Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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v3c2: Guardian of the Ferocious Beast [2]

Miss Little Bee buzzed around Su Tang tirelessly. After half an hour, she suddenly stopped, her face crumpling with disappointment.

"What's wrong?" Su Tang asked.

Miss Little Bee whined, "You really are broken! I've been collecting honey with you for ages, and I'm still not full!"

Su Tang, "…No, I'm not broken. I just hid the honey earlier. Wait here, I'll go get it for you."

Miss Little Bee's face lit up instantly.

"Then hurry up, I'll wait here for you."

It was breakfast time, and Su Tang was hungry herself. She had planned to grab two portions and eat in the sun. However, upon reaching the dining hall, she realized that in this interstellar world, the poor couldn't afford delicacies. They only had nutrient solutions!

What a depressing turn of events!

In her previous missions, as a high-level therapist and guardian to several influential figures, she had never lacked money!

Dazed, she took two bottles of nutrient solution, handing one to Miss Little Bee. She forced down the remaining one, fighting back the nausea. The experience only strengthened her resolve to escape this dreadful place. If she stayed any longer, she feared she might actually go insane.

With Miss Little Bee appeased, a commotion erupted in the dining hall.

A sentinel in a hospital gown suddenly flew into a rage, yelling and smashing everything around him. His face was contorted with fury, his eyes bloodshot.

"This food is poisoned! You're trying to poison me! Do you have any idea who I am?! You insolent fools…"

Before he could finish his tirade, medical personnel arrived, armed with sedatives. A single dose silenced him instantly. The entire incident lasted less than ten minutes, and everyone seemed accustomed to such outbursts. They continued their work impassively, occasionally scolding "unruly" patients.

Su Tang observed the scene with detachment. Beside her, Miss Little Bee trembled, seemingly terrified of the needles.

As a high-level therapist, her expertise wasn't limited to mental breakdowns. If she wished, she could diagnose other illnesses, including Miss Little Bee's condition. Out of boredom, she initiated a scan, and the results left her stunned.

"Dog, something's not right," she murmured, a humorless laugh escaping her lips. "Then again, proper care facilities ensure patients live out their natural lifespans. It's these shady practices that lead to unexpected deaths."

Maintaining the original host's life required energy, and the stingy system would undoubtedly opt for the cheapest solution.

Understanding dawned, and a sense of calm settled over her.

Miss Little Bee was still scared, so Su Tang led her to a secluded corner. Fate had brought them together, she might as well see if she could help the girl.

Su Tang possessed immense mental strength. She had once simultaneously calmed ten Class A sentinels experiencing mental breakdowns. Logically, unless Miss Little Bee's condition was extremely severe, she should see some improvement. However, when she channeled her mental energy into the girl, there was no response.

This was highly irregular.

"Dog, scan Miss Little Bee," she instructed.

The system reported, "She's been injected with a suppressant that prevents therapeutic intervention. Additionally, this care facility is suspicious. Be careful. My preliminary scan detected multiple cases similar to Miss Little Bee's."

Su Tang hissed, her eyes narrowing. Although the food here was atrocious, the exorbitant fees of a Class A facility were beyond the reach of ordinary people. Only the wealthy and powerful could afford such luxury.

And where wealth and power resided, darkness and danger followed.

As Su Tang contemplated her next move, a medical staff approached.

"Patient 38, what are you doing here?!"

Staring at the approaching figure, Su Tang asked the system flatly, "Who's 38?"

The system responded, "That's not important right now. I have two pieces of news, one good, one bad. Which do you want to hear first?"

Su Tang refused point-blank, "Neither."

The system clicked its tongue disapprovingly. "Be brave, girl. Refusal is futile." It continued, "The good news is, my scan detected your male lead arriving shortly. The bad news is, you might be facing imminent death."

Su Tang: …

The medical staff herded all the patients back into their rooms. The Marshal was arriving, and they couldn't risk any disturbances from these uncontrollable individuals. Confining them was the safest course of action.

Of course, none of this was explained to the patients. The staff employed brute force, readily using sedatives on anyone who disobeyed.

By the time Qin Xiao arrived, the entire care facility was devoid of patients. The director stood at the entrance, bowing obsequiously.

"Marshal Qin, this way, please."

Qin Xiao stood bathed in sunlight, his golden hair gleaming like the sun. His features were sharp and handsome, his most striking feature being his emerald green eyes, radiating a captivating mix of intensity and roguish charm. He was known for his unruly nature, but he had earned the right to be arrogant.

"I'm here on a personal matter. There's no need for this fuss."

The director, a portly man, paled in comparison to the tall and imposing Marshal, both in stature and presence. He mopped his brow with a handkerchief, stammering, "But Marshal, you are a hero of the Federation. Even for personal matters, please allow me to provide the best service."

Qin Xiao scoffed. He glanced at the deserted care facility, impatience flickering across his face. "Let them all out. It's a beautiful day, don't deprive them of their sunshine."

Despite his noble lineage, Qin Xiao's actions lacked any aristocratic decorum. He possessed a sharp, almost predatory aura. However, no one dared to comment. After all, he was the one who had secured victory in countless battles. He was the hero of the Federation, and anyone who dared to speak ill of him would face the wrath of the masses.

The director dared not object, though beads of sweat continued to form on his forehead. "Of course, of course. It was an oversight on my part. I'll have the patients released immediately."

Su Tang had just been herded back into her room when, moments later, she was ushered out again.

She knew Qin Xiao had arrived. She had intended to hide in a corner of the common room, but for some reason, the medical staff seemed determined to gather all the patients in the garden.

And that was how she found herself face to face with Qin Xiao, surrounded by a throng of people. He had a cigarette dangling from his lips, unlit, but his expression held his usual arrogance.

Their eyes met.

The air around Su Tang seemed to still. Maintaining her facade of insanity, she calmly averted her gaze, pulled Miss Little Bee along, and found a sunny spot to settle down.

Qin Xiao froze for a fraction of a second, the cigarette fell from his lips. He raised his legs, and strode towards her.

His gaze was unreadable, making the director sweat even more profusely. "Marshal Qin, is…is there anything I can assist you with?"

"I spotted an old friend."

His lips curved into a smirk, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down the director's spine.

Qin Xiao: Sexy Marshal?


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