected to come back one day. But as his savior, was this how he treated her? What happened to the school bully she knew?

Su Tang wiped the water from her face, her expression darkening. "So, I was framed by the reborn girl?"

The system nodded. "The reborn girl is your classmate, Wen Yilan. After you left, the main system originally planned to have you die in a car accident. However, there was a deviation, so you only ended up with a broken leg and rested for four months. As for that reborn girl, she took advantage of your timid nature and claimed credit for saving the male lead."

The car accident happened during the summer vacation, right after the final exams of the second year of high school. After resting for four months, she missed the start of the third year. Two months was enough to fall behind in a lot of coursework. Originally, she could have asked her mother to find her a tutor, but her mother found her troublesome and simply left her in the hospital without any further care.

Today was the day she was discharged from the hospital. The Xu family had paid all the expenses while she was hospitalized, and after that, no one really cared about her. That's why no one came to pick her up, and she ended up coming to school by herself.

Speaking of which, she had only transferred to this school for half a year. At that time, all her thoughts were on the male lead, and she didn't make any friends. As a result, no one spoke up for her now. But it didn't matter. She always took revenge into her own hands.

She glanced around, memorizing the faces of some of the enthusiastic onlookers, and then returned to her dormitory based on her memory. She was soaked and needed to change into clean clothes before slowly plotting her revenge.

Not far away, a group of boys happened to walk by, holding basketballs.

One of them looked at Su Tang's back in surprise. "Hey, Chen Ge, isn't that your little girlfriend? Aren't you going to help her?"

Yan Chen scoffed without even lifting his eyelids. "Don't you know how she became my girlfriend? One more word out of you, and you're dead."

Shen Weiyang wasn't ugly. On the contrary, she was very pretty, bright, and radiant. However, in the past, Su Tang preferred to downplay her appearance. She usually wore black-rimmed glasses and had thick bangs, always keeping her head down, making her presence almost nonexistent. They attended a private aristocratic high school, and apart from the mandatory school uniforms, things like makeup, perms, and manicures were not strictly regulated. Girls at the age of seventeen or eighteen were at the age where they loved to dress up, and they were all youthful and vibrant. In contrast, Su Tang was an outlier.


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