Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

Chapters List

Chapter 44: Guardian of the Ferocious Beast [6]

The fire at the nursing home had been put out overnight. However, even though the fire was gone, many agitated patients were still on the loose. With the nursing home in chaos, no one noticed someone leaving and coming back.

Qin Xiao leaned lazily against the car door, watching Su Tang skillfully climb over the wall. Her speed made his eyes narrow.

Guides were known for being delicate and sensitive, their pain receptors many times more acute than ordinary people. Most guides held desk jobs or lived pampered lives at home. After all, guides were limited in number, with sentinels outnumbering them two to one. The Federation allocated a significant portion of its budget every year to subsidize guide welfare.

Yet, under such circumstances, his dear guardian had developed impressive skills. His military background allowed him to glean a lot from small details, like the strength in her arms as she climbed and the agility in her jump as she landed. Add to that her ability to single-handedly hack the entire nursing home system and cause chaos throughout the night, such capability… If she couldn't be used by him, then there was only one fate left for her.

Su Tang wasn't afraid of being noticed with this stunt. She hid in the nursing home with her backpack, taking advantage of the ongoing disorder to feed the medicine to the patients one by one. However, when it was Yan Feng's turn, she ran into a little trouble. Although the nursing home was in chaos, he was under guard.

In the end, it was Yan Feng's therapist who noticed her.

The therapist looked at her with confusion in his eyes. Su Tang didn't bother with explanations and directly hooked her arm around his neck.

"You're such a handsome young man. I really want to take you home and lock you up," she said suggestively.

The therapist remained expressionless. "Miss Su, although I am a man, two guides have no future." After speaking, he felt something being stuffed into his arms. Before he could react, Su Tang pushed him against the wall.

From afar, the two looked very intimate, with Su Tang smiling seductively. "If you don't know what to do, call your Marshal and ask."

It wasn't that she couldn't get in, she just found it troublesome. After all, she was exhausted from the all-nighter.

Taking the medicine didn't mean a complete recovery. Mental therapy was also required. Su Tang rested for a day before she started working on it. However, to avoid attracting attention, she only treated one person a day.

The first person was, of course, Miss Honeybee. After all, she had saved her a few times, even if unintentionally.

Miss Honeybee had not been poisoned for long, and her recovery was going well. When she suddenly woke up, she didn't show any signs of suspicion. Although she had been muddled during this period, she did have memories. She looked at Su Tang, stunned for a long time, before thanking her in a hoarse voice, "Thank you."

The naive sweetness on her face was gone, replaced by a pair of sapphire blue eyes filled with滔滔怒火滔天怒意. But in the end, she held back.

Su Tang patted her shoulder, not saying much to comfort her. Instead, she analyzed the situation and told her that she needed her cooperation during this time.

"No problem," Miss Honeybee said.

That's what she said, but when she saw the Marshal again, she froze.

She remembered the Marshal's appearance, but at that time, she was not in her right mind and didn't understand fear. But now, let alone cooperating, just getting close made her legs go soft.

Su Tang sighed and whispered a few words in her ear before hiding under the shade of a tree in the garden.

Qin Xiao knew she was faking it and walked over with interest. It had been more than half a month since his last visit. During this time, Su Tang had finished feeding the medicine, and most of the people had woken up. The reason she didn't make her move was that she was waiting for Qin Xiao.

The dean was still the same as last time, holding a handkerchief in his hand and following Qin Xiao nervously. Before he could even start his flattery, the little guide glared at him with anger and shouted, "Where's my little brother! You old geezer, where did you take him?" As she spoke, she picked up a branch from somewhere, pointed it at the dean, and started whipping him without hesitation.

The branch landed on the dean's face, leaving a bright red welt that was particularly glaring. It also instantly shattered the dean's image of honesty and integrity. He flew into a rage, pointing at the stunned security guards and screaming, "What are you waiting for? Seize her!"

Su Tang took the opportunity to slip past them and straight to Qin Xiao's side.

In three seconds, she had Qin Xiao's pistol in her hand. Her movements were swift and imposing, all done in one fluid motion.


The bullet hit the dean between the eyebrows. Blood trickled down his cheek as he collapsed.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden turn of events, except for Qin Xiao, who raised an eyebrow.

Su Tang didn't return the gun. Instead, she used it to take down a few security guards who were reacting. Of course, as soon as she made a move, the other twenty-plus cured sentinels also took action. Soon, the security guards were wiped out, and the nursing home was stained with blood.

It took less than five minutes, a clear sign of premeditation.

Qin Xiao whistled, looking at her playfully. "This is the first time I've seen my little guardian so capable."

Su Tang stepped on the blood and saw two guards standing in front of her, vigilance etched on their faces.

"Don't worry, I still need Marshal Qin's cooperation," she said, tossing the gun back to him.

Qin Xiao caught the gun and examined it. There were twenty bullets in it, and she had hit every shot. Such skill would make her stand out even in the military.

"It seems I haven't given Miss Man-eater a welcome gift yet." He licked his teeth and tossed the gun back to her. "Consider this a gift."

Su Tang took the gun and clicked her tongue. "Just a gun? Why don't you throw in some bullets while you're at it? Don't think I don't know. I heard that the Marshal's gun is custom-made. These bullets aren't available on the market."

Qin Xiao acted surprised and gave a harmless smile. "Ah, is that so? Then I guess it'll have to wait until next time we meet."

At least she had secured their next meeting with the gun. Su Tang wasn't picky and put it away. "By the way, can I borrow a car?"

"What do you have in mind?" Qin Xiao asked with interest.

"I want to go home and take a bath. Would Marshal Qin like to join me?"

She narrowed her eyes with a sly smile, her words an invitation, but her demeanor was like a little beast luring its prey back to its den.

She had to admit, this side of her was very much to Qin Xiao's liking.

Beautiful and dangerous, she made him want to accept the challenge.

In this life, Su Tang's name was Su Ye, an orphan. She was gentle in public but a man-eater in private. She tore down the facade she had maintained and revealed her dangerous side without reservation. This was to prepare everyone for what was to come, so as not to scare anyone too much.

"Dog, tell me everything about that person on Planet Cerro."

Although she had completed the missions in the past, she was never interested in anything beyond the task at hand. All she knew was a rough outline, such as Su Ye's identity as the cannon fodder sister of the female lead, who tried to climb into bed with the male lead and ended up stabbed to death. Then, not long ago, she learned that the pharmacist on Planet Cerro was the real female lead of this world.


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